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Computer Music bibliography

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Version: $Id: bibliography,v 1.39 1996/02/05 14:36:15 piet Exp $

This is a bibliography on synthesizers, midi, computer and electronic music
that I have collected from various sources. I have tried to bring some
structure into it, but not all books will fit into a single subject.
NOTE: I haven't read these books, and the comments are from other people.
On some of them I lost the original commentor's name. Sorry about that. If
you have additions or correction to this information, please mail me.  The
latest version of this file can be obtained by ftp from
[] in MIDI/DOC/bibliography or by mail from (send a message with HELP in the body).

There is a more scientifically-oriented bibliography available in the
Computer Music Journal archives, on the ftp sites
/pub/Computer-Music-Journal/EdNotes or
/pub/Publications/cmj/EdNotes. Some references in this file that belong in
that category will be removed in the future.

A bibliography on alternate tunings can be found on in
------------------------------------ MIDI ------------------------------------

The most-up-to-date printed specs for General MIDI, MIDI, and the MIDI
file format can also be obtained for a few bucks from:
	International MIDI Association
	23634 Emelita Street
	Woodland Hills, California 91367  USA

    Title: Computer music in C / Phil Winsor & Gene DeLisa.
Publisher: Blue Ridge Summit, PA : TAB Books (Windcrest label), c1991.
 Subjects: Computer sound processing.
           Computer composition.
           C (Computer program language)
	   Midi programming
     ISBN: 0-8306-3637-4 (p) : $22.95
It has a C source disk for the PC available for $25.
    Title: Mind over MIDI / edited by Dominic Milano ; by the editors
	    of Keyboard magazine.
Publisher: Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard Books, c1987.
Series:    The Keyboard magazine basic library
Or:        Keyboard synthesizer library.
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard)
           Computer sound processing.
     ISBN: 0-88188-551-7 (pbk.) : $12.95

  The book consists mostly of reprints of KEYBOARD magazine
  articles from the early-mid '80s plus several appendixes containing
  the MIDI 1.0 specification, a list of references, a glossary, etc.

    Title: Macworld Music and Sound Bible / Christopher Yavelow
Publisher: IDG books, 1993 (probably out of print)
 Subjects: Computer sound processing.
           Macintosh computers--Programming.
     ISBN: 1-878058-18-5
    Title: MIDI- und sound-buch zum Atari ST. English
    Title: MIDI and sound book for the Atari ST / Bernd Enders and
	    Wolfgang Klemme.
Publisher: Redwood City, Calif. : M & T Pub., c1989.
 Subjects: Computer music--Instruction and study.
           Computer sound processing.
           MIDI (Standard)
           Atari ST computers--Programming.
     ISBN: 1-55851-042-7 : $17.95
    Title: Atari ST Introduction to MIDI Programming / Len Dorfman and
	    Dennis Young
     ISBN: 0-916439-77-1
Publisher: Bantam Books,Inc.:  666 5th Avenue New York,New York 10103
    Title: Music through MIDI : using MIDI to create your own
	    electronic music system / Michael Boom.
Publisher: Redmond, Wash. : Microsoft Press, c1987.
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard)
 Subjects: Musical instruments, Electronic.
 Subjects: Electronic music--Instruction and study.
 Subjects: Computer sound processing.
     ISBN: 1-55615-026-1 (pbk.) : $19.95
    Title: The MIDI drummer : by a drummer for a drummer-- / by David
Publisher: Newbury Park, CA : Alexander Pub., c1987.
 Subjects: Electronic percussion instruments--Instruction and study.
           MIDI (Standard)
    Title: MIDI for guitarists / by Bob Ward and Marty Cutler ;
Publisher: London ; New York : Amsco Publications ; New York, NY, USA
	    : Exclusive distributors Music Sales Corp., c1988.
 Subjects: Electric guitar--Instruction and study.
           MIDI (Standard)
     ISBN: 0-8256-1126-1 (U.S.)
    Title: MIDI for musicians / by Craig Anderton.
Publisher: New York : Amsco Publications, c1986.
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard)
           Computer sound processing.
     ISBN: 0-8256-1050-8 (pbk.)
     ISBN: 0-8256-2214-X (pbk. : cover)
    Title: MIDI guitar : a complete applications directory for the
	    modern guitarist / [by Rey Sanchez ; forward [sic] by
	    Randy Bernsen].
Publisher: Miami, FL : CPP/Belwin, c1988.
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard)
           Computer sound processing.
           Electric guitar.
     ISBN: 0-89898-544-7 : $15.95
    Title: Midi guitar and synthesis : the basics of guitar synthesis
	    / by Paul Youngblood.
Publisher: Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard Pub. Co., c1989.
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard)
           Computer sound processing.
           Electric guitar.
     ISBN: 0-88188-886-9 : $14.95
    Title: The MIDI home studio / by Howard Massey.
Publisher: London ; New York : Amsco Publications ; New York, NY, USA
	    : Music Sales Corp. [distributor], c1988.
     ISBN: 0-8256-1127-X (U.S.)
    Title: The MIDI manual / David Miles Huber.
Publisher: Carmel, Ind., USA : Howard W. Sams, c1991.
     ISBN: 0-672-22757-6, 250pp.
    Title: Making music with your computer / from the editors of Electronic 
                musician magazine ; edited by David (Rudy) Trubitt.
Publisher: Emeryville, CA : EMBooks ; [Milwaukee, WI] : H. Leonard, 1993.
 Subjects: Computer music --Instruction and study.
           MIDI (Standard)
     ISBN: 079351990X (pbk.)
     NOTE: "A practical guide to: MIDI, digital recording, music software, 
                sequencing, notation"
    Title: The Desktop musician, Creating music with your computer / 
							   David M. Rubin 
Publisher: Osborne/Mac-Graw Hill Berkeley 1995
     NOTE:  includes a CD with demos for PC/MAC
    Title: The MIDI programmer's handbook / Steve De Furia and Joe
	    Scacciaferro, Ferro Technologies.
Publisher: Redwood City, Calif. : M&T Pub., c1989.
     ISBN: 1-55851-068-0, 250 pp.  Paperback. $24.95 Mix Bookshelf part # 3539C

*** This book is now out of print ***

New, advanced MIDI desk reference is perfect for programmers and MIDI power
users.  The heart of the book is a summary and explanation of every MIDI
command, in hex, binary, decimal and English.  Also features detailed
discussion of software design concerns, synchronization formats, MTC,
sample dump, MIDI files and system exclusive processing.

It discusses writing software to handle MIDI information at the application
level.  In other words, they assume you have already written or otherwise
obtained access to the necessary code to talk to your hardware to send and
receive the MIDI data.  This approach frees the entire discussion from
being tied to any particular hardware or programming approach.  Instead, it
spends its time on that which is valuable to the experienced programmer.
Issues such as MIDI file format, timing (SMPTE, MTC, etc), parsing MIDI
data and processing it, MIDI sample dump standard, etc. are all handled in
fine detail.

Contains complete documentation of MIDI commands implemented by more than
200 instruments.  This data has come directly from hardware manufacturers
and allows you to find MIDI functions of specific instruments, compare
features of similar instruments and choose equipment to meet specific
applications.  A standard, one-page implementation chart is used for each
product.  ISBN ISBN 0-88188-558-4, 1986, 216 pp. $19.95

Mix Bookshelf, 1-800-233-9604 (US & Canada).  Doesn't say who publishes
it, and its terribly out-dated (1986), but they might have published
another addition by now.

The MIDI System Exclusive Book by Steve De Furia and Joe Scacciaferra,
Third Earth Productions, Pompton Lakesm N.J. Distributed by Hal 
Leonard Books. ISBN ISBN 0-88188-586-x (1987)

The MIDI Resource Book.  Same guys. ISBN 0-88188-587-8

    Title: MIDI programming for the Macintosh / Steve De Furia and Joe
Publisher: Redwood City, CA : M&T Books, 1988.
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard)
           Computer sound processing.
           Macintosh (Computer)--Programming.
     ISBN: 1-55851-021-4 : $22.95
     ISBN: 1-55851-022-2 (book & disk) : $39.95
     ISBN: 1-55851-023-0 (disk) : $20.00
    Title: C Programming for MIDI / Jim Conger.
Publisher: Redwood City, Calif. : M&T Books, 1989.
		501 Galveston Drive Redwood City, CA 94063
 Subjects: MIDI, C, sequencing 

This book shows how to use the basic features of an MPU-401 interface.
Includes a disk with MS-DOS code.

    Title: MIDI sequencing in C / Jim Conger.
Publisher: Redwood City, Calif. : M&T Books, 1989.
		501 Galveston Drive Redwood City, CA 94063
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard)
           C (Computer program language)
           Sequential processing (Computer science)
     ISBN: 1-55851-045-1 (book) : $24.95
     ISBN: 1-55851-047-8 (disk) : $20.00
     ISBN: 1-55851-046-X (set) : $39.95

This book continues where the provious one lefts off.

    Title: MIDI systems and control / Francis Rumsey.
Publisher: London ; Boston : Focal Press, 1990.
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard)
           Computer sound processing.
     ISBN: 0-240-51300-2 : $14.95 (U.S.)
    Title: MIDI, the ins, outs & thrus / by Jeff Rona ; edited by
	    Ronny S. Schiff.
Publisher: Milwaukee, Wis. : H. Leonard Books, c1987.
    Notes: "A complete guide to the understanding, use, and buying of
	    MIDI instruments"--Cover.
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard)
           Computer sound processing.
     ISBN: 0-88188-560-6 (pbk.) : $12.95
    Title: MIDI : a comprehensive introduction / Joseph Rothstein.
Publisher: Madison, Wis. : A-R Editions, c1992.   
 Subjects: MIDI (Standard) 
   Series: The Computer music and digital audio series ; v. 7
     ISBN: 0-89579-258-3 : $39.95
    Title: Making the Most of Midi / by Paul Overaa
Publisher: Bookmark Publishing (+44 (0)1525 713671)
 Subjects: General MIDI; programming MIDI messages.
     ISBN: 1-85550-006-X : UKP 14.95

   Microsoft Press put out a book on midi programming.  I
   think that this is rather a weak book, but it might serve
   as an introduction for non-computer folk.
   Several other books are out that were written by musicians.
   They are interesting as a intro to using midi, but contain
   a dearth of info from my perspective.  As a programmer, I
   have the wrong perspective to sort these out.

Real Time MIDI performance interfaces
	Dannenberg, " accompaniment..."  ICMC87, ICMC85(??)
	(maybe "Bloch and Dannenberg", don't have it handy)
	X. Chabot ??

--------------------------------- SYNTHESIS ----------------------------------

    Title: Build a better music synthesizer / Thomas Henry.
Publisher: Blue Ridge Summit, PA : Tab Books, c1987.
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)--Construction.6
     ISBN: 0-8306-0255-0 : $17.95
     ISBN: 0-8306-2755-3 (pbk.) : $11.45
    Title: Musical applications of microprocessors, 2nd ed. / Hal Chamberlin.
Publisher: Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. : Hayden Book Co., c1985.
 Subjects: Computer music--Instruction and study.
 Subjects: Computer composition.
 Subjects: Microprocessors.
     ISBN: 0-8104-5768-7

I have seen two editions: mine from the early 80's, and a hardback
that my friend has from the late 80's.  His has 68000 assember
for an FFT routine.

This covers analog and digital sound synthesis from an experimenter's
perspective, not much math, lots of algorithms and circuits.  If you want
to solder and program in your garage and make lots of weird sounds, this is
the bible.  Lots of BASIC programs, but they're very short, just to
demonstrate algorithms.  It's a few years old now and the electronic
devices used in the book are dated, but the explanations and principles are
still valid.  It discusses things such as real time synthesis, play back of
stored soundwaves, sampling, running multiple D-As in parallel, software
for computing soundwaves (it even covers Fast Fourier Transforms) and more.

    Title: Computer music : synthesis, composition, and performance /
	    Charles Dodge, Thomas A. Jerse.
Publisher: New York : Schirmer Books, c1985.
 Subjects: Computer music--Instruction and study.
           Computer composition.
     ISBN: 0-02-873100-X
    Title: Elements of computer music / F. Richard Moore.
Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1990.
 Subjects: Computer sound processing.
 Subjects: Computer music--Instruction and study.
     ISBN: 0-13-252552-6

Lots of stuff on software synthesis, and more, all centered around cmusic
This book is very good: "A synthesist's Guide to Acoustic Instruments"
Amsco Publications,New York, 1987

author: H.Massey

I found the Howard Massey "Synthesists Guide to Acoustic Instruments"
to be a pretty good book for general synthesizer knowledge, mostly
because it doesn't try to explain the specifics of a synth.
...David Elliott | ...!{uunet,mips}!sonyusa!dce
Schottstaedt, Bill. "The Simulation of Natural Instrument Tones Using
Frequency Modulation with a Complex Modulating Wave." Computer Music
Journal 1, 4 (1977): 46-50.
also in:
Roads, Curtis and John Strawn, ed.The Foundations of Computer Music.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985.
J. Chowning
"The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Frequency
J. Audio Eng. Soc. 21, no. 7 (1973):526-534
[This is the standard reference.]
J. Chowning and D. Bristow
"FM Theory and Applications by Musicians for Musicians"
Yamaha Music Foundation, Tokyo, 1986
ISBN 4-636-17482-8
[Could be difficult to find. Maybe Mix bookshelf - see above]
Marc LeBrun
"A derivation of the Spectrum of FM with a Complex Modulating Wave."
Computer Music Journal Volume 1, Number 4. 1977, pages 51-52.
Also in Roads and Strawn, Foundations of Computer Music.
Marc LeBrun
"Digital Waveshaping Synthesis"
Journal of the AES, 27(4), 1979: 250-266
J.A. Moorer
"The synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Discrete
 Summation Formulae"
Music Department, Stanford U., 1975 (Report no. STAN-M-5.)
Moore, F. Richard. "Table Lookup Noise for Sinusoidal Digital Oscillators."
     Computer Music Journal 1, 2 (1977): 26-29. Reprinted in Curtis Roads,
     ed. _Foundations of Computer Music_ (MIT Press, 1985).
Chareyron, J. "Digital Synthesis of Self-modifying
Waveforms by Means of Linear Automata", Computer
Music Journal, Vol 14 No. 4, 1990.

    Title: The Art of Noises / Luigi Russolo.
Publisher: Pendragon Press, Stuyvesant, New York, 1986.
     ISBN: 0-918728-57-6.
    Title: Formalized Music, Revised edition / Iannis Xenakis
Publisher: Pendragon Press, Stuyvesant, New York, 1992.
     ISBN: 0-945192-24-6.
    Title: The synthesizer / John Bates.
Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, Music Dept., 1988.
Series Name: Oxford topics in music
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)--Juvenile literature.
           Musical instruments, Electronic--Juvenile literature.
           Computer music--History and criticism--Juvenile literature.
           Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
           Musical instruments, Electronic.
           Computer music--History and criticism.
     ISBN: 0-19-321337-0
    Title: The synthesizer and electronic keyboard handbook / David
	    Crombie ; [foreword by Thomas Dolby].
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Knopf : Distributed by Random House, 1984.
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)--Instruction and study.
           Electronic keyboard (Synthesizer)
     ISBN: 0-394-72711-8 (pbk.) : $13.95
     ISBN: 0-394-54084-0 : $25.00
    Title: Synthesizer basics / by Dean Friedman.
Publisher: New York : Amsco Publications : Exclusive distributor,
	    Music Sales Corp., c1986.
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
     ISBN: 0-8256-2409-6 (pbk.)
    Title: Synthesizer basics / by the editors of Keyboard magazine.
Publisher: Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard Pub. Corp., c1984.
Series Name: The Keyboard synthesizer library ; v. 1
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)--Instruction and study.
           Electronic music--Instruction and study.
     ISBN: 0-88188-289-5 (pbk.) : $8.95
    Title: Synthesizer basics / edited by Brent Hurtig from the pages
	    of Keyboard magazine. (rev. ed)
Publisher: Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard Books, c1988.
Series Name: The Keyboard magazine basic library
    Notes: Cover subtitle: The musician's reference for creating,
	    performing, and recording electronic music.
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)--Instruction and study.
           Electronic music--Instruction and study.
     ISBN: 0-88188-714-5 (pbk.) : $12.95
    Title: Synthesizer orchestration : a creative approach for the
	    arranger and synthesist includes cassette recording of
	    musical examples / by Steve Quinzi.
Publisher: Miami Fla. : Studio 224, c1987.
    Title: Synthesizer programming / edited by Dominic Milano ; by the
	    editors of Keyboard magazine.
Publisher: Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard Books, c1987.
Series Name: Keyboard synthesizer library
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
     ISBN: 0-88188-550-9 (pbk.)
    Title: Synthesizer technique / by the editors of Keyboard
Publisher: Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard Books, c1987.
Series Name: The Keyboard synthesizer library
Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
     ISBN: 0-88188-715-3 (pbk.) : $12.95
    Title: Casio FZ-1 & FZ-10M digital sampling synthesizer : the
                      essential guide to practical applications / Joe
                      Scacciaferro, Steve DeFuria.

Publisher: Milwaukee, WI, USA : Hal Leonard Books, c1988.
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
     ISBN: 0-88188-967-9 : $14.95
    Title: Synthesizermusik und Live-Elektronik : geschichtliche,
	    technologische, kompositorische und padagogische Aspekte
	    der elektronischen Musik / Gunther Batel, Dieter Salbert.
Publisher: Wolfenbuttel : Moseler, c1985.
 Subjects: Electronic music--Instruction and study.
           Computer music--Instruction and study.
           Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
     ISBN: 3-7877-3534-8
    Title: Synthesizers and computers / by the editors of Keyboard
Publisher: Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard Pub. Corp., c1985.
Series Name: The Keyboard synthesizer library ; v. 3
    Notes: Contributions by Bob Moog and others.
    Title: Synthesizers and computers / edited by Brent Hurtig.
Publisher: Milwaukee, Wis. : H. Leonard Pub. Corp., c1987.
Series Name: Keyboard magazine basic library
 Subjects: Computer music--Instruction and study.
           Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
           MIDI (Standard)
     ISBN: 0-88188-716-1 (pbk.) : $12.95
    Title: Electronic music: a handbook of sound synthesis & control
	    [by] M. L. Eaton.
Publisher: [Kansas City, Mo., ORCUS, 1969]
Series Name: ORCUS technical publication, TP-3003
 Subjects: Electro-acoustics.
           Electronic music--Instruction and study.
    Title: Electronic music circuits / by Barry Klein.
Publisher: Indianapolis, Ind. : H.W. Sams, c1982.
Series Name: Blacksburg continuing education series
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)--Construction.
           Electronic circuits.
     ISBN: 0-672-21833-X (pbk.) : $16.95
    Title: Electronic projects for musicians / by Craig Anderton
Publisher: Saratoga, CA : Guitar Player Productions, c1975.
 Subjects: Musical instruments, Electronic.
     ISBN: 0-89122-011-9 : $6.95
    Title: Electronic music synthesizers / by Delton T. Horn.
Publisher: Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. : Tab Books, c1980.
 Subjects: Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
     ISBN: 0-8306-9722-5 : $9.95
     ISBN: 0-8306-1167-3 (pbk.) : $5.95
    Title: Electronic music technology / NRI.
Publisher: Washington, D.C. : McGraw-Hill Continuing Education Center,
 Subjects: Oscillators, Electric--Programmed instruction.
           Musical instruments, Electronic--Programmed instruction.
   Author: Kettelkamp, Larry.
    Title: Electronic musical instruments : what they do, how they
	    work / Larry Kettelkamp ; foreword by Herbert Deutsch.
Publisher: New York : W. Morrow, 1984.
    Notes: Explains the principles of electronic music, discusses the
	    uses of such electronic instruments as oscillators,
	    synthesizers, electronic organs, and sound processors, and
	    gives advice on performing and recording electronic music.
 Subjects: Musical instruments, Electronic.
           Musical instruments, Electronic.
           Electronic music.
     ISBN: 0-688-02781-4
    Title: The Art of electronic music / compiled by Tom Darter ;
	    edited by Greg Armbruster.
Publisher: New York : Quill, c1984.
    Notes: "...Edited from material originally published in Keyboard
	    magazine from 1975 to 1983"--T.p. verso.
 Subjects: Electronic music--History and criticism.
           Musical instruments, Electronic.
           Synthesizer (Musical instrument)
     ISBN: 0-688-03106-4 (pbk.) : $15.95
     ISBN: 0-688-03105-6
    Title: The liberation of sound : an introduction to electronic
                      music / by Herbert Russcol ; new introduction by Otto
                      Luening ; preface by Jacques Barzun.
Publisher: New York : Da Capo Press, 1994.
Series   : Da Capo Press music reprint series
    Notes: Reprint. Originally published: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :
 Subjects: Electronic music--History and criticism.
     ISBN: 0-306-76263-3 : $35.00

---------------------------- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -----------------------------

Moorer, James A. and Grey, John: "Lexicon of Analyzed Tones"; 
Computer Music Journal, volume 1 Number 2, volume 1 number 3, 
volume 2 number 2, volume 2 number 3, and continuing

The first installment of the lexicon was an analysis of a violin tone.
The second analyzed Clarinet and Oboe tones, and the third presented an
analysis of a trumpet tone.

These analyses included spectral plots (time versus amplitude for the first
21 partials), spectrographic plots (frequency versus amplitude), and amplitude
and frequency versus time plots for the first sixteen partials.  Additional
information is given about formants of the instruments and the analysis
and resynthesis methods which the authors used (The analysis was done with
a Heterodyne Filter algorithm).  While the authors claim that the tones
were resynthesized and were nearly indistinguishable from the originals, they
ARE only single, specific notes played on a specific example of the original
instrument, so, while they would be a good starting point for re-synthesis of
an instrument, they are by no means sufficient.  

    Title: The acoustical foundations of music / John Backus.
  Edition: 2d ed.
Publisher: New York : Norton, c1977.
 Subjects: Music--Acoustics and physics.
     ISBN: 0-393-09096-5 : $10.95
Author   : Douglas, Alan
Title    : Electronic Musical Instrument Manual
Published: Pitman, London, 1968
	   Originally published in 1947 !! So this is a historical book

-------------------------------- COMPOSITION ---------------------------------

    Title: Electronic music composition for beginners / Robert Train
Publisher: Dubuque, Iowa : Wm. C. Brown, c1986.
Subjects: Electronic composition.
     ISBN: 0-697-00457-0 (pbk.)
    Title: Automated music composition / Phil Winsor.
Publisher: North Texas Press, c1989.  312 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Subjects:  Computer composition. 
	   Computer music--Instruction and study.
	   BASIC (Computer program language)
    Title: Computer composer's toolbox / Phil Winsor.
Publisher: Blue Ridge Summit, PA : Windcrest, c1990.    
Subjects:  Computer composition.
	   BASIC (Computer program language)
    ISBN:  0830633847 : $19.95

------------------------------- COMPUTER MUSIC -------------------------------

Languages for Computer Music/Real Time Control
	Mathews (The Music "N" languages) (No reference handy)
	Dannenberg et al, "Arctic...", CMJ 10(4)
	Dannenberg "Canon", CMJ???, "Fugue" ICMC89
 TITLE:   The music machine : selected readings from "Computer music journal" /
          ed. by Curtis Roads
 IMPRINT: Cambridge, Masschusetts, [etc.] : MIT Press, 1989 * XIV, 725 p. :
          ill. ; 26 cm
 NAMES:   Roads, Curtis
 ISBN:    0-262-18131-2 m

volume published by the International Computer Music Association. San
Francisco: ICMA, 2040 Polk St., Suite 330, San Francisco, CA 94109; USA. 
email:  tel: 817-566-2235 fax: 817-565-4919.

 TITLE:   Informatique et musique : session musicologique de l'International
          computer music conference organisee par l'equipe ERATTO [a] Paris,
          IRCAM, 24 octobre 1984 / [textes reunis et presentes par Helene
 IMPRINT: Ivry-sur-Seine : Elmeratto, 1988 * 145 p. ; 30 cm
 SERIES:  Publications Elmeratto
 NAMES:   Charnasse, Helene * (1984 ; Parijs)
 ISBN:    2-902671-07-5 m
 AUTHOR:  Manning, Peter
 TITLE:   Electronic and computer music / [by] Peter Manning
 IMPRINT: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1988 * VI, 292 p. : ill. ; 22 cm
 ISBN:    0-19-311923-4 m p * 0-19-311918-8 v
 AUTHOR:  Davis, Deta S.
 TITLE:   Computer applications in music : a bibliography / [by] Deta S. Davis
 IMPRINT: Madison, Wisconsin : A-R Editions, 1988 * XVIII, 537 p. ; 24 cm
 SERIES:  The computer music and digital audio series ; vol. 4
 ISBN:    0-89579-225-7		$49.95

 TITLE:   Computer applications in music : a bibliography, supplement 1
	      / Deta S. Davis.
 SERIES:  The Computer music and digital audio series ; v. 10
 AUTHOR:  Bartle, Barton K.
 TITLE:   Computer software in music and music education : a guide / by Barton
          K. Bartle
 IMPRINT: Metuchen, N.J., [etc.] : Scarecrow Press, 1987 * XIV, 252 p. ; 22 cm
 ISBN:    0-8108-2056-0 m
 TITLE:   Foundations of computer music / ed. by Curtis Roads [and] John Strawn
 EDITION: 3rd print.
 IMPRINT: Cambridge, Massachusetts, [etc.] : MIT Press, 1987
 NAMES:   Roads, Curtis * Strawn, John
 ISBN:    0-262-68051-3 (paper) 0-262-18114-2 (hard)
 TITLE:   Computer music / [ed.-in-chief: Anthony I. Wasserman]
 IMPRINT: New York : ACM, 1985 * 120 p. : ill. ; 26 cm
 SERIES:  Computing surveys ; vol. 17, nr. 2. 0360-0300
 NAMES:   Wasserman, Anthony I.
    Title: Computer Music Association source book : activities and
	    resources in computer music / compiled and edited by Craig
	    R. Harris and Stephen T. Pope.
Publisher: [San Francisco, CA, USA] (P.O. Box 1634, San Francisco
	    94101-1634) : The Association, c1987.
 Subjects: Computer Music Association--Directories.
           Computer music--Directories.
           Computer music--History and criticism--Bibliography.
    Title: Computers and musical style / David Cope.
Publisher: Madison, Wis. : A-R Editions, c1991.
   Series: The Computer music and digital audio series ; v. 6
 Subjects: Computer composition.
     ISBN: 0-89579-256-7 (hardcover)

The book includes (LISP) source code to significant parts of his EMI
system (Experiments in Musical Intelligence). For the non-technical reader
there is a brief introduction to LISP programming.  There are numerous
examples of programs applied to examples from musical literature, (Bach,
Mozart, Schubert, Stravinsky and many others). The program produces an
analysis of the regularities in two or more pieces of the same style and
uses these as "signiatures" to generate a new piece in that style. Cope's
methodology is derived from a mixture of classical AI (or rule based)
models and linguistic grammars (Augmented Transition Network).

The results are interesting and can be remarkable. But I have to add that
there are significant problems with the methods. The system seems good at
capturing very local phenomena, (such as cadence formulae), but is
ill-conditioned for capturing more global aspects of musical structure
(such as melodic coherence, harmonic interest, &c). These problems have
been acknowledged by the author but I think they are unsolvable in the
current working paradigm.

Michael Casey <>

    Title: New music composition / David Cope.
Publisher: New York : Schirmer Books, c1977.
 Subjects: Composition (Music)
     ISBN: 0-02-870630-7

Ames, C. 1982, Protocol: Motivation, Design and Production of a
Composition for Solo Piano, "Interface", 2:11.

Cope, D., 1987, An Expert System for Computer-Assisted Composition,
"Computer Music Journal", 11:4.

Loy, G., 1985, Programming with Computers- a Survey of Some
Compositional Formalisms and Music Programming Languages, in "Current
Directions in Computer Music Research", ed. Max Matthews and John
Pierce, Cambridge: MIT press.

Loy, G. 1991, Connectionism and Musiconomy, "International Computer
Music Conference Proceedings", CMA, 1991.

Schottstaedt, W., 1989, Automatic Counterpoint, in "Current Directions
in Computer Music Research", ed. Max Matthews and John Pierce,
Cambridge: MIT press.

Todd, P., 1989, A Connectionist Approach to Algorithmic Composition,
"Computer Music Journal", 13:4.

Winograd, T., 1968, Linguistics and the Computer Analysis of Tonal
Harmony, "Journal of Music Theory", 12:1

				  edited by
		       Peter M. Todd and D. Gareth Loy

MUSIC AND CONNECTIONISM is now available from MIT Press.  This 280-pp. book
contains a wide variety of recent research in the applications of neural
networks and other connectionist methods to the problems of musical listening
and understanding, performance, composition, and aesthetics.  It consists of a
core of articles that originally appeared in the Computer Music Journal, along
with several new articles by Kohonen, Mozer, Bharucha, and others, and new
addenda to the original articles describing the authors' most recent work.
Topics covered range from models of psychological processing of pitches,
chords, and melodies, to algorithmic composition and performance factors.  A
wide variety of connectionist models are employed as well, including
back-propagation in time, Kohonen feature maps, ART networks, and Jordan- and
Elman-style networks.  We've also included a discussion generated by the
Computer Music Journal articles on the use and place of connectionist systems
in artistic endeavors.  A more detailed description of the book is provided
below (from the jacket text), along with the complete table of contents.

MUSIC AND CONNECTIONISM can be found in bookstores that carry MIT Press
publications, or can be purchased directly from MIT Press by calling their
toll-free order number, 1-800-356-0343, and giving the operator this catalog
number: 1CSAT 503, and this book code: TODMH.  By phone and mail-order, the
price is $39.95; in stores, it will probably be $45 (there is some confusion
with the publisher on this point, so I wanted to give out the detailed
information for phone orders to save people some money).
			   Music and Connectionism,
		  edited by Peter M. Todd and D. Gareth Loy

As one of our highest expressions of thought and creativity, music has always
been a difficult realm to capture, model, and understand.  The connectionist
paradigm, now beginning to provide insights into many realms of human
behavior, offers a new and unified viewpoint from which to investigate the
subtleties of musical experience.  Music and Connectionism provides a
fresh approach to both fields, using techniques of connectionism and parallel
distributed processing to look at a wide range of topics in music research,
from pitch perception to chord fingering to composition.

The contributors, leading researchers in both music psychology and neural
networks, address the challenges and opportunities of musical applications of
network models.  The result is a current and thorough survey that advances our
understanding of musical perception, cognition, composition, and performance
and of the design and analysis of networks.

Music and Connectionism is based on a core of articles originally appearing as
two special issues of the Computer Music Journal.  These have been augmented
with addenda covering more recent research by the authors.  The book opens
with tutorial chapters introducing neural networks in a musical context and
relevant aspects of previous computer music research, making this a
self-contained text.  There are many new chapters, along with new section
introductions, summaries of related work, and a final debate on the artistic
implications of connectionist methods.

Peter M. Todd is a doctoral candidate in the PDP Research Group of the
Psychology Department at Stanford University.  Gareth Loy DMA is an
award-winning composer, member of the Board of Directors of the Computer Music
Association, lecturer in the Music Department of UC San Diego, and member of
the technical staff of Frox Inc.

Preface and Introduction, Peter M. Todd and D. Gareth Loy

Part 1: Background
    Machine Tongues XII: Neural Networks, Mark Dolson
    Connectionism and Musiconomy, D. Gareth Loy	       		

Part 2: Perception and Cognition
    A Neural Net Model for Pitch Perception, Hajime Sano and B.
        Keith Jenkins
    Connectionist Models for Tonal Analysis, Don L. Scarborough,
        Ben O. Miller, and Jacqueline A. Jones
    The Representation of Pitch in a Neural Net Model of Chord
        Classification, Bernice Laden and Douglas H. Keefe
    Pitch, Harmony, and Neural Nets:  A Psychological Perspective,
	Jamshed J. Bharucha	  		
    The Ontogenesis of Tonal Semantics:  Results of a Computer Study,
	Marc Leman  				
    Modeling the Perception of Tonal Structure with Neural Nets,
	Jamshed J. Bharucha and Peter M. Todd	
    Using Connectionist Models to Explore Complex Musical Patterns,
	Robert O. Gjerdingen			
    The Quantization of Musical Time: A Connectionist Approach,
	Peter Desain and Henkjan Honing		

Part 3: Applications
    A Connectionist Approach to Algorithmic Composition,
		Peter M. Todd					
    Connectionist Music Composition Based on Melodic, Stylistic, and
        Psychophysical Constraints, Michael C. Mozer
    Creation By Refinement and the Problem of Algorithmic Music 
        Composition, J.P. Lewis 				
    A Nonheuristic Automatic Composing Method, Teuvo Kohonen, Pauli
        Laine, Kalev Tiits, and Kari Torkkola
    Fingering for String Instruments with the Optimum Path Paradigm,
	Samir I. Sayegh				

Part 4: Conclusions
    Letter from Otto Laske
    Responses to Laske by Todd and Loy
    Further Research and Directions, Peter M. Todd

List of Author Addresses


		    Representations of Musical Signals,
       edited by Giovanni De Poli, Aldo Piccialli, and Curtis Roads

Published by MIT Press, 1991
ISBN 0-262-04113-8, 478 pages, hardcover, US$ 50.00
Representations of Musical Signals describes a new generation of digital
audio and computer music systems made possible by recent advances in
digital signal processing theory, hardware design, and programming
techniques. It explores new representations of musical signals that can
have profund effects on the way musicians conceive of and realize musical
ideas. In particular, the book focuses on models that combine time-domain
and frequency-domain representations (grains, wavelets, and physical
models), visual programming and advanced user interfaces, and that
incorporate musical knowledge using artificial intelligence techniques and
adaptive neural net- works.  The 14 contributions take up issues of how
musical signals should be displayed to musicians, engineers, and scientists
who want to work with them, how professionals can work with the
representations to accomplish musical tasks, how systems can be designed to
permit working with multiple views of the same signal, and how representa-
tions of musical signals should be organized to promote efficient
communication between devices using these signals.
Representations of Musical Signals is aimed at the expanding group of
musicians, engineers, and scientists who are interested in innovative
approache to digital audio and computer music. We expect that this book
will be useful in undergraduate and graduate courses in computer music,
musical acoustics, and digital audio signal processing.
Giovanni De Poli is a member of the faculty of the Department of
Electronics and Informatics at the University of Padua.  Aldo Piccialli is
a member of the faculty of the Department of Physics at the University of
Naples. Curtis Roads is a composer and consulting editor of Computer Music
     Contributors                                             xi
     Preface                                                xiii
     MUSICAL SIGNALS                                           1
     Overview                                                  3
     A. Piccialli
1    Timbre Analysis by Synthesis: Representations,
     limitations, and Variants for Musical
     Composition                                               7
     J.C. Risset
2    Application of Time-Frequency and Time-Scale
     Methods (Wavelet Transforms) to the Analysis,
     Synthesis, and Transformation of Natural
     Sounds                                                   45
     R. Kronland-Martinet and A. Grossman
3    Analysis, Transformation, and Resynthesis of
     Musical Sounds with the Help of a Time-Frequency
     Representation                                           87
     D. Arfib
4    Wavelet Transforms that We Can Play                     119
     G. Evangelista
     Overview                                                139
     G. De Poli
5    Asynchronous Granular Synthesis                         143
     C. Roads
6    Pitch-Synchronous Granular Synthesis                    187
     G. De Poli and A. Piccialli
     Overview                                                223
     G. De Poli
7    The Physical Model: Modeling and Simulating the
     Instrumental Universe                                   227
     J. Florens and C. Cadoz
8    The Missing Link: Modal Synthesis                       269
     J.-M. Adrien
9    Synthesizing Singing                                    299
     J. Sundberg
     MUSICAL SIGNALS                                         321
     Overview                                                323
     C. Roads
10   Music, Signals, and Representations: A Survey           325
     uy Garnett
11   An Object-based Representation for Digital
     Audio Signals                                           371
12   New Generation Architectures for Music and
     Sound Processing                                        391
     S. Cavaliere
     OF MUSICAL SIGNALS                                      413
     Overview                                                415
     A. Piccialli
13   Understanding Music Cognition: A Connectionist View     417
     C. Lischka
14   Qualitative Aspects of Signal Processing Through
     Dynamic Neural Networks                                 447
     R. D'Autilia and F. Guerra
     Name Index                                              463
     Subject Index                                           467

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