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Motif FAQ (Part 5 of 9)
Section - 110) How do I best put a new set of items into a list?

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 5 of 9)
Previous Document: 109) Should I create an XmList widget as a child of automatic
Next Document: 111) Can I have strings with different fonts in a list?
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Answer: Set the new list count and list by XtSetArgs and install them by

XmString list[SIZE];
int list_size;

XtSetArg (args[n], XmNitemCount, list_size); n++;
XtSetArg (args[n], XmNitems, list); n++;
XtSetValues (w, args, n);

or similarly with XtVaSetValues:

XtVaSetValues (w,
    XmNitemCount, list_size,
    XmNitems, list,

Each time the list is reset by this the old contents are freed by the widget
and the new supplied list is copied.  Do *not* free the old list of items
yourself as this would result in the space being freed twice.  It is not
necessary to remove the items one at a time, nor to "zero" out the list first.

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 5 of 9)
Previous Document: 109) Should I create an XmList widget as a child of automatic
Next Document: 111) Can I have strings with different fonts in a list?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM