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Section - 3.11 What does "Slainte Mhath" mean?

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Slainte Mhath means literally "Good Health" - slainte translates
vaguely as health, "mhath" is the feminine form of "math" (pron.
"maa"). In Scots Gaelic, we aspirate to make an adjective feminine.
Thus the name "Mairi" (Marie) is given extra feminine emphasis by
aspiration - "Mhairi" (pron. "Varry").

It is a gaelic word, too, which is where Fish picked it up.  Irish, gaelic
(scottish), and welsh are all related languages.

Pronounce "slainte mhath" as Fish does - "Slanzh'va", and utter it
when someone buys you a drink!

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Top Document: FAQ [1/2]
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM