Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 8 of 9) Previous Document: 251) What is causing the messages "unknown keysym name osfDown..."? Next Document: 253) Why has OSF introduced Keysyms into Motif 1.1? They weren't See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge tessi!george@nosun.West.Sun.COM (George Mitchell) wrote: Here's what appears to happen if you don't have XKeysymDB in place to define OSF's virtual keysyms: 1. At class initialize time, for a widget (such as XmText) that uses virtual keysyms in its event translation table, all entries which refer to those keysyms fail to parse correctly. In the case of XmText, instead of ending up with a translation table with roughly 90 entries, you end up with one that has 29. 2. XKeysymDB doesn't exist, so you'd assume that KeyPress events will get translated to plain vanilla keysyms, right? WRONG! All Motif widgets install a virtual keysym translator ANYWAY! Consequently, the backspace key (for example) gets translated to the keysym osfBackSpace. 3. Therefore, if you augment or override your widget's translations with translations that refer to plain vanilla BackSpace, they will never be triggered, because you will NEVER see plain vanilla BackSpace, only osfBackSpace. 4. But you can't use osfBackSpace in an event translation entry, because you don't have XKeysymDB installed! Here's how I'm "dealing" with the problem right now: Motif installs its virtual keysym translator by calling XtSetKeyTranslator every time a VendorShell (or subclass) widget is created. So every time I create a shell, I immediately call XtSetKeyTranslator (display, XtTranslateKey) to restore the default translator. No more funny virtual keysyms! Now I can reinstall non- osfKeySym translations and have them work the way I expect. User Contributions:Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 8 of 9) Previous Document: 251) What is causing the messages "unknown keysym name osfDown..."? Next Document: 253) Why has OSF introduced Keysyms into Motif 1.1? They weren't Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 - Part8 - Part9 - Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Ken Lee)
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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