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Einstein (1905) Absurdities
Section - 12. The "how does an absurd SR work" non-absurdity.

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Top Document: Einstein (1905) Absurdities
Previous Document: 11. The Twins Paradox absurdity.
Next Document: 13. The "strange effects of nothing" absurdities.
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If you have understood the ratio versus interval scale
discussion, you know a lot of it already.

(a) anytime SR uses a difference of transformed values
it creates ratio scale data out of the degraded interal
scale data. Most of SR does just that in practice. We
have shown that such ratio scale data is 'just' rescaled
galilean data.

(b) as often as not it is E=mc^2 that is what is meant
about SR working. Even if it is true that it is basic
SR - and there are some who say that identity was known
before Einstein - it has nothing directly to do with
the derivation and transform absurdities.

(c) sometimes it is meant that instead of galilean
force, F, being F=ma, it is the relativistic force
equation that is supported daily at every second of
the day at accelerators like CERN. However, F=ma
came from long before accelerators and Maxwell,
and non-relativistic force models exist that at
least come much closer than F=ma.

(d) to show that Einstein's work is absurd in no way
says that his Second Principle is wrong, only that
his implementation is absurd. A correct implementation
may be much closer to T'=T/g than to T'=T, etc. This
would still require differences of the interval data
to be used, unless there is some true, non-distorting
ratio scale transform available.

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Top Document: Einstein (1905) Absurdities
Previous Document: 11. The Twins Paradox absurdity.
Next Document: 13. The "strange effects of nothing" absurdities.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM