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Motif FAQ (Part 5 of 9)
Section - 151) How can I set a multi-line label?

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 5 of 9)
Previous Document: 150) Why doesn't label alignment work in a XmRowColumn?
Next Document: 152) How can I have a vertical label?
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[Last modified: Mar 96]

Answer: In .Xdefaults

*XmLabel*labelString:              Here\nis\nthe\nLabel

This method does not seem to work in some of the older Motif 1.0 versions.

In code,

char buf[128];
XmString msg;
strcpy(buf, "Here\nis\nthe\nLabel");
msg = XmStringCreateLtoR(buf, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
XtSetArg (args[n], XmNlabelString, msg);

Gives a four line label, using the escape sequence \n for a newline.  Here's
another approach from Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin <>

#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <string.h>

Create a new XmString from a char*

This function can deal with embedded 'newline' and
is equivalent to XmStringCreateLtoR,
except it does not use non AES compliant charset
XmString xec_NewString(char *s)
XmString xms1;
XmString xms2;
XmString line;
XmString separator;
char     *p;
char     *t = XtNewString(s);   /* Make a copy for strtok not to */
                            /* damage the original string    */

separator = XmStringSeparatorCreate();
p         = strtok(t,"\n");
xms1      = XmStringCreateLocalized(p);

while (p = strtok(NULL,"\n"))
line = XmStringCreateLocalized(p);
xms2 = XmStringConcat(xms1,separator);
xms1 = XmStringConcat(xms2,line);

return xms1;

Do not use XmStringCreateLocalized() - it does not process the newline
character in the way you want.   In Motif 1.x, XmStringCreateLocalized() does
NOT process newlines, but XmStringCreateLtoR() does.

Thanks to Paul Tomblin ( for the newline clarification.

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 5 of 9)
Previous Document: 150) Why doesn't label alignment work in a XmRowColumn?
Next Document: 152) How can I have a vertical label?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM