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[rec.scouting.*] Leader Hints (FAQ 13)
Section - The Cub scout promise in other languages

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 Yo prometo hacer todo lo posible para
 cumplir con mis deberes para con Dios y
 mi patria, para ayudar a los demas y obedecer
 la Ley del Pack.

La promesse du Louveteau:
 Je promets de faire mon devoir de mon
 mieux envers Diey et ma patrie, d'etre
 honnete et d'obeir aux lois de mon groupe.

Unser Versprechen heisst:
 Ich verspreche mein Bestes zu tun fur
 Gott and mein Vaterland, erlich zu sein
 und das Meutegesetz zu befolgen.

La promessa del Lupetto:
 Io prometto di fare il possible, di fare il
 mio doverse a Dio e alla nazione di andare
 diritto e di obbedire la Legge del Gruppo.

Lupaus                          The promise
Lupaan parhaani mukaan          I promise to do my best
rakastaa Jumalaani,             to love my God,
toteuttaa sudenpentujen lakia   to keep the cub law
ja olla toisille avuksi         and to help other people
joka paiva.                     every day.

Ich verscpreche so gut ich kann,
ein gutes Wichtel / guter Woelfling
zu sein, nach dem Gesetz zu leben
und bitte Gott, mir dabei zu helfen.

In the last word, you should have two little dots on each "a", but I
seem to be unable to find this letter from my keyboard right now...

The "wolf cubs", "sudenpennut" in Finnish, are scouts aged 7-10. They
are organized as packs ("lauma"), there is usually 2 or 3 packs in every
troop ("lippukunta"). Cubs have weekly meetings, sometimes excursions and
campouts, They learn scouting and every day skills following a program,
which is right now changing, so I will tell more about it next year...

  Although officially there is a cub scout promise,
  cub leaders are discouraged to use them, because at
  the cub scout age, kids are just too young to keep
  the promise seriously. Leaders are however encouraged
  to set up their individual pack law.

[Note: More information on how cub scouting is lived in foreign countries
 can be found in FAQ#2 'Scouting around the World' -- Danny]

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM