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[rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Previous Document: Skit - BEE STING
Next Document: Skit - CAMP COFFEE SKETCH
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You can ham this up a bit, but here's the gist of it.

Two scouts enter (one on all fours if conditions allow) and move
across stage as the skit proceeds.  One is the mule and the other
is the driver.  A narrator stands just offstage.

Narrator:       "In the heat of the Mojave Desert, the mule driver
pushes his beast toward town.  The first day. . ."

Mule:           "Water, master, water!"

Driver: "Patience, Jackass, Patience!"

Narrator:       "Still they drive on relentlessly. The second day. . ."

Mule:           "Water, master, water!"

Driver: "Patience, Jackass, Patience!"

Narrator:       "Without mercy, they push to their goal.
The third day. . ."
Mule:           "Water, master, water!"

Driver: "Patience, Jackass, Patience!"

Narrator:       "Still far from town, they go on.  The fifth day. . ."

Voice offstage: "What happened to the fourth day?"

Driver: "Patience, Jackass, Patience!"

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Previous Document: Skit - BEE STING
Next Document: Skit - CAMP COFFEE SKETCH

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM