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Next Document: 0. A word about flaming.
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
         Table of Contents
         0. A word about flaming.
         1. Where can I find Mac games available for anonymous ftp?
         2. What does .hqx mean?  What about .cpt and .sit?
         3. Where else can I get Mac games?
         4. What's the Patchlist/GPHL?  Could somebody please repost it?
         5. What's ResEdit?  How do I get it?
         6. I'm completely stuck in this game I'm playing.  Where can
            I get a walkthru?
         7. What's an easter egg?
         8. How do I fix the bug in Indiana Jones:  Fate of Atlantis?
         9. The 7th Guest keeps crashing on my Mac!  What do I do?
        10. I just saw this really great game called "X-Wing" on the PC.
            Is it available for the Mac?
        11. I just saw this really great game called "DOOM" on the PC.
            Is it available for the Mac?
        12. Where can I find a list of forthcoming games for the Mac?
        13. What's the cheat code in SimCity 2000?
        14. How do I play the game Maniac Mansion from within Day of 
            the Tentacle?
        15. What happened to the guy who did "Fool's Errand" and
            "3 in Three"?
        16. Where can I find Wesleyan Tetris?
        17. How do I run Apple ][+ games on my Mac?
        18. I've done some programming on other machines, and I'd like
            to write a game on my Mac.  How do I start?
        19. I've written this terrific game for the Mac.  How do I get
            it out to the major ftp sites?
        20. What's "IMG"/"Inside Mac Games"?
        21. Are there any freeware chess games for the Mac?
        22. Are there any mahjong games for the Mac?
        23. Where can I find shareware games for young children?
        24. I always loved playing [Pacman, Star Wars, Frogger, etc.]
            at the arcade.  Is there a Mac version?
        25. What games will fail to run on my [AV Mac, PowerMac,
            bizarrely configured Mac]?  How do I fix them?
        26. What joystick should I buy for my Mac?
        27. Is there a FAQ for [FA-18, Sim City 2000, Civilization, Bolo,
            Pathways into Darkness, Spaceward Ho!, Marathon, 7th Guest...]

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Next Document: 0. A word about flaming.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM