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Name: Kongeriget Danmark Telephone country code: 45 Area: 43,075 km² / 16,631 sq mi. Terrain: low and flat to gently rolling plains Highest point: Yding Skovhøj, 173 m (568 ft) Natural resources: crude oil, natural gas, fish, salt, limestone Land boundaries: Germany Population: 5,163,955 (1992) Population density: 119.9 persons per km² (310.5 per sq mi.) Distribution: 84% urban, 16% rural (1989) Life expectancy: women 78; men 72 (1992) Infant mortality: 7 per 1,000 live births (1992) Capital: København (Copenhagen) (pop. 467,850) [ pop. of Metropolitan area: 1.4 million ] (1989) Other major towns: Århus (245,000), Odense (170,000), Ålborg (154,000) Administrative units: 14 counties (amter) Flag: white cross on red background (the "Dannebrog") Type: Constitutional monarchy Head of state: Queen Margrethe II National anthem: Der er et yndigt land (Sound) Royal anthem: Kong Christian stod ved højen mast Languages: Danish Currency: krone (Danish crown, DKK) for the current exchange rate, see the URL <> Climate: temperate sea-climate average temperature in Copenhagen: -3°C - 2°C in Feb., and 14°C - 22°C in June Religion: Evangelic-Lutheran (91%, 1988) (official state-religion) Exports: meat, dairy products, fish, machinery, electronics,chemicals, furnitu re User Contributions:Section Contents
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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