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Law-Related Resources on the Internet and Elsewhere (05 of 12)

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Archive-name: law/net-resources/part05
Version: 6.0

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Chapter 2. Government Organizations.

This chapter describes law-related resources made available by US 
government organizations. An organization in this chapter would most 
likely have a domain name ending in .gov (government). This chapter is 
divided into two sub-sections: 1) US Federal Government Organizations 
and 2) US State Government Organizations.

One of the best ways to find the e-mail address for a particular 
individual is to call that individual. If you choose to contact the 
individuals listed below via e-mail, please keep your e-mail message 
short and to-the-point.

2.1.	Federal Government.

2.1.1.	Executive Branch.	White House Offices.	Office of the Vice President.

National Performance Review.


President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore charged the National 
Performance Review with creating a new customer service contract with 
the American people, a guarantee of effective, efficient, and responsive 
government. The NPR's goal is to make government work better and cost 



FinanceNet represents the information clearing house of the Joint 
Financial Management Improvement Program. Staffed by volunteers, 
FinanceNet provides electronic libraries of financial information and 
mailing lists to link taxpayers and government financial management 
professionals together in an effort to innovate and optimize the way 
governments manage public resources.	White House, The.

White House Office.


There is a great deal of government-related material at this server, 
including press releases. For those without WWW clients, information can 
retrieved by phone from the Federal Information Center at 1-800-347-

White House E-mail.


The White House has several e-mail addresses including, MCI Mail White House,, and The .gov 
addresses were created in June 93 and appear to be the best.

White House Publications.

For information on how to get White House publications via e-mail, send 
a message with send info in the body of the message to the following 

URL: mailto:Publications@WhiteHouse.GOV

Also, a service based on the Clinton volunteer e-mail campaign still 
exists. For more information send a message with help as the subject of 
the message to the following address.


White House FAQ.

To receive the most recent FAQ about the White House services, send a 
blank message to the following address.

URL:	Cabinet-Level Departments.	Department of Commerce.

URL: gopher://GOPHER.ESA.DOC.GOV:70/1

The Department of Commerce was established in 1903 to promote American 
businesses and trade. Its responsibilities include expanding US exports, 
developing innovative technologies, gathering and disseminating 
statistical data, measuring economic growth, granting patents, promoting 
minority entrepreneurship, predicting the weather, and monitoring 

NTIS - FedWorld Information Network.

BBS Phone: (703) 321-8020
URL: telnet://

FedWorld(TM) is a pilot project, set up by the National Technical 
Information Service (NTIS), that allows users to connect electronically 
to many Federal departments and agencies. From FedWorld, you can access 
more than 100 BBSs operated by the US Government including JAG-NET, 
OASH-BBS, Library of Congress News Service, and the National Criminal 
Justice Reference System.

US Patent and Trademark Office.

URL:	Department of Defense.

The Department of Defense does not appear to have any top-level Gopher 
or WWW server, but these two may point you in the right direction.

Defense Technical Information Center.

URL: gopher://

This server contains, among other things, Small Business Innovation 
Research Program (SBIR) Program Solicitations.



DefenseLink is a service of the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary 
of Defense/Public Affairs Office (OSD/PA) in cooperation with the 
Defense Technical Information Center. This server contains current OSD 
Public Affairs press releases and maintains a searchable historical 
database of previous releases.	Department of Education.

URL: gopher://
URL:	Department of Energy.

URL:	Department of Health and Human Services

URL: gopher://

Agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services include the 
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 
and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 

Food and Drug Administration, National Center for Toxicological 

URL: gopher://

National Institutes of Health.

URL: gopher://
URL:	Department of Housing and Urban Development.

URL: gopher://	Department of Justice.

URL: gopher://

This server contains DOJ-related information including the Violent Crime 
and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.	Department of Labor.

Bureau of Labor Statistics.

URL: gopher://

Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

URL:	Department of the Interior.


US Geological Survey.

URL: gopher://	Department of Transportation.

URL: gopher://
URL:	Department of Veterans Affairs.

URL:	Independent Agencies.	Environmental Protection Agency.

URL: gopher://
URL:	Federal Communications Commission.

URL: gopher://

The FCC has been on the Internet since 02/15/94. The following is the 
directory structure of this site:

Speeches/	Federal Emergency Management Agency.

URL:	General Services Administration.

URL: gopher://

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) was established in 1949 
and is a central management agency that sets Federal policy in such 
areas as Federal procurement, real property management, and information 
resources management. GSA also manages diversified government-wide 
operations involving buildings management, telecommunications, consumer 
information, distribution, child care in the Federal workplace, and the 
Federal Recycling Program. Information available via this server 
includes the Consumer Information Catalog (Pueblo, CO), the Federal 
Acquisition Regulations (FAR), and the Federal Information Resources 
Management Regulations (FIRMR).	National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

URL:	National Archives and Records Administration.

URL: gopher://
URL:	National Science Foundation.

URL: gopher://
URL:	Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

URL:	Securities and Exchange Commission.

URL: gopher://

The Internet EDGAR Dissemination project is a research project to 
investigate how such large data archives can be made easily available to 
the general public. The Internet EDGAR Dissemination project allows you 
to receive any 1994 filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(SEC) that are available to the public. The data in this project 
consists of electronic filings by corporations to the SEC. Not all 
corporations currently file electronically, but those that do 
participate in the EDGAR filing system. Because this is a research 
project, you should expect the data formats and access methods to 
change. The information is available via e-mail, FTP, Gopher, and WWW.

For, more information, send a message with HELP in the body of the 
message to the following address.

URL:	Small Business Administration.

URL: gopher://
URL:	Social Security Administration

An independent agency starting in 1995.

URL: gopher://	US Postal Service.


Includes a searchable ZIP+4 zip code database.

2.1.2.	Judicial Branch.	Federal Judicial Center

URL:	Supreme Court Decisions.


US Supreme Court decisions are available online as part of Project 
Hermes. On May 11th, 1990 the United States Supreme Court announced that 
it was beginning a two-year experimental program with the objective to 
rapidly provide copies of the Courts opinions in electronic form to as 
wide an audience as possible. One of the twelve participants is a 
noncommercial, nonprofit, consortium composed of Case Western Reserve 
University (CWRU), EDUCOM, and the National Public Telecomputing Network 
(NPTN). You can electronically receive the full text of the Courts 
opinions within minutes of their release--free.

The consortium grants permission to download, reproduce, or re-post any 
of the Supreme Court opinion files PROVIDED NO CHANGES OR EDITING ARE 
MADE TO THE SUBJECT MATERIAL. The consortium would greatly appreciate it 
if source credit were given to CWRU, EDUCOM, and the National Public 
Telecomputing Network if these files are used.

2.1.3.	Legislative Branch.	Government Printing Office.

US Government Printing Office 
Electronic Information Dissemination Services 
Mail Stop SDE 
Washington, DC 20401

URL: telnet:// (enter wais at the first prompt and 
newuser at the second)

In compliance with the Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 
1993 (PL 103-40), the Government Printing Office has made the Federal 
Register, the Congressional Record, and other documents available (for a 
fee) via WAIS.

The Federal Bulletin Board.

BBS Phone: (202) 512-1387

The Federal Bulletin Board is a service of the US Government Printing 
Office, Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS), 
Washington, DC 2040l. The BBS enables Federal agencies to provide the 
public immediate, self-service access to Federal information in 
electronic form at reasonable rates.	House of Representatives.

URL: gopher://

Information available via these servers includes searchable bill 
tracking information for the 104th Congress, the Congressional Record 
for the 103rd Congress, and the US Code.

Constituent Electronic Mail System.

In June 1993, the House of Representatives Committee on House 
Administration announced a pilot program called the Constituent 
Electronic Mail System. E-mail addresses are available for individual 
Representatives and for House committees. So far, however, only a few 
Representatives have signed up for e-mail.

The organizers of the pilot program kindly request that constituents 
send a letter or postcard (that includes the senders name, address, and 
Internet e-mail address) by US Mail to their Representative so that the 
Representatives will be able to verify the incoming e-mail is from an 
actual constituent. The organizers also note that Representatives may 
reply to e-mail messages via USPS mail.

For more information, contact:


The following Representative are on the Internet:

Hon. Joe Barton
6th Congressional District, Texas
Rm. 2264 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Sherwood Boehlert
23rd Congressional District, New York
Rm. 2246 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Dave Camp
4th Congressional District, Michigan
Rm. 137 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Ben Cardin
3rd Congressional District, Maryland
Rm. 104 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. John Conyers, Jr.
14th Congressional District, Michigan
Rm. 2426 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Peter Defazio
4th Congressional District, Oregon
Rm. 2134 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Peter Deutsch
20th Congressional District, Florida
Rm. 204 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Jay Dickey
4th Congressional District, Arkansas
Rm. 230 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Vernon Ehlers
3rd Congressional District, Michigan
Rm. 1717 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Anna Eshoo
14th Congressional District, California
Rm. 308 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Harris Fawell
13th Congressional District, Illinois
Rm. 2159 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Michael Forbes
1st Congressional District, New York
Rm. 502 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Bob Franks
7th Congressional District, New Jersey
Rm. 429 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Elizabeth Furse
1st Congressional District, Oregon
Rm. 316 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Sam Gejdenson
2nd Congressional District, Connecticut
Rm. 2416 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Newt Gingrich
6th Congressional District, Georgia
Rm. 2428 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Bob Goodlatte
6th Congressional District, Virginia
Rm. 123 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Jane Harman
36th Congressional District, California
Rm. 325 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Dennis Hastert
14th Congressional District, Illinois
Rm. 2453 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Alcee Hastings
23rd Congressional District, Florida
Rm. 1039 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Martin Hoke
10th Congressional District, Ohio
Rm. 212 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Ernest J. Istook, Jr.
5th Congressional District, Oklahoma
Rm. 119 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Sam Johnson
3rd Congressional District, Texas
Rm. 1030 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Tom Lantos
12th Congressional District, California
Rm. 2217 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Rick Lazio
2nd Congressional District, New York
Rm. 314 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. John Linder
4th Congressional District, Georgia
Rm. 1318 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Thomas Manton
7th Congressional District, New York
Rm. 2235 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. George Miller
7th Congressional District, California
Rm. 2205 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Norman Y. Mineta
15th Congressional District, California
Rm. 2221 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. David Minge
2nd Congressional District, Minnesota
1415 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Hon. Ed Pastor
2nd Congressional District, Arizona
Rm. 223 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Owen Pickett
2nd Congressional District, Virginia
Rm. 2430 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Earl Pomeroy
North Dakota, At Large
Rm. 1533 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Rob Portman
2nd Congressional District, Ohio
Rm. 238 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Jim Ramstad
3rd Congressional District, Minnesota
Rm. 103 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Pat Roberts
1st Congressional District, Kansas
Rm. 1126 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Charlie Rose
7th Congressional District, North Carolina
Rm. 242 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Dan Schaefer
6th Congressional District, Colorado
Rm. 2353 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Christopher Shays
4th Congressional District, Connecticut
Rm. 1502 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. David Skaggs
2nd Congressional District, Colorado
Rm. 1124 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Pete Stark
13th Congressional District, California
Rm. 239 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Cliff Stearns
6th Congressional District, Florida
Rm. 2352 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Charles Taylor
11th Congressional District, North Carolina
Rm. 231 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Walter R. Tucker, III
37th Congressional District, California
Rm. 419 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Robert Walker
16th Congressional District, Pennsylvania
Rm. 2369 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Mel Watt
12th Congressional District, North Carolina
Rm. 1230 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Charles Wilson
2nd Congressional District, Texas
Rm. 2256 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Lynn C. Woolsey
6th Congressional District, California
Rm. 439 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Hon. Dick Zimmer
12th Congressional District, New Jersey
Rm. 228 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The following House committees and offices are on the Internet:

Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations 
Committee on Economic and Educational Opportunities 
Rm. 320 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Committee on Resources
1329 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Democratic Leaders Office
H204 U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

House Document Room
Rm. B18 Ford House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
URL: mailto:HDOCS@HR.HOUSE.GOV	House of Representatives, 104th Congress Phone Numbers.

Member	Party State/  Room  Phone
Name 	District Number  Area Code: 202

Abercrombie, Neil	D  HI01 1233 LHOB 225-2726
Ackerman, Gary	D  NY05 2243 RHOB 225-2601
Allard, Wayne	R  CO04 422  CHOB 225-4676
Andrews, Robert	D  NJ01 1005 LHOB 225-0257
Archer, Bill	R  TX07 1236 LHOB 225-2571
Armey, Richard	R  TX26 301  CHOB 225-1763
Bachus, Spencer	R  AL06 216  CHOB 225-1119
Baesler, Scotty	D  KY06 113  CHOB 225-4706
Baker, Bill	R  CA10 1724 LHOB 225-0169
Baker, Richard	R  LA06 434  CHOB 225-3903
Baldacci, John	D  ME02 1740 LHOB 225-6306
Ballenger, Cass	R  NC10 2238 RHOB 225-2576
Barcia, James	D  MI05 1410 LHOB 225-8171
Barr, Bob	R  GA07 1607 LHOB 225-2931
Barrett, Thomas	D  WI05 1224 LHOB 225-3571
Barrett, Bill	R  NE03 1213 LHOB 225-6435
Bartlett, Roscoe	R  MD06 322  CHOB 225-2721
Barton, Joe	R  TX06 1514 LHOB 225-0728
Bass, Charles	R  NH02 230  CHOB 226-1254
Bateman, Herbert	R  VA01 2350 RHOB 225-1521
Becerra, Xavier	D  CA30 1710 LHOB 225-2202
Beilenson, Anthony 	D  CA24 2465 RHOB 225-6434
Bentsen, Ken	D  TX25 303  CHOB 226-2045
Bereuter, Doug	R  NE01 2328 RHOB 225-0633
Berman, Howard	D  CA26 2201 RHOB 225-0821
Bevill, Tom	D  AL04 2302 RHOB 226-0749
Bilbray, Brian	R  CA49 1004 LHOB 225-2040
Bilirakis, Michael	R  FL09 2240 RHOB 225-5755
Bishop, Sanford	D  GA02 1632 LHOB 225-3631
Bliley, Thomas	R  VA07 2241 RHOB 225-0011
Blute, Peter	R  MA03 1029 LHOB 225-2217
Boehlert, Sherwood 	R  NY23 2246 RHOB 225-3665
Boehner, John	R  OH08 1021 LHOB 225-2599
Bonilla, Henry	R  TX23 1529 LHOB 225-2237
Bonior, David	D  MI10 2207 RHOB 225-2106
Bono, Sonny	R  CA44 512  CHOB 225-5330
Borski, Robert	D  PA03 2161 RHOB 225-1361
Boucher, Rick	D  VA09 2245 RHOB 225-0034
Brewster, Bill	D  OK03 1727 LHOB 225-4565
Browder, Glen	D  AL03 1221 LHOB 225-3262
Brown, George	D  CA42 2300 RHOB 225-6161
Brown, Corrine	D  FL03 1610 LHOB 225-0123
Brown, Sherrod	D  OH13 1019 LHOB 225-3401
Brownback, Sam	R  KS02 1313 LHOB 225-6601
Bryant, John	D  TX05 205  CHOB 225-0327
Bryant, Ed	R  TN07 339  CHOB 225-0822
Bunn, Jim	R  OR05 1517 LHOB 225-5711
Bunning, Jim	R  KY04 2437 RHOB 225-3465
Burr, Richard	R  NC05 1431 LHOB 225-2071
Burton, Dan	R  IN06 2411 RHOB 225-2276
Buyer, Stephen	R  IN05 326  CHOB 225-5037
Callahan, Sonny	R  AL01 2418 RHOB 225-4931
Calvert, Ken	R  CA43 1034 LHOB 225-1986
Camp, Dave	R  MI04 137  CHOB 225-3561
Canady, Charles	R  FL12 1222 LHOB 225-1252
Cardin, Benjamin	D  MD03 227  CHOB 225-9089
Castle, Michael	R  DE00 1207 LHOB 225-4165
Chabot, Steve	R  OH01 1641 LHOB 225-2216
Chambliss, Saxby	R  GA08 1708 LHOB 225-6531
Chapman, Jim	D  TX01 2417 RHOB 225-2982
Chenoweth, Helen	R  ID01 1117 LHOB 225-6731
Christensen, Jon	R  NE02 1020 LHOB 225-4155
Chrysler, Dick	R  MI08 327  CHOB 225-4872
Clay, William	D  MO01 2306 RHOB 225-2406
Clayton, Eva	D  NC01 222  CHOB 226-0233
Clement, Bob	D  TN05 1230 LHOB 225-4123
Clinger, William	R  PA05 2160 RHOB 225-5121
Clyburn, James	D  SC06 319  CHOB 225-3315
Coble, Howard	R  NC06 403  CHOB 225-3065
Coburn, Tom	R  OK02 511  CHOB 225-2701
Coleman, Ronald	D  TX16 440  CHOB 226-1871
Collins, Cardiss	D  IL07 2308 RHOB 225-5006
Collins, Michael	R  GA03 1130 LHOB 225-5901
Collins, Barbara-Rose	D  MI15 401  CHOB 225-2261
Combest, Larry	R  TX19 1511 LHOB 225-1113
Condit, Gary	D  CA18 1123 LHOB 225-0168
Conyers, John	D  MI14 2426 RHOB 225-5126
Cooley, Wes	R  OR02 H2-3 FORD 226-7867
Costello, Jerry	D  IL12 2454 RHOB 225-5661
Cox, Christopher	R  CA47 206  CHOB 226-3292
Coyne, William	D  PA14 2455 RHOB 225-2301
Cramer, Robert	D  AL05 236  CHOB 225-4801
Crane, Philip	R  IL08 233  CHOB 225-3711
Crapo, Michael	R  ID02 437  CHOB 225-5531
Cremeans, Frank	R  OH06 1107 LHOB 225-5705
Cubin, Barbara	R  WY00 1114 LHOB 225-2311
Cunningham, Randy 	R  CA51 227  CHOB 225-5452
Danner, Pat	D  MO06 1323 LHOB 225-7041
Davis, Thomas	R  VA11 1609 LHOB 225-1117
de la Garza, E	D  TX15 1401 LHOB 225-2531
Deal, Nathan	D  GA09 1406 LHOB 225-5211
DeFazio, Peter	D  OR04 2134 RHOB 225-6416
DeLauro, Rosa	D  CT03 436  CHOB 225-3661
DeLay, Tom	R  TX22 407  CHOB 225-0534
Dellums, Ronald	D  CA09 2108 RHOB 225-1372
Deutsch, Peter	D  FL20 425  CHOB 225-0002
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln	R  FL21 509  CHOB 225-1007
Dickey, Jay	R  AR04 230  CHOB 225-3772
Dicks, Norman	D  WA06 2467 RHOB 225-0766
Dingell, John	D  MI16 2328 RHOB 225-0682
Dixon, Julian	D  CA32 2400 RHOB 225-0913
Doggett, Lloyd	D  TX10 126  CHOB 225-4865
Dooley, Calvin	D  CA20 1227 LHOB 225-5045
Doolittle, John	R  CA04 1524 LHOB 225-2512
Dornan, Robert	R  CA46 1201 LHOB 225-2965
Doyle, Michael	D  PA18 1218 LHOB 225-2135
Dreier, David	R  CA28 411  CHOB 225-0142
Duncan, John	R  TN02 2400 RHOB 225-5435
Dunn, Jennifer	R  WA08 432  CHOB 225-7761
Durbin, Richard	D  IL20 2463 RHOB 225-5271
Edwards, Chet	D  TX11 328  CHOB 225-0350
Ehlers, Vernon	R  MI03 1717 LHOB 225-3831
Ehrlich, Robert	R  MD02 315  CHOB 225-3061
Emerson, Bill	R  MO08 2268 RHOB 225-4404
Engel, Eliot	D  NY17 1433 LHOB 225-2464
English, Phil	R  PA21 1721 LHOB 225-5406
Ensign, John	R  NV01 414  CHOB 225-5965
Eshoo, Anna	D  CA14 1505 LHOB 225-1951
Evans, Lane	D  IL17 2335 RHOB 225-5905
Everett, Terry	R  AL02 208  CHOB 225-2901
Ewing, Thomas	R  IL15 1317 LHOB 225-2371
Faleomavaega, Eni	D  AQ00 2422 RHOB 225-8577
Farr, Sam	D  CA17 1216 LHOB 225-5115
Fattah, Chaka	D  PA02 1205 LHOB 225-4001
Fawell, Harris	R  IL13 2159 RHOB 225-3515
Fazio, Vic	D  CA03 2113 RHOB 225-0102
Fields, Jack	R  TX08 2205 RHOB 225-7895
Fields, Cleo	D  LA04 218  CHOB 225-8490
Filner, Bob	D  CA50 504  CHOB 225-8473
Flake, Floyd	D  NY06 1035 LHOB 225-3461
Flanagan, Michael	R  IL05 1407 LHOB 225-4061
Foglietta, Thomas	D  PA01 341  CHOB 225-0088
Foley, Mark	R  FL16 506  CHOB 225-5792
Forbes, Michael	R  NY01 502  CHOB 225-3826
Ford, Harold	D  TN09 2211 RHOB 225-0388
Fowler, Tillie	R  FL04 413  CHOB 225-2501
Fox, Jon	R  PA13 510  CHOB 225-6111
Frank, Barney	D  MA04 2404 RHOB 225-0182
Franks, Gary	R  CT05 133  CHOB 225-3822
Franks, Bob	R  NJ07 429  CHOB 225-5361
Frazer, Victor	O  VI00 2427 RHOB 225-5128
Frelinghuysen, Rodney	R  NJ11 514  CHOB 225-5034
Frisa, Daniel	R  NY04 116  CHOB 225-8218
Frost, Martin	D  TX24 2459 RHOB 225-3646
Funderburk, David	R  NC02 427  CHOB 225-4531
Furse, Elizabeth	D  OR01 316  CHOB 225-0855
Gallegly, Elton	R  CA23 2441 RHOB 225-0240
Ganske, Greg	R  IA04 1108 LHOB 225-4426
Gejdenson, Sam	D  CT02 2416 RHOB 225-2076
Gekas, George	R  PA17 2410 RHOB 225-9313
Gephardt, Richard	D  MO03 1226 LHOB 225-2671
Geren, Pete	D  TX12 2448 RHOB 225-5071
Gibbons, Sam	D  FL11 2204 RHOB 225-3376
Gilchrest, Wayne	R  MD01 412  CHOB 225-0048
Gillmor, Paul	R  OH05 1203 LHOB 225-1985
Gilman, Benjamin	R  NY20 2449 RHOB 225-3776
Gingrich, Newt	R  GA06 2428 RHOB 225-4501
Gonzalez, Henry	D  TX20 2413 RHOB 225-0347
Goodlatte, Bob	R  VA06 214  CHOB 225-9681
Goodling, William 	R  PA19 2263 RHOB 225-5836
Gordon, Bart	D  TN06 2201 RHOB 225-4231
Goss, Porter	R  FL14 108  CHOB 225-2536
Graham, Lindsey	R  SC03 221  CHOB 225-5391
Green, Gene	D  TX29 1004 LHOB 225-3250
Greenwood, James  	   PA08 430  CHOB 225-4276
Gunderson, Steve	R  WI03 2185 RHOB 225-5506
Gutierrez, Luis	D  IL04 408  CHOB 225-8203
Gutknecht, Gil	R  MN01 425  CHOB 225-2472
Hall, Tony	D  OH03 1436 LHOB 225-6465
Hall, Ralph	D  TX04 2236 RHOB 225-6673
Hamilton, Lee	D  IN09 2314 RHOB 225-5315
Hancock, Mel	R  MO07 129  CHOB 225-7700
Hansen, James	R  UT01 2466 RHOB 225-0454
Harman, Jane	D  CA36 325  CHOB 225-8220
Hastert, J	R  IL14 2453 RHOB 225-2976
Hastings, Alcee	D  FL23 1039 LHOB 225-1318
Hastings, Doc	R  WA04 1229 LHOB 225-5816
Hayes, James	D  LA07 2432 RHOB 225-0592
Hayworth, J.	R  AZ06 1023 LHOB 225-2190
Hefley, Joel	R  CO05 2442 RHOB 225-0299
Hefner, W.	D  NC08 2470 RHOB 225-3715
Heineman, Frederick	R  NC04 1440 LHOB 225-1784
Herger, Wally	R  CA02 2433 RHOB 225-1047
Hilleary, Van	R  TN04 114  CHOB 225-6831
Hilliard, Earl	D  AL07 1007 LHOB 225-2665
Hinchey, Maurice	D  NY26 1524 LHOB 225-6335
Hobson, David	R  OH07 1514 LHOB 225-4324
Hoekstra, Peter	R  MI02 1122 LHOB 225-4401
Hoke, Martin	R  OH10 212  CHOB 225-5871
Holden, Tim	D  PA06 1421 LHOB 225-5546
Horn, Stephen	R  CA38 1023 LHOB 226-2175
Hostettler, John	R  IN08 1404 LHOB 225-4636
Houghton, Amo	R  NY31 1110 LHOB 226-5360
Hoyer, Steny	D  MD05 1705 LHOB 225-1934
Hunter, Duncan	R  CA52 2265 RHOB 225-5672
Hutchinson, Y.	R  AR03 1005 LHOB 225-4301
Hyde, Henry	R  IL06 2110 RHOB 225-4561
Inglis, Bob	R  SC04 1237 LHOB 225-6030
Istook, Ernest	R  OK05 119  CHOB 225-2132
Jackson-Lee, Sheila	D  TX18 1711 LHOB 226-0377
Jacobs, Andrew	D  IN10 2313 RHOB 225-4011
Jefferson, William	D  LA02 240  CHOB 225-6636
Johnson, Tim	D  SD00 2438 RHOB 225-2801
Johnson, Nancy	R  CT06 343  CHOB 225-4476
Johnson, Sam	R  TX03 1030 LHOB 225-1485
Johnson, Eddie	D  TX30 1721 LHOB 225-6977
Johnston, Harry	D  FL19 2458 RHOB 225-3001
Jones, Walter	R  NC03 214  CHOB 225-3415
Kanjorski, Paul	D  PA11 2429 RHOB 225-0277
Kaptur, Marcy	D  OH09 2104 RHOB 225-4146
Kasich, John	R  OH12 1131 LHOB 225-5355
Kelly, Sue	R  NY19 1037 LHOB 225-5441
Kennedy, Joseph	D  MA08 1210 LHOB 225-3597
Kennedy, Patrick	D  RI01 1505 LHOB 225-4911
Kennelly, Barbara	D  CT01 201  CHOB 225-2265
Kildee, Dale	D  MI09 2239 RHOB 225-0572
Kim, Jay	R  CA41 435  CHOB 225-3201
King, Peter	R  NY03 224  CHOB 225-7896
Kingston, Jack	R  GA01 1507 LHOB 225-5831
Kleczka, Gerald	D  WI04 2301 RHOB 225-4572
Klink, Ron	D  PA04 125  CHOB 225-2565
Klug, Scott	R  WI02 1113 LHOB 225-2906
Knollenberg, Joe	R  MI11 1221 LHOB 225-5802
Kolbe, Jim	R  AZ05 205  CHOB 225-2542
LaFalce, John	D  NY29 2310 RHOB 225-3231
LaHood, Ray	R  IL18 329  CHOB 225-6201
Lantos, Tom	D  CA12 2182 RHOB 225-0954
Largent, Steve	R  OK01 442  CHOB 225-2502
Latham, Tom	R  IA05 516  CHOB 225-5476
LaTourette, Steve	R  OH19 1508 CHOB 225-5731
Laughlin, Greg	D  TX14 236  CHOB 225-1107
Lazio, Rick	R  NY02 314  CHOB 225-3335
Leach, James	R  IA01 2186 RHOB 225-6576
Levin, Sander	D  MI12 106  CHOB 225-4981
Lewis, Jerry	R  A40 2112  RHOB 225-5861
Lewis, John	D  GA05 229  CHOB 225-3801
Lewis, Ron	R  KY02 2333 RHOB 225-8062
Lightfoot, Jim	R  IA03 2161 RHOB 225-3806
Lincoln, Blanche	D  AR01 1204 LHOB 225-7998
Linder, John	R  GA04 1318 LHOB 225-4272
Lipinski, William	D  IL03 1501 LHOB 225-5701
Livingston, Bob	R  LA01 2368 RHOB 225-0739
LoBiondo, Frank	R  NJ02 241  CHOB 225-0450
Lofgren, Zoe	D  CA16 2307 RHOB 225-0892
Longley, James	R  ME01 226  CHOB 225-6116
Lowey, Nita	D  NY18 2421 RHOB 225-6506
Lucas, Frank	R  OK06 107  CHOB 225-5565
Luther, William	D  MN06 1713 LHOB 226-3683
Maloney, Carolyn	D  NY14 1504 LHOB 225-7944
Manton, Thomas	D  NY07 2235 RHOB 225-3965
Manzullo, Donald	R  IL16 426  CHOB 225-5676
Markey, Edward	D  MA07 2133 RHOB 225-2974
Martinez, Matthew	D  CA31 2231 RHOB 225-0545
Martini, Bill	R  NJ08 1513 LHOB 225-5751
Mascara, Frank	D  PA20 1531 LHOB 225-4665
Matsui, Robert	D  CA05 2311 RHOB 225-0566
McCarthy, Karen	D  MO05 1232 LHOB 225-4535
McCollum, Bill	R  FL08 2266 RHOB 225-2176
McCrery, Jim	R  LA05 225  CHOB 225-2777
McDade, Joseph	R  PA10 2107 RHOB 225-3731
McDermott, Jim	D  WA07 1707 LHOB 225-3140
McHale, Paul	D  PA15 217  CHOB 225-6411
McHugh, John	R  NY24 416  CHOB 225-4611
McInnis, Scott	R  CO03 512  CHOB 225-2914
McIntosh, David	R  IN02 1208 LHOB 225-3021
McKeon, Howard	R  CA25 307  CHOB 225-7371
McKinney, Cynthia 	D  GA11 124  CHOB 225-1605
McNulty, Michael	D  NY21 2442 RHOB 225-5076
Meehan, Martin	D  MA05 1223 LHOB 225-7546
Meek, Carrie	D  FL17 404  CHOB 225-4506
Menendez, Robert	D  NJ13 1730 LHOB 225-7919
Metcalf, Jack	R  WA02 507  CHOB 225-2605
Meyers, Jan	R  KS03 2303 RHOB 225-2865
Mfume, Kweisi	D  MD07 2419 RHOB 225-4741
Mica, John	R  FL07 336  CHOB 225-4035
Miller, Dan	R  FL13 117  CHOB 225-5015
Miller, George	D  CA07 2205 RHOB 225-1125
Mineta, Norman	D  CA15 2221 RHOB 225-1999
Minge, David	D  MN02 1415 LHOB 225-2331
Mink, Patsy	D  HI02 2135 RHOB 225-4906
Moakley, John	D  MA09 235  CHOB 225-8273
Molinari, Susan	R  NY13 2435 RHOB 225-3371
Mollohan, Alan	D  WV01 2427 RHOB 225-4172
Montgomery, G.	D  MS03 2184 RHOB 225-5031
Moorhead, Carlos	R  CA27 2346 RHOB 225-0431
Moran, James	D  VA08 430  CHOB 225-0017
Morella, Constance 	R  MD08 106  CHOB 225-5341
Murtha, John	D  PA12 2423 RHOB 225-1924
Myers, John	R  IN07 2372 RHOB 225-5805
Myrick, Sue	R  NC09 401  CHOB 225-7827
Nadler, Jerrold	D  NY08 109  CHOB 225-5635
Neal, Richard	D  MA02 131  CHOB 225-0538
Nethercutt, George	R  WA05 1201 LHOB 225-1455
Neumann, Mark	R  WI01 1725 LHOB 225-3031
Ney, Bob	R  OH18 2183 RHOB 225-7178
Norton, Eleanor	D  DC00 1424 LHOB 225-8050
Norwood, Charlie	R  GA10 1707 LHOB 225-4101
Nussle, Jim	R  IA02 303  CHOB 225-2911
Oberstar, James	D  MN08 H2-5 FORD 226-0295
Obey, David	D  WI07 2462 RHOB 225-3365
Olver, John	D  MA01 1323 LHOB 225-1224
Ortiz, Solomon	D  TX27 2136 RHOB 225-2180
Orton, Bill	D  UT03 1122 LHOB 225-2823
Owens, Major	D  NY11 2305 RHOB 225-6231
Oxley, Michael	R  OH04 2233 RHOB 225-2676
Packard, Ron	R  CA48 2162 RHOB 225-8608
Pallone, Frank	D  NJ06 420  CHOB 225-4671
Parker, Mike	D  MS04 2445 RHOB 225-5865
Pastor, Ed	D  AZ02 223  CHOB 225-4065
Paxon, Bill	R  NY27 2436 RHOB 225-5265
Payne, Donald	D  NJ10 417  CHOB 225-3908
Payne, Lewis	D  VA05 2412 RHOB 225-4711
Pelosi, Nancy	D  CA08 240  CHOB 225-3398
Peterson, Douglas	D  FL02 306  CHOB 225-5235
Peterson, Collin 	D  MN07 1314 LHOB 225-2165
Petri, Thomas	R  WI06 2262 RHOB 225-2476
Pickett, Owen	D  VA02 2430 RHOB 225-0813
Pombo, Richard	R  CA11 1519 LHOB 225-0024
Pomeroy, Earl	D  ND00 1533 LHOB 225-2611
Porter, John	R  IL10 2373 RHOB 225-4835
Portman, Rob	R  OH02 238  CHOB 225-3164
Poshard, Glenn	D  IL19 2334 RHOB 225-5201
Pryce, Deborah	R  OH15 221  CHOB 225-2015
Quillen, James	R  TN01 101  CHOB 225-5694
Quinn, Jack	R  NY30 331  CHOB 225-3306
Radanovich, George	R  CA19 1226 LHOB 225-0399
Rahall, Nick	D  WV03 2269 RHOB 225-3452
Ramstad, Jim	R  MN03 103  CHOB 225-2871
Rangel, Charles	D  NY15 2354 RHOB 225-4365
Reed, Jack	D  RI02 1510 LHOB 225-2735
Regula, Ralph	R  OH16 2309 RHOB 225-3876
Reynolds, Mel	D  IL02 312  CHOB 225-0773
Richardson, Bill	D  NM03 2209 RHOB 225-6190
Riggs, Frank	R  CA01 114  CHOB 225-7009
Rivers, Lynn	D  MI13 1116 LHOB 225-6261
Roberts, Pat	R  KS01 1126 LHOB 225-2715
Roemer, Tim	D  IN03 407  CHOB 225-3915
Rogers, Harold	R  KY05 2468 RHOB 225-4601
Rohrabacher, Dana	R  CA45 2338 RHOB 225-2415
Romero-Barcelo, Carlos 	D  PR00 428  CHOB 225-2615
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana	R  FL18 416  CHOB 225-3422
Rose, Charlie	D  NC07 242  CHOB 225-2731
Roth, Toby	R  WI08 2234 RHOB 225-5665
Roukema, Marge	R  NJ05 2244 RHOB 225-2090
Roybal-Allard, Lucille	D  CA33 324  CHOB 225-5098
Royce, Edward	R  CA39 1133 LHOB 225-4111
Rush, Bobby	D  IL01 131  CHOB 225-4372
Sabo, Martin	D  MN05 2336 RHOB 225-4755
Salmon, Matt	R  AZ01 1607 LHOB 225-8667
Sanders, Bernard	O  VT00 213  CHOB 225-4115
Sanford, Mark	R  SC01 1223 LHOB 225-3176
Sawyer, Thomas	D  OH14 1414 LHOB 225-5250
Saxton, Jim	R  NJ03 339  CHOB 225-4765
Scarborough, Joe	R  FL01 1523 LHOB 225-4136
Schaefer, Dan	R  CO06 2353 RHOB 225-7882
Schiff, Steven	R  NM01 2404 RHOB 225-6316
Schroeder, Patricia	D  CO01 2307 RHOB 225-4431
Schumer, Charles	D  NY09 2211 RHOB 225-6616
Scott, Robert	D  VA03 501  CHOB 225-0775
Seastrand, Andrea	R  CA22 113  CHOB 225-0384
Sensenbrenner, F.	R  WI09 2332 RHOB 225-5101
Serrano, Jose	D  NY16 2342 RHOB 225-4361
Shadegg, John	R  AZ04 503  CHOB 225-3361
Shaw, E.	R  FL22 2267 RHOB 225-1324
Shays, Christopher	R  CT04 1502 LHOB 225-5541
Shuster, Bud	R  PA09 2188 RHOB 225-2431
Sisisky, Norman	D  VA04 2352 RHOB 225-3275
Skaggs, David	D  CO02 1124 LHOB 225-5693
Skeen, Joe	R  NM02 2367 RHOB 226-3710
Skelton, Ike	D  MO04 2227 RHOB 225-2876
Slaughter, Louise	D  NY28 2347 RHOB 225-3615
Smith, Christopher	R  NJ04 2370 RHOB 225-3765
Smith, Lamar	R  TX21 2443 RHOB 225-1112
Smith, Nick	R  MI07 1708 LHOB 225-1087
Smith, Linda	R  WA03 1217 LHOB 225-3536
Solomon, Gerald	R  NY22 2206 RHOB 225-5614
Souder, Mark	R  IN04 508  CHOB 225-4436
Spence, Floyd	R  SC02 2405 RHOB 225-2452
Spratt, John	D  SC05 1536 LHOB 225-5501
Stark, Fortney	D  CA13 239  CHOB 225-0830
Stearns, Cliff	R  FL06 2352 RHOB 225-5744
Stenholm, Charles	D  TX17 1212 LHOB 225-0210
Stockman, Steve	R  TX09 417  CHOB 225-6565
Stokes, Louis	D  OH11 2365 RHOB 225-7032
Studds, Gerry	D  MA10 237  CHOB 225-0621
Stump, Bob	R  AZ03 211  CHOB 225-0188
Stupak, Bart	D  MI01 317  CHOB 225-4735
Talent, James	R  MO02 1022 LHOB 225-2561
Tanner, John	D  TN08 1427 LHOB 225-1765
Tate, Randy	R  WA09 1535 LHOB 225-7552
Tauzin, W.	D  LA03 2183 RHOB 225-4031
Taylor, Charles	R  NC11 516  CHOB 225-0519
Taylor, Gene	D  MS05 2447 RHOB 225-5772
Tejeda, Frank	D  TX28 323  CHOB 225-1641
Thomas, William	R  CA21 2209 RHOB 225-2330
Thompson, Bennie	D  MS02 1408 LHOB 225-8083
Thornberry, William	R  TX13 126  CHOB 226-3605
Thornton, Ray	D  AR02 1214 LHOB 225-0195
Thurman, Karen	D  FL05 130  CHOB 225-1002
Tiahrt, Todd	R  KS04 2371 RHOB 225-6150
Torkildsen, Peter	R  MA06 120  CHOB 225-1352
Torres, Esteban	D  CA34 1740 LHOB 225-9711
Torricelli, Robert	D  NJ09 1026 LHOB 225-5061
Towns, Edolphus	D  NY10 2232 RHOB 225-5936
Traficant, James	D  OH17 2446 RHOB 225-5261
Tucker, Walter	D  CA37 419  CHOB 226-0549
Underwood, Robert	D  GU00 424  CHOB 225-1188
Upton, Fred	R  MI06 2333 RHOB 225-3761
Velazquez, Nydia	D  NY12 132  CHOB 225-2361
Vento, Bruce	D  MN04 2304 RHOB 225-6631
Visclosky, Peter	D  IN01 2464 RHOB 225-2461
Volkmer, Harold	D  MO09 2409 RHOB 225-2956
Vucanovich, Barbara	R  NV02 2202 RHOB 225-6155
Waldholtz, Enid	R  UT02 414  CHOB 225-5955
Walker, Robert	R  PA16 2369 RHOB 225-1116
Walsh, James	R  NY25 1330 LHOB 225-3701
Wamp, Zach	R  TN03 2406 RHOB 226-1031
Ward, Mike	D  KY03 2246 RHOB 225-3562
Waters, Maxine	D  CA35 1207 LHOB 225-2283
Watt, Melvin	D  NC12 1232 LHOB 225-1540
Watts, J.	R  OK04 2344 RHOB 226-0115
Waxman, Henry	D  CA29 2408 RHOB 225-7268
Weldon, Curt	R  PA07 2452 RHOB 225-2011
Weldon, Dave	R  FL15 216  CHOB 225-3671
Weller, Gerald	R  IL11 1710 LHOB 225-3635
White, Rick	R  WA01 116  CHOB 225-6311
Whitfield, Edward	R  KY01 1533 LHOB 225-8185
Wicker, Roger	R  MS01 2314 RHOB 225-6349
Williams, Pat	D  MT00 2457 RHOB 225-0847
Wilson, Charles	D  TX02 2256 RHOB 225-2401
Wise, Robert	D  WV02 2434 RHOB 225-2711
Wolf, Frank	R  VA10 104  CHOB 225-0318
Woolsey, Lynn	D  CA06 439  CHOB 225-2950
Wyden, Ron	D  OR03 1111 LHOB 225-4811
Wynn, Albert	D  MD04 423  CHOB 225-3215
Yates, Sidney	D  IL09 2109 RHOB 225-2111
Young, Don	R  AK00 H2-3 FORD 225-0863
Young, C.W.	R  FL10 2407 RHOB 225-5961
Zeliff, William	R  NH01 1210 LHOB 225-5456
Zimmer, Dick	R  NJ12 228  CHOB 225-5801 

|||| Erik J. Heels, Lawyers Cooperative Publishing
|||| c/o Counterpoint Publishing     
|||| 84 Sherman St.                           Fax: (617) 547-9064
|||| Cambridge, MA 02140              Phone: 1-800-998-4515 x3112

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