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[rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Section - What should I include on my pages ?

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Previous Document: What about "Netscape Enhancements?"
Next Document: Should I include names on my pages ?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
This of course depends on the type of page you are preparing, but
in general, you should mention whether or not your page is
"official".  Again, look at other pages for ideas.

BSA members should note that BSA does not support any official use 
of the InterNet beyond its own informational page.  Read this 
<a href="">
disclaimer</a> from BSA which appeared about 9 months before its
web site appeared.  Because it has no control over the content of
any page other than its own (and perhaps eventually, official pages 
by local councils), don't expect BSA to recognize any web sites.

    E-mail Address:
Be sure to include your name and e-mail address for feedback,
or better, if possible, include a mail form or a "mailto:" link.  
But don't leave off the email address, because not everyone will have
forms support, or some folks will see only a printout of your page.

    Return to Home Page:
Include an anchor or button that will allow a visitor to return
to your home page.  Some browsers reportedly don't handle back ups
very well; even more likely, someone may come in from another path.  
For example, if you have a council-level page, it may get listed 
separately from your unit home page in some of the master lists, so 
some visitors to the council page may not be aware of your home page.

    What's New
To encourage return visitors, have a What's New page so that they
can see what's been added since their last visit without having to
go through everything else.  For those sites with a What's New page,
I will save a bookmark to that page so that I can go there directly.
But, if you have a What's New page, be sure to use it.  Otherwise, I
won't know what you've added and won't know to look for it.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Previous Document: What about "Netscape Enhancements?"
Next Document: Should I include names on my pages ?

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Alan Houser)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM