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[comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!
Section - 8. Won't registering make me an easy target for spammers?

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Top Document: [comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!
Previous Document: 7. Why do I have to register to post?
Next Document: 9. How can I register a munged address?
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Many potential readers raised this concern during the process of
creating clpmod.  It is our desire to make clpmod as useful as possible
to as many people as possible, and the threat of spam outweighs the
potential usefulness for some people.  We promised to support header
munging until a better solution to the spam problem comes along.

After posting to the group for the first time, the response you receive
will outline exactly how to go about arranging to munge your From:
header.  To register a munged address before posting, bug a moderator.

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Top Document: [comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!
Previous Document: 7. Why do I have to register to post?
Next Document: 9. How can I register a munged address?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM