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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jewish Childrearing Related Questions (12/12)

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jewish Childrearing Related Questions (12/12)
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   This portion of the FAQ contains answers to the following questions:

   Section 21. Jewish Childrearing Related Questions

     * [8]Introduction to the Jewish Childrearing FAQ
    1. Entering the Covenant 
         1. [9]What is circumcision? 
         2. [10]Why are Jewish boys circumcised? 
         3. [11]Who performs the circumcision? 
         4. [12]When is the circumcision done? 
         5. [13]But doesn't it hurt? 
         6. [14]But shouldn't the child make its own decision? 
         7. [15]But circumcision is only required for boys. What about
         8. [16]What are our options for welcoming our new baby girl?
         9. [17]Can we hold a welcoming ceremony on the 8th day for a
        10. [18]What is a pidyon haben?
        11. [19]When is a pidyon haben required?
        12. [20]What about babies who are stillborn or die shortly after
            birth with respect to pidyon haben?
        13. [21]What about an adopted child?
        14. [22]Does Judaism have a tradition of Godparents?
        15. [23]Is Circumcision required for a boy to be Jewish?
    2. Naming 
         1. [24]What are the Ashkenazi customs regarding the naming of
         2. [25]But my grandmother was named (insert old-fashioned out of
            use name here? No one uses that name today? How do I name
            after that relative?
         3. [26]Is it appropriate to name a child after a relative of the
            opposite sex?
         4. [27]Is it appropriate for multiple children (i.e. cousins) to
            be named after the same relative?
         5. [28]My spouse has a living relative with the same name as my
            deceased relative. Can we name our children after my
         6. [29]What are the Sephardi customs regarding the naming of
         7. [30]What about babies who are stillborn or die shortly after
         8. [31]Are there any distinctly non-Jewish names?
    3. Playtime 
         1. [32]Can I let my kid swim on Shabbat?
         2. [33]Can I let my kid play in the sandbox on Shabbat?
         3. [34]Can children play sports such as Soccer on Shabbat?
         4. [35]What is appropriate dress for swimming?
         5. [36]Can my kid play with Playdough during Pesach?
    4. Eating 
         1. [37]Where can I find kosher baby food?
         2. [38]Where can I find kosher for passover baby food?
    5. Holidays 
         1. [39]What are good activities for children for the major
            Jewish holidays?
    6. Schooling 
         1. [40]How do I determine the right type of religious program:
            day school vs. afterschool?
         2. [41]How are teachers in Chasidic schools trained?
    7. B'nai Mitzvah
         1. [42]What is a bar/bat mitzvah?
         2. [43]What's a good gift for a b'nai mitzvah?
         3. [44]What is appropriate dress to wear to the b'nai mitzvah
         4. [45]What are the characteristics of a good b'nai mitzvah
         5. [46]How do I select a good b'nai mitzvah tutor?
         6. [47]I need to speak at my child's bar/bat mitzvah? What do I
    8. Other childhood lifecycle rituals 
         1. [48]I've heard of a ceremony called "Consecration". What is
         2. [49]I've heard of a ceremony called "Confirmation". What is
         3. [50]What is Upsherin? I know it relates to the cutting of the
            hair of boys at age 3, but tell me more.
         4. [51]I've been invited to a Bat Barakah. What is it?
    9. Coping with other religions 
         1. [52]My child says all of his friends have Christmas Trees,
            and he wants one too. What do I say?
         2. [53]My child's non-Jewish grandparents have asked her to help
            trim the tree. What do I do?
         3. [54]My child has been invited to an Easter Egg roll? What do
            I do?
         4. [55]My child has been invited to the Easter Egg roll on the
            White House lawn? What do I do?
   10. Growing Older 
         1. [56]My child wants to start dating? How do I ensure proper
         2. [57]My child wants a tattoo. What forms of body modification
            are allowed? Tattoos? Earrings? 
         3. [58]When do I need to start worrying about issues of modesty?
   11. Resource References 
         1. [59]I need some information on Jewish Genetic Diseases. Where
            do I start? 
         2. [60]Are there any recommended online resources on Jewish
            Childrearing or specifically for Jewish children?
     * [61]Special Credits for the Jewish Childrearing FAQ 

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jewish Childrearing Related Questions (12/12)
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: Question 21.1.1: Entering the Covenant: What is circumcision?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM