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Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Section - PCMCIA FAX/Modems and Suspend/Resume

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[C] From: Paul Gallivan <>
Subject: Re: Win95 SR2 and Aero?

>I just bought a desktop PC that came with Win95 SR2. One of the features
>intrigued me: it wakes up the computer (assuming it was in standby) when
>the modem detects a ring. Now, what an intersting feature for a portable
>Has anyone tried this on a laptop or even on his/her Aero? I mean, I
>know you're not supposed to do this since the SR2 comes only with a new
>PC, but well...
The feature is already there. In the Compaq PCMCIA control panel deselect
"force power off slot in standby" then run a fax recieve program, let it go
into standby, and send it a fax. See what happens.

I just got an Angia SafeJack 19.2 PCMCIA FAX/modem and am having problems with
the Aero crashing (hard) when coming out of Suspend in Windows if I have it set
to turn off power to the PCMCIA card during Suspend.

After talking with Angia Tech Support, and Compaq Tech Support, I've found that
I'm basically out of luck. Tried some stuff with the Compaq guy on the phone
with me, and ended up at the conclusion that I have to keep power applied to
the card.

[A] I am seeing similar bad behavior with a USR Worldport 14400 modem. The
machine crashes if I insert the card while windows is running. Removing the
card does it sometimes. Suspend/Resume does it always. If I exit windows to
insert/remove, things go fine.

[A] I now have an XJACK 1144 and it's showing the same problem the Angia had --
if I access it with some comm program, quit the program, and put the machine
into suspend, it will crash when I try to resume unless I remove the modem
first. By crash I mean black text-screen, Ctrl-Alt-Del or power to regain

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM