Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 9 of 9) Previous Document: 312) Can the Motif 2.0 Notebook widget display non-rectangular "file Next Document: 314) Why does the xyz application core dump when I cut and paste? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge [Last modified: Dec 94] A. Doug Rand <> writes: Basically there are two selections CLIPBOARD_MANAGER and CLIPBOARD which are used. The Motif clipboard is not a clipboard manager, but xclipboard, or a more functional clipboard client would be. The newest ICCCM (2.0) spells this out. The basic process is that the clipboard manager: 1) Check to see if CLIPBOARD_MANAGER is owned by anyone, abort if it is. 2) Assert ownership of CLIPBOARD_MANAGER and CLIPBOARD 3) When the CLIPBOARD selection is lost, query new owner for data and then retake ownership of CLIPBOARD #3 is done until the application exists. What you do with the data is up to the application. User Contributions:Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 9 of 9) Previous Document: 312) Can the Motif 2.0 Notebook widget display non-rectangular "file Next Document: 314) Why does the xyz application core dump when I cut and paste? Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 - Part8 - Part9 - Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Ken Lee)
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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