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Judaism Reading List: Conservative Judaism (Pt. V)
Section - Conservative History

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          Bentwich, Norman. Solomon Schechter. Jewish Publication
          Society, Philadelphia PA. 1948. Out of Print.
          Cardin, Nina Beth; Silverman, David Wolf. The Seminary at 100:
          Reflections on the Jewish Theological Seminary and the
          Conservative Movement. United Synagogue Book Service; 1987.
          Hardcover. ISBN 0-916219-04-6. [A collection of papers by over
          fifty scholars, rabbis and lay leaders, who offer their
          insights and reflections on the Jewish Theological Seminary:
          its contributions and character, its mystique and its mission.]
          [6][Buy at Amazon:

          Davis, Moshe. The Emergence of Conservative Judaism: The
          Historical School in 19th Century America. Jewish Publication
          Society, Philadelphia PA. 1963. Out of Print
          Dorff, Eliot M. Conservative Judaism: Our Ancestors to Our
          Descendents. United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, New
          York. 1997. [An authoritative sourcebook on the origins and
          philosophy of the Conservative Movement. Objectively covers the
          development of Judaism from the time of the Torah to the
          enlightenment, and discusses the theology and philosophy of the
          Jewish movements that developed in response to the modern age:
          Conservative, Orthodox, Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism.]
          Eisenberg, Azriel. Fill a Blank Page: A Biography of Solomon
          Schechter. United Synagogue Book Service; 1980. Hardcover. ISBN
          [7][Buy at Amazon:

          Gillman, Neil. Conservative Judaism: The New Century. Behrman
          House; 1996. Paperback. ISBN 0-874415-47-0. [Through history,
          photographs, and personal recollection, this book recreates the
          history of the Conservative movement. Written from an insider's
          perspective, this book explores the history and ideology behind
          the development of the modern Jewish movements. It then
          discusses the key issues, that have forced the Movement to come
          to terms with its identity, such as: The struggle to create a
          modern form of traditional Jewish law, the demand to ordain
          women as rabbis, pressure to accept homosexual rabbis, and the
          recognition that much of its membership is largely unobservant.
          Also looks at the movement's relationship with the state of
          [8][Buy at Amazon:

          Karp, Abraham J. A History of the United Synagoges of America:
          1913-1963, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, New York.
          1964. Out of Print
          Parzen, Herbert. Architects of Conservative Judaism Jonathan
          David, New York. 1964. Out of Print
          Waxman, Mordecai (ed). Tradition and Change: The Development of
          Conservative Judaism. United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism,
          New York. 1998. [Includes statements by the founders and
          leading spokesmen of the Conservative movement. Includes a
          number of famous rabbinic responsa dealing with the use of
          electricity and automobiles on the Sabbath.]
          Wertheimer, Jack (ed). Tradition Renewed: A History of the
          Jewish Theological Seminary. JTS Publications; 1997. Hardcover.
          Volumes I and II. ISBN 0-873340-75-2. [Comprising new studies
          written by scholars from institutions of higher learning
          throughout the United States, Canada, and Israel, and richly
          illustrated, "Tradition Renewed" offers a dispassionate and
          analytical history of the Jewish Theological Seminary from its
          founding in 1886 to the conclusion of the administration of
          Gerson D. Cohen, a century later.]
          [9][Buy at Amazon:


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