URL: http://www.cybertas.demon.co.uk/medfaq.html
Archive-name: medicine/med-faq-list/part1 Last-modified: 1996/11/30 Version: 3.2 Posting-frequency: discontinued See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge NOTICE: As no new moderator has volunteered to continue maintaining the Medical FAQ List, it will no longer be updated. This is also the final posting to Usenet, mostly because the present poster has been subjected to unacceptable junk e-mail bombardment. This version will remain available from http://www.cybertas.demon.co.uk/medfaq.html for a limited period. ---------------- About this file: ---------------- This file is a list of 'frequently asked questions' (FAQs) and other periodical documents on medicine/health-related topics posted to Usenet newsgroups on the Internet. Version 1.0 was posted on October 1, 1994. This document is best viewed at http://www.cybertas.demon.co.uk/medfaq.html where hypertext links will take you to most of the FAQs listed. FAQ-type documents elsewhere (such as on the WWW) are also included in the List. These medical/ health-related FAQs are of value to both patients and health professionals, as they highlight the most common concerns held by sufferers, and help to fill the health information void. Some are genuinely frequently asked questions from Usenet discussions; others represent the efforts of individuals to share information they have collected. Please remember that the information found in these FAQs may not represent general medical opinion, and should not be a substitute for consulting your doctor or other healthcare professional. For an overview of the FAQ philosophy, see 'FAQs about FAQs' from Russ Hersch, posted to news.answers and archived at MIT (see below). Because people on the Net come and go, previous versions of this FAQ may be invalid if I am unaware of a change in author or e-mail address. I rely on your help to ensure this list is as accurate as possible, as I cannot read all the newsgroups on a regular basis myself. If you are unable to locate an FAQ in this list or are a new FAQ author yourself, please let me know. Suggestions and submissions for inclusion in future versions are most welcome. Many thanks to those who have already sent a contribution to this list. The easiest way to submit an update is via the form at: http://www.cybertas.demon.co.uk/submit_form.html. Listings follow the form: * Topic: * Author: * Newsgroup: [Not all cross-postings listed: concentrating on sci.med and news.answers]. * Archive: [Archive name at ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/, unless in alternative location at MIT]. * URL: [Other locations, such as FTP or on the WWW]. * Abstract: ---------------- Copyright notice ---------------- Copyright 1996 by Bruce C McKenzie. Permission is granted to transmit and store this document electronically or otherwise, providing that it remains unedited. Any site, online service, other electronic medium, or publication that charges for access to their material must first contact this author before making the Medical FAQ List available. Any errors are unintentional, and any expenses or inconveniences incurred as a consequence of their interpretation are not the responsibility of this author. -------------------------------------- How do I access the FAQs in this list? -------------------------------------- 1. Usenet: Read the appropriate newsgroups on the off chance that an update has been posted. news.answers (a moderated repository for periodic Usenet articles) is a good place to look if you can't find an FAQ where you expect it, as many are co-posted here. Many of the misc.kids.* FAQs are posted to the misc.kids.info newsgroup. 2. FTP: FTP the file from 'ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/' and change to the relevant directory. Some FAQs have been approved by the *.answers moderation team, and these can be found in the 'ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/' directory. Alternative archive locations are sometimes given below (particularly for the alt.* hierarchy). 3. E-mail: Send an e-mail request to ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk - or a closer FTP mailserver, with the following in the body of the message: open rtfm.mit.edu cd /pub/usenet/[substitute name of newsgroup] dir quit One you have the directory listing you can substitute the 'dir' command with 'get' (the filename). Note that not all FAQs listed here are archived in this way. Alternatively, as a last resort, send e-mail to one of the contacts listed in the List of medical FAQ postings to request a copy. Note that where a named person is given as a contact, this person will have to send the FAQ to you by personal e-mail. As this involves his or her time and possible expense, please do not randomly make requests for FAQs, but try other means first. 4. WWW: If you have full Internet access, run your WWW browser and use one of the following URLs for a hypertext listing of Usenet FAQs: University of Ohio (US): http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/FAQ-List.html Libraries Automation Service WWW Server, Oxford (UK): http://www.lib.ox.ac.uk/internet/news/faq/by_category.index.html -------------------------------------- How can I get a copy of this document? -------------------------------------- 1. Usenet: Read the sci.med, sci.answers, or news.answers newsgroups on the off chance that an update has been posted. 2. FTP: FTP the file from the MIT archive: ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/medicine/med-faq-list/ 3. E-mail: Send an e-mail request as above, or to ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk - or a closer FTP mailserver, with the following in the body of the message: open rtfm.mit.edu cd /pub/usenet/news.answers/medicine/med-faq-list/ get part1 get part2 quit 4. WWW: Use one of the Web sites as above to locate a semi-hypertext version of this file, generated automatically from a text file. Alternatively, visit the Oxford University Press 'Medicine and the Internet' Web pages to view the original file in hypertext: Medicine and the Internet: http://www.oup.co.uk/scimed/medint/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- L I S T . O F . M E D I C A L . F A Q . P O S T I N G S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Chronic fatigue syndrome ------------------------ Topic: Chronic fatigue syndrome Author: Roger Burns, cfs-news@cais.cais.com Newsgroup: alt.health.cfids-action, news.answers Archive: medicine/chronic-fatigue-syndrome/ Abstract: Several files covering newsgroup guidelines, electronic resources, FAQs, treatments, #CFS IRC (a live chat channel), etc. ----------------------------------------------- Complimentary therapies/'Non-Western' medicine ----------------------------------------------- Topic: Massage Author: J. Blustein, jamie@uwo.ca Newsgroup: alt.backrubs Archive: ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/alt.answers/backrubs/faq Abstract: Answers to questions frequently asked in alt.backrubs, a newgroup discussing massage techniques, principles and related issues (e.g. patients' relations with health care professionals and society's opinions, attitudes towards nudity and non-sexual touch. The FAQ answers many common questions in the group and discusses some of those other issues too. Topic: Homeopathics - FAQ Author: Neil Sandow URL: http://community.net/~neils/faqhom.html Abstract: Principles and practice, resources. Topic: Homeopathy home page Author: Jon Haworth URL: http://www.dungeon.com/home/cam/homeo.html Abstract: Links to FAQs and other homeopathy resources. Topic: Oriental medicine Author: Norman Kraft, nkraft@bkhouse.cts.com URL: ftp://ftp.cts.com/pub/nkraft/ormed.html Abstract: Home page for the OrMed mailing list, featuring FAQs and related information. Topic: Medicinal herbs Author: Henriette Kress, HeK@hetta.pp.fi Newsgroup: alt.folklore.herbs, news.answers Archive: medicinal-herbs/ Abstract: FAQs, general information, other resources, teachings, etc. ------------- Endocrinology ------------- Topic: Anti-Thyroid Drugs Author: Mary Brennan Newsgroup: alt.support.thyroid Topic: Diabetes - FAQ Author: Edward Reid, ed@titipu.resun.com Newsgroup: misc.health.diabetes, news.answers Archive: diabetes/faq/ Abstract: General information (Part 1), blood glucose monitoring (Part 2), treatment (Part 3), sources (Part 4), and research (Part 5). Topic: Diabetes - Insulin pump discussion Author: Jim Summers, summers@cs.utah.edu Newsgroup: misc.health.diabetes, news.answers Archive: diabetes/insulin-pump-disc Abstract: Description of insulin pumps and their features, types of insulin used, buyer's guide. Topic: Diabetes, junvenile Author: Rene Roberts, Renee@cup.portal.com URL: E-mail author Topic: Diabetes - Software Author: Michael Wolfe, MWOLFE@WVNVAXA.WVNET.EDU Newsgroup: misc.health.diabetes, news.answers Archive: diabetes/software Abstract: Software to download and analyze blood glucose readings from home monitoring devices, other software (nutritional databases, logbooks, etc.), other electronic information resources. Topic: Graves' Disease Author: Mary Brennan Newsgroup: alt.support.thyroid Topic: Hashimoto's Disease Author: Mary Brennan Newsgroup: alt.support.thyroid Topic: Thyroid Disease and Radioactive Iodine Author: Mary Brennan Newsgroup: alt.support.thyroid Topic: Thyroid Function Tests Author: A. Macklin Newsgroup: alt.support.thyroid ---------------- Gastroenterology ---------------- Topic: Celiac FAQ Author: Multiple authorship Newsgroup: bit.listserv.celiac URL: http://www.fastlane.net/homepages/thodge/faq Abstract: Covers celiac disease (gluten intolerance). Topic: Collagenous Colitis FAQ Author: Mel Malinowski, colitis@malinowski.com URL: http://qurlyjoe.bu.edu/cducibs/colcolfaq.html Abstract: A brief synopsis. Topic: Inflammatory bowel disease FAQ Author: Christopher Holmes, holmes@mrx.webo.dg.com Newsgroup: alt.support.crohns-colitis, news.answers Archive: medicine/crohns-colitis-faq URL: http://qurlyjoe.bu.edu/cduchome.html Abstract: Covers Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with definitions, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and dietary information. Topic: Inflammatory bowel disease INFO FAQ Author: Susan Blanc, smb@panix.com Newsgroup: alt.support.crohns-colitis, news.answers Archive: medicine/crohns-colitis-info-faq URL: http://qurlyjoe.bu.edu/cduchome.html Abstract: Information resources for alt.support.crohns-colitis newsgroup. Topic: Irritable bowel syndrome Author: Laura Zurawski, juniper@uiuc.edu Newsgroup: alt.support.crohns-colitis, news.answers Archive: medicine/irritable-bowel-syndrome-faq URL: http://qurlyjoe.bu.edu/cduchome.html Abstract: Definition, symptoms, natural history, treatments. ------------------ Infectious disease ------------------ Topic: Acquired Immune Decifiency Syndrome (AIDS) Author: aids-request@cs.ucla.edu Newsgroup: sci.med.aids, news.answers Archive: aids-faq/ Abstract: General information, prevention, treatment, social services, debate, resources, etc. --------------------- Lifestyle and fitness --------------------- Topic: Abdominal training Author: Tim mansfield, timbomb@dstc.edu.au Newsgroup: misc.fitness, news.answers Archive: abdominal-training URL: http://www.dstc.edu.au/RDU/staff/nigel-ward/abfaq/abdominal-training.html Abstract: FAQs from misc.fitness concerning training abdominal muscles. Topic: Hardgainer body-building/ weightlifting FAQ Author: Francis Kelly (kellyfj@cns.bu.edu) and Craig Sadler (zia%sunstroke@sdsu.edu) Newsgroup: alt.sport.weightlifting, news.answers Archive: body-building/hardgainer-faq Topic: misc.fitness FAQ Author: Jeff Gleixner, glex@cray.com Newsgroup: news.answers Archive: misc-fitness/ URL: ftp://ftp.cray.com/pub/misc.fitness/ Abstract: FAQs, exercise equipment information, exercises per body part and the areas they work, recommended reading, glossary. Topic: Meditation Author: Jeffrey Chance, jeffjc@cs.mcgill.ca Newsgroup: alt.meditation, news.answers Archive: meditation/faq Abstract: Not all medicine involves taking pills. Resources, definition, practice, implications, etc. Topic: rec.bicycles FAQ Author: Mike Iglesias, iglesias@draco.acs.uci.edu Newsgroup: rec.bicycles.misc, news.answers Archive: bicycles-faq/ URL: ftp://draco.acs.uci.edu/pub/rec.bicycles/faq.* Abstract: Everything you need to know to keep fit (and safe) on a bicycle. Also information about nutrition and various injuries. Topic: Running FAQ Author: Dennis Rears, drears@sunsite.unc.edu Newsgroup: rec.running Archive: running-faq URL: http://sunsite.unc.edu/drears/running/running.html Abstract: 'The Running Page' includes details of upcoming races, race results, places to run, running related products, magazines, and other information including the rec.running FAQ. Topic: Stretching FAQ Author: Brad Appleton Newsgroup: misc.fitness.misc, news.answers Archive: Archive: stretching/ URL: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/papers/rma/stretching_toc.html Abstract: Physiology, flexibility, how-to, etc. Topic: Training - nutrition Author: Paul Moses Newsgroup: sci.med.nutrition, misc.fitness URL: http://www.dgsys.com/~trnutr/index.html Abstract: Nutritional basics of training. Topic: Vegetarianism Author: Geraint Edwards, gedge@veg.org Newsgroup: rec.foods.veg URL: http://www.veg.org/veg/ ------------- Miscellaneous ------------- Topic: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine FAQ Author: Padmini Srinivasan, padmini-srinivasan@uiowa.edu URL: ftp://lhc.nlm.nih.gov/pub/ai-medicine/ Topic: List of medical FAQ postings Author: Bruce McKenzie, 75337.2274@compuserve.com Newsgroup: sci.med, news.answers Archive: medicine/med-faq-list URL: http://www.oup.co.uk/scimed/medint/medfaq.html Abstract: Evolving list of medicine/health-related FAQ documents available on the Internet [the list you are currently reading]. Topic: Medical Informatics FAQ Author: Aamir Zakaria, aamir.zakaria@mcmail.vanderbilt.edu Newsgroup: sci.med.informatics, sci.med, news.answers Archive: medical-informatics-faq Abstract: Definition, training, learning more. Topic: Palliative care FAQs Author: L.F. Ng, lfn@cancare.po.my URL: http://www.mol.com.my/cancare/pcfaq.htm Abstract: What is palliative care? When should palliative care be incorporated into a patient's management plan? Who delivers and receives palliative care? Topic: Stuttering Author: John Harrison, johnnyh@holonet.net, and Judith Kuster, kuster@vax1.mankato.msus.edu URL: gopher://gopher.mankato.msus.edu/ -> Academic Colleges & Departments -> Communication Disorders. Topic: Transplant FAQ Author: Michael Holloway, mhollowa@epo.som.sunysb.edu Newsgroup: bit.listserv.transplant, sci.med, news.answers Archive: medicine/transplant-faq/ Abstract: Issues concerning organ donation and transplantation. ------------------------ Musculoskeletal medicine ------------------------ Topic: Pointing device injury summary Author: Pete Johnson, petej@garnet.berkeley.edu URL: E-mail author Topic: Psoriatic arthritis FAQ Author: Bruce Giese, giese@world.std.com Newsgroup: misc.health.arthritis, news.answers Archive: medicine/arthritis/psoriatic_faq Abstract: Personal experiences and comment taken from the newsgroup. Topic: Typing injuries Author: Dan Wallach, dwallach@CS.Princeton.EDU Newsgroup: sci.med, news.answers Archive: typing-injury-faq/general URL: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~dwallach/tifaq/ Abstract: Repetetive strain injury/ traumatic overuse syndrome. --------- Neurology --------- Topic: Alzheimer's disease Author: Alzheimer Society of Ottawa-Carleton URL: http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/freeport/social.services/alzheimer/menu Topic: Traumatic brain injury Author: Len Burns, lburns@sasquatch.com URL: http://www.sasquatch.com/tbi/tpn/FAQS.html Topic: Migraine FAQ Author: Jennifer Davis-Walton, davisjn@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca Newsgroup: alt.support.headaches.migraine, news.answers Archive: alt/support/migraine/ URL: ftp://ugle.unit.no/faq/alt.answers/alt/support/migraine/faq/ Abstract: Symptoms, physiology, triggers, relief, psychology, etc. Topic: Multiple sclerosis Author: chris@infosci.org URL: http://www.infosci.org/ Abstract: Archived postings to alt.support.mult-sclerosis and mailing list. --------- Nutrition --------- Topic: Diet FAQ Author: kchurchwell@BIX.com Newsgroup: alt.support.diet, news.answers Archive: dieting-faq/ URL: http://www.ionet.net/~kchurch/asd-faq.shtml Abstract: Definitions, diet and nutrition information, resources, exercise, etc. Topic: Fat Acceptance FAQs Author: Sasha Wood, sasha@cs.cmu.edu URL: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sasha/fat/faqs.html Abstract: Pointer to various fat-acceptance FAQs. Topic: Fat free vegetarian resource list Author: artemis@rahul.net Newsgroup: alt.food.fat-free, news.answers Archive: food/fatfree/cookbook/vegetarian Abstract: A list of books and cookbooks on extremely low-fat vegetarian diets. ------- Nursing ------- Topic: Midwifery Author: Pat Sonnenstuhl, cnmpat@aol.com Newsgroup: sci.med.nursing, news.answers Archive: medicine/midwifery/ Abstract: What are midwives and what do they do, how to become one, bibliography, etc. Topic: Nursing FAQ Author: Denis Anthony, cudma@csv.warwick.ac.uk Newsgroup: sci.med.nursing, news.answers Archive: nursing-faq URL: http://www.csv.warwick.ac.uk:8000/sci.med.nursing.html Abstract: Charter for sci.med.nursing, nursing resources, treating superficial wounds, representative bodies, etc. -------------------------- Obstetrics and gynaecology -------------------------- Topic: Alph-feto-protein (AFP) test Author: Lynn Gazis-Sax, lynn@elan.com Newsgroup: misc.kids Archive: misc-kids/pregnancy/screening/AFP URL: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/ga/gazissax/ Abstract: Details on alfa-fetal protein test used to detect possible abnormalities of the fetal nervous system in pregnancy. Topic: Birth Planning FAQ Author: Sabrina Cuddy, swnymph@abekas.com Newsgroup: misc.kids.pregnancy, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/pregnancy/birth-plan/ Topic: Bradley method of natural childbirth Author: Sabrina Cuddy, swnymph@abekas.com Newsgroup: misc.kids.pregnancy, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/pregnancy/bradley/method Topic: Caesarian sections Author: Amy Moseley Rupp, amyr@devnull.mpd.tandem.com URL: E-mail author Topic: Epidural anesthesia Author: Sabrina Cuddy, swnymph@remarque.berkeley.edu Newsgroup: misc.kids Archive: misc-kids/pregnancy/anesthesia/epidural Topic: Group B Streptococcus infection in pregnancy Author: Cheryl Sandberg, Sandberg4@earthlink.net URL: http://www.angelfire.com/pages0/itsme/index.html Abstract: Definition, complications, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and FAQs. Topic: Infertility Author: Lara Nolan, minnie@fantasy.wa.com URL: E-mail author 'send infertility FAQ' Topic: Pregnancy, complications- extended bedrest for- Author: Sian Meikle, sian@gpu.utcc.utoronto.ca URL: E-mail author Topic: Pregnancy, gestational diabetes Author: Lauren Halverson, Lauren@mystech.com URL: E-mail author Topic: Pregnancy, miscarriage Author: Laura Brooks, brook006@mc.duke.edu Newsgroup: misc.kids.info, news.answers Archive: misc-kids/miscarriage/ URL: http://scalos.mc.duke.edu/~brook006/miscarriage.html Topic: Pregnancy, nutrition in Author: Sabrina Cuddy, swnymph@abekas.com Newsgroup: misc.kids Archive: misc-kids/pregnancy/bradley/nutrition Topic: Prenatal testing: amniocentesis Author: Lynn Gazis, lynn@elan.com Newsgroup: misc.kids Archive: ftp.netcom.com pub/usenet/ga/gazissax/amnio.faq Topic: Prenatal testing: overview and personal stories Author: Lynn Gazis, lynn@elan.com Newsgroup: misc.kids Archive: ftp.netcom.com pub/usenet/ga/gazissax/prenatal-tests.overview Topic: Prenatal testing: pregnancy and pre-pregnancy tests Author: Lynn Gazis, lynn@elan.com Newsgroup: misc.kids Archive: ftp.netcom.com pub/usenet/ga/gazissax/pregnancy.tests Topic: Prenatal testing: ultrasound Author: Lynn Gazis, lynn@elan.com Newsgroup: misc.kids Archive: ftp.netcom.com pub/usenet/ga/gazissax/ultrasound.faq Topic: Vulvar pain Author: Camilla Cracchiolo, camilla@primenet.com URL: E-mail author Abstract: Vulvodynia and vulvar vestibulitis syndrome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce C McKenzie MB,ChB (NZ) bruce@cybertas.demon.co.uk http://www.oup.co.uk/scimed/medint/ END OF PART 1 OF 2 Bruce McKenzie MB ChB bruce@cybertas.demon.co.uk Chesterfield, UK http://www.cybertas.demon.co.uk/ Medicine & the Internet http://www.oup.co.uk/scimed/medint User Contributions:Part1 - Part2 [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: 75337.2274@compuserve.com
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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