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Kerberos FAQ, v2.0 (last modified 8/18/2000)
Section - 2.1. Okay, I'm the administrator of a site, and I'd like to run Kerberos. What do I need to do?

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Top Document: Kerberos FAQ, v2.0 (last modified 8/18/2000)
Previous Document: 2. Administration questions
Next Document: 2.2. What sort of resources do I need to dedicate to a KDC?
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An excellent question!

Please note that this information applies to the MIT Kerberos 5 release. If
you're using one of the commercial versions of Kerberos, then you should
consult the documentation that came with it.

First, you should read at least some of the documentation in Question 1.4.
You will find that administrating Kerberos is much easier once you
understand the fundamentals.

Once you feel you understand the basics, you should download the software
from MIT. You can get it from any of the places listed in Question 1.5. Note
that Kerberos is usually distributed as three tar files containing the src,
doc, and crypto directories; you'll want to download all three tar files.

The doc directory contains three important files that you'll want to read:
the Kerberos installation guide, the Kerberos administration guide, and the
Kerberos user's guide. The first one you'll need to read is the installation

After you have everything downloaded, you should compile the Kerberos
distribution. If you don't have the space or would rather not, binary
snapshots of Kerberos are available from the Kerberos web site mentioned in
Question 1.5 for some of the more popular versions of Unix.

If you're compiling Kerberos yourself, the installation guide explains how
to do it, and lists most of the options you can give to configure program.
Unless you have special needs the defaults are usually sufficient.

Building the MIT Kerberos 5 distribution requires GNU make. I have not had
success with any vendor's make.

Once Kerberos is built, you should follow the instructions in the install
guide for Chapter 4: "Installing Kerberos 5".

Unfortunately, it is difficult to give specific directions on how to deploy
Kerberos at your site, since every site is different. The deployment of
Kerberos at your site may have political issues that are beyond the scope of
this FAQ :-).

A fair amount of practical advice can be found at:

   * <>

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Top Document: Kerberos FAQ, v2.0 (last modified 8/18/2000)
Previous Document: 2. Administration questions
Next Document: 2.2. What sort of resources do I need to dedicate to a KDC?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM