URL: http://www.cybertas.demon.co.uk/medfaq.html
Archive-name: medicine/med-faq-list/part2 Last-modified: 1996/11/30 Version: 3.2 Posting-frequency: discontinued See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge NOTICE: As no new moderator has volunteered to continue maintaining the Medical FAQ List, it will no longer be updated. This is also the final posting to Usenet, mostly because the present poster has been subjected to unacceptable junk e-mail bombardment. This version will remain available from http://www.cybertas.demon.co.uk/medfaq.html for a limited period. -------- Oncology -------- Topic: Frequently asked questions about cancer Author: Oncolink, University of Pennsylvania URL: http://www.oncolink.upenn.edu/faq/ Abstract: A menu linking to FAQs on a wide range of cancer-related topics. Topic: Cancer online information sources Author: Loren Buhle, buhlelo1@mcrcr6.med.nyu.edu Newsgroup: sci.med,news.answers Archive: medicine/cancer-faq Abstract: Impressive list of URLs for cancer-related Internet sites. Topic: Cancer, powerlines &- (FAQ) Author: John Moulder, jmoulder@its.mcw.edu Newsgroup: sci.med.physics, news.answers Archive: powerlines-cancer-FAQ/ Abstract: Is there a connection between powerlines, electrical occupations, and cancer? Discussion of the biophysics of interactions with electromagnetic energy, summaries of the laboratory and human studies, information on standards. Topic: Cancer, static EM fields &- (FAQ) Author: John Moulder, jmoulder@post.its.mcw.edu Newsgroup: sci.med.physics, news.answers Archive: static-fields-cancer-FAQ/ Abstract: Is there a connection between static electric and magnetic fields and cancer? Discussion of the biophysics of interactions with static electromagnetic fields, summaries of the laboratory and human studies, information on standards. ------------- Ophthalmology ------------- Topic: Vision and eye care Author: Grant Sayer, grants@research.canon.oz.au Newsgroup: sci.med; sci.med.vision Archive: vision-faq/ URL: http://ucaussie.berkeley.edu/UCBSO.html Abstract: Optics of the eye and general information; spectacles; contact lenses; diseases of the eye; binocular vision problems; colour vision problems; refractive surgery & refractive corrections; ocular emergencies; resources -------------- Otolaryngology -------------- Topic: DEAF-L mini-FAQ Author: Omer Zak, xlacha1@wizard.weizmann.ac.il Newsgroup: bit.listserv.deaf-l, news.answers Archive: deaf/pointers URL: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/deaf-info/faq Abstract : Includes pointers to Web sites about deafness. Topic: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (SNORE) Author: Doug Linder, faust@access.digex.net URL: http://www.access.digex.net/~faust/sldord/ Abstract :Information on sleep apnoea and other sleep disorders. Includes link to the Sleep Apnoea FAQ. Topic: Tinnitus Author: Lee Leggore Newsgroup: alt.support.tinnitus, sci.med, news.answers Archive: medicine/tinnitus-faq URL: http://www.cccd.edu/faq/tinnitus.html Abstract: Definition, diagnosis, causes, prevention, Meniere's disease, hyperacusis, treatments, etc. ----------- Paediatrics ----------- Topic: Allergies/asthma Author: Eileen kupstas, kupstas@cs.unc.edu URL: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~kupstas/FAQ.html Topic: Amniotic banding and limb loss Author: Jen Sullivan, Pesto@netcom.com URL: E-mail author Abstract: Amniotic bands can cause limb deformity or loss in-utero. Topic: Attention deficit disorder Author: Frank Kannemann, frankk@Canada.sun.com URL: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~mengwong/add/add.faq.html Abstract: A very frustrating paediatric behavioural problem. Topic: Autism FAQ Author: John Wobus URL: http://web.syr.edu/~jmwobus/autism/autism.faq Topic: Blood types and Rhesus incompatibility Author: Sue Stigleman, stigle@cs.unca.edu URL: E-mail author Abstract: The story behind haemolytic disese of the newborn. Topic: Breastfeeding past the first year Author: kfs@world.std.com Newsgroup: misc.kids.info, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/breastfeeding/toddlers Topic: Chicken pox Author: Vicki powers, vicki@mathcs.emory.edu Newsgroup: misc.kids.info, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/chickenpox URL: http://www.hooked.net:80/users/rld/chknpox Topic: Childhood vaccinations Author: Lynn Gazis-Sax, lynn@elan.com Newsgroup: misc.kids.info, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/vaccinations URL: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/ga/gazissax/ Abstract: Terms, immunization schedules, specific vacinnations. Topic: Colic (infantile) Author: Elaine Kiernan, kiernan@koa.ifa.hawaii.edu Newsgroup: misc.kids.info, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/colic URL: ftp://koa.ifa.hawaii.edu Topic: Diaper rash Author: Wallace Mayo, mayo@cs.utk.edu URL: E-mail author Abstract: Remarkable similarities to a condition known in the UK and Australasia as 'nappy rash'. Topic: Down's syndrome Author: SM Pueschel/ Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) URL: http://TheArc.org/faqs/down.html Abstract: What it is, development, characteristics, causes, health concerns, services, etc. Topic: Ear infections/tubes (paediatric) Author: Laurel Cheap, lcheap@u.washington.edu URL: http://weber.u.washington.edu/~lcheap/ear.html Abstract: Medical and surgical management of otitis media. Topic: Eczema (paediatric) Author: Gloria Logan, glogan@ATK.COM Newsgroup: misc.kids.info, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/eczema Topic: Pediatrician, selecting a- Author: Lisa Chirlian, lchirlia@cc.brynmawr.edu Newsgroup: misc.kids.info, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/pediatrician-questions URL: Send message 'SEND PED FAQ' to lchirlia@cc.brynmawr.edu Topic: Preterm birth Author: Stuart Houlahan, stuarth@newbridge.com URL: E-mail author Topic: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Author: Margaret Gibbs, gibbsm@ll.mit.edu Newsgroup: misc.kids.info, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/sids Abstract: Also known as a 'cot death'. --------- Pathology --------- Topic: Lab Test Interpretation Author: Edward Uthman, uthman@riter.computize.com Newsgroup: sci.med.pathology; news.answers Archive: pathology/lab-test-interpretation Abstract: The possible meaning behind deviations in blood chemistry and haematology. Topic: The biospsy report: a patient's guide Author: Edward Uthman, uthman@riter.computize.com Newsgroup: sci.med.pathology; news.answers Archive: pathology/biopsy-report-guide Abstract: This is an explanation of the pathologist's report on biopsies, aimed at the educated layperson. --------------------------------- Pharmacology/clinical toxicology --------------------------------- Topic: Amalgam-related illness FAQ Author: Leif Hedegard, leif@algonet.se Newsgroup: sci.med URL: http://www.algonet.se/~leif/AmFAQigr.html Abstract: FAQs on mercury intoxication. Topic: Coffee and caffeine Author: Alejandro Lopez-Ortiz, alopez-o@neumann.uwaterloo.ca URL: http://daisy.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/caffaq.html Abstract: Includes a section on caffine and health. Topic: DrugFAQs Author: VirSci Corporation URL: http://pharminfo.com/ Abstract: Frequently asked questions about drugs from PharmInfoNet. ---------------------------------- Psychiatry and clinical pyshcology ---------------------------------- Tpoic: Emotional Support on the Internet Author: Steve Harris, steveha@cix.compulink.co.uk Newsgroup: alt.support, news.answers Archive: support/emotional/resources-list Abstract: Mailing lists, newsgroups, and conferences on online services offering emotional support. Topic: Alcoholics Anonymous FAQ Author: David H, dhawk@netcom.com Newsgroup: alt.recovery.aa, news.answers Archive: www.moscow.com/Resources/SelfHelp/AA/ Abstract: Alcoholics anonymous information. Topic: Bipolar affective disorder (Manic depression) Author: lsm@crl.com Newsgroup: alt.support.depression.manic URL: http://www.crl.com/~lsm/bipolar.html Abstract: BAD, depression, mania, hypomania, cyclothymia, other resources, etc. Topic: Depression FAQ Author: Cynthia Frazier, cf12@CORNELL.edu Newsgroup: alt.support.depression, news.answers Archive: alt-support-depression/faq/ URL: http://avocado.pc.helsinki.fi/~janne/asdfaq/ Abstract: Depression primer (definitions, concepts), causes, treatment, medication, ECT, relation to substance abuse and alcohol, how to seek help and find a doctor, resources. Topic: Depression book list Author: Self-Help Information Centre, SHIC@shic.com Newsgroup: alt.support.depression; news.answers Archive: alt-support-depression/books Abstract: List of depression-related books with comments. Topic: Dissociation FAQ Author: Tina Sikorski, tina@tezcat.com Newsgroup: alt.support.dissociation, news.answers Archive: dissoc-faq/ URL: http://www.tezcat.com/~tina/asd.html Abstract: Dissociative disorders including multiple-personality disorder. Topic: Personality types URL: http://sunsite.unc.edu/personality/ Abstract: FAQs on personality typing systems. Topic: Psychology Web pointer Author: John M. Grohol, grohol@alpha.acast.nova.edu Newsgroup: sci.med, news.answers Archive: www/resources/psychology URL: http://www.coil.com/~grohol/ Abstract: A pointer to mental health resources on the WWW. Topic: Psychology & support groups newsgroup pointer Author: John Grohol, grohol@alpha.acast.nova.edu Newsgroup: sci.med; news.answers Archive: finding-groups/psychology-and-support URL: http://www.coil.com/~grohol/ Abstract: Which newsgroups can you look into for a specific problem? Topic: Psychology & support mailing-list pointer Author: John Grohol, grohol@alpha.acast.nova.edu Newsgroup: sci.med; news.answers Archive: medicine/support-mail-lists URL: http://www.coil.com/~grohol/ Abstract: Which mailing lists can you subscribe to for a specific problem? Topic: sci.psychology FAQ Author: Rolf Lindgren URL: http://www.coil.com/~grohol/psyfaq.htm Abstract: Common questions asked on sci.psychology. Topic: Suicide - FAQ Author: Graham Stoney, greyham@research.canon.oz.au Newsgroup: sci.psychology.misc, news.answers Archive: suicide/info Abstract: Attempts at suicide, and suicidal thoughts or feelings are usually a symptom indicating that a person isn't coping, often as a result of some event or series of events that they personally find overwhelmingly traumatic or distressing. In many cases, the events in question will pass, their impact can be mitigated, or their overwhelming nature will gradually fade if the person is able to make constructive choices about dealing with the crisis when it is at its worst. Since this can be extremely difficult, this article is an attempt to raise awareness about suicide, so that we may be better able to recognize and help other people in crisis, and also to find how to seek help or make better choices ourselves. Topic: Suicide - Internet & International Crisis Resources and Information Author: Graham Stoney, greyham@research.canon.oz.au Newsgroup: sci.psychology.misc, news.answers Archive: suicide/resources Abstract: This posting contains information primarily about crisis and suicide prevention resources available on the Internet, and other national resources available in various countries. Topic: Therapy FAQ Author: Melissa Miles, mmiles@thuban.ac.hmc.edu. URL: http://abulafia.st.hmc.edu/~mmiles/faq.html Abstract: 'The why, what, where and how of going to a therapist' Topic: Welcome to alt.recovery FAQ Author: David H, dhawk@well.sf.ca.us Newsgroup: alt.recovery Archive: alt-recovery/welcome URL: http://www.moscow.com/Resources/SelfHelp/AA/ Abstract: Substance abuse recovery discussion. --------- Radiology --------- Topic: Medical image format FAQ Author: David Clunie, dclunie@flash.us.com Newsgroup: alt.image.medical, news.answers Archive: medical-image-faq/ URL: http://www.rahul.net/dclunie/medical-image-faq/html/ Abstract: General information; standard formats; proprietary CT, MR, and other formats; compression; and information sources. Topic: Medical image volume visualization software FAQ Author: Matti Haveri, mhaveri@cc.oulu.fi Newsgroup: sci.med.radiology, news.answers Archive: medical-image-faq/volume-visualization URL: http://www.cs.ruu.nl/wais/html/na-dir/medical-image-faq/volume-visualization.html Abstract: Software packages, user's notes, etc, on medical volume visualization and imaging. -------------------- Respiratory medicine -------------------- Topic: Asthma - general information Author: Patricia Wrean, wrean@caltech.edu Newsgroup: alt.support.asthma, sci.med Archive: medicine/asthma/general-info URL: http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~wrean/asthma-gen.html Abstract: General FAQs for the alt.support.asthma newsgroup covering diagnosis, management, and resources. Topic: Asthma medications Author: Patricia Wrean, wrean@caltech.edu Newsgroup: alt.support.asthma, sci.med Archive: medicine/asthma/medications Abstract: List of commonly prescribed medications by generic and brand name, with a glossary. Topic: Asthma reading/resource list Author: Lynn Short, lfshort@europa.com Newsgroup: sci.med; alt.support.asthma URL: E-mail author Topic: alt.support.stop-smoking FAQ Author: Barry Pekilis, bpekilis@swen.uwaterloo.ca Newsgroup: alt.support.stop-smoking URL: http://www.swen.uwaterloo.ca/~bpekilis/ASSS/asss.html ------- Surgery ------- Topic: Aortic aneurysm Author: M David Tilson, mdt1@columbia.edu URL: http://www.columbia.edu/~mdt1/ Abstract: FAQs and other information on abdominal aortic aneurysms. Topic: Circumcison (paediatric) Author: Janet Sakell, jcs@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU URL: E-mail author Abstract: There are medical reasons for circumcison - not all are performed for social reasons. Topic: Surgery, infant/child Author: Kimberly Long, siberia@usis.com URL: E-mail author Abstract: Inguinal hernia/infant surgery/general anaesthesia. ------- Urology ------- Topic: Prostatitis Author: John Koch, johnnk@aol.com Newsgroup: alt.support.prostate.prostatitis, sci.med Archive: medicine/prostatitis-faq/ URL: http://www.fullfeed.com/prosfnd Abstract: Diagnosis, causes, treatment. Topic: Vasectomy (male sterilization) Author: Nick Wilson, nick.wilson@actrix.gen.nz, and M Baker Newsgroup: sci.med (occasional postings) URL: E-mail author Abstract: This FAQ covers all the major issues relating to vasectomy (male sterilization). It specifically deals with the following issues: what a vasectomy is, its effectiveness, its affect male sexual activity, the preoperative interview, vasectomy reversal, pre-operative sperm banking, where vasectomies can be obtained, what the operation involve, post operative care, when it becomes effective, risks of complications, the evidence relating to long term health hazards, alternatives to having a vasectomy, "no-scalpel" vasectomy, summary of the advantages of a vasectomy, summary of the disadvantages of a vasectomy, further reading and resources. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce C McKenzie MB ChB (NZ) bruce@cybertas.demon.co.uk http://www.oup.co.uk/scimed/medint/ END OF FILE Bruce McKenzie MB ChB bruce@cybertas.demon.co.uk Chesterfield, UK http://www.cybertas.demon.co.uk/ Medicine & the Internet http://www.oup.co.uk/scimed/medint User Contributions:Part1 - Part2 [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: 75337.2274@compuserve.com
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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