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Motif FAQ (Part 7 of 9)
Section - 229) What is ViewKit? Is there a free version?

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 7 of 9)
Previous Document: 228) TOPIC: LANGUAGE BINDINGS
Next Document: 230) Is there a C++ binding for Motif?
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[Last modified: Jun 98]

Answer: ViewKit is an enhanced version of the C++/Motif framework that Doug
Young describes in his book *Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and
OSF/Motif* (Prentice-Hall).

Viewkit is now available for a variety of platforms from ICS.  The Linux
version is free.  Their web site include free technical papers and ordering

There is also a inexpensive ViewKit clone from the Hungry Programmers:

Allen Fogleson ( writes: I have compiled [the Hungry
Programmers' version] on my linux system using RedHat Motif 2.0, There is no
documentation, but the technical paper on the SGI site should be enough to get
most people going. There is very little in the way of documentation either, so
I should note that if you are using Motif2.0 you must either #define
USE_MOTIF20 in a header file, or add it to the CXXFLAGS, and CFLAGS line of
the makefile or you will get many errors when compiling the combo box
bindings. Also for some reason the viewkit did not install correctly for me
and I ended up hand installing it myself. I have compiled some simple
applications with it, and it seems to be working fine. It is intended to
follow the SGI API. They are working on a programmers guide and a reference
manual for the product. All in All this is a very affordable (spelled cheap)
answer to C++ development of OSF/Motif Apps.

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 7 of 9)
Previous Document: 228) TOPIC: LANGUAGE BINDINGS
Next Document: 230) Is there a C++ binding for Motif?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM