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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Reform Judaism (10/12)

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Reform Judaism (10/12)
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   This portion of the FAQ contains answers to the following questions:

   Section 18. Reform/Progressive Judaism
     * [8]Introduction to the Reform/Progressive FAQ
    1. General Questions
         1. [9]What is Reform Judaism? 
         2. [10]What, if any, are the fundamental principles of Reform? 
         3. [11]Is a Jew affiliated with Reform Judaism less "religious"
            than one affiliated with another movement? 
         4. [12]How is Reform Judaism structured in the North America? 
         5. [13]How is Reform Judaism structured in the rest of the
         6. [14]How big is Reform Judaism? 
    2. History 
         1. [15]How did Reform Judaism start? 
         2. [16]Why did Reform Judaism start? 
         3. [17]I've heard reference to "Classic German Reform". What is
         4. [18]What is Reform Judaism today? 
    3. What is Reform Judaism's position on... 
         1. [19]The authority of Torah? 
         2. [20]The authority of Talmud? 
         3. [21]What is acceptable practice? 
         4. [22]What is unacceptable practice? 
         5. [23]The necessity of belief in G-d? 
         6. [24]The role of Israel? 
         7. [25]Other Jewish movements? 
         8. [26]Homosexuality 
         9. [27]Intermarriage 
        10. [28]Abortion 
        11. [29]Mixed (Interfaith) Marriages 
        12. [30]The role of women 
        13. [31]Outreach 
        14. [32]How an individual's Jewish status is determined 
        15. [33]The Messiah 
    4. Stereotypes: The fallacy verses reality 
         1. [34]Fallacy: Reform Jews choose practice based solely on
         2. [35]Fallacy: Either patrilineal or matrilineal descent is
         3. [36]Fallacy: Reform Conversions take no study, and are for
            convenience only 
         4. [37]Fallacy: Reform Judaism encourages intermarriage 
         5. [38]Fallacy: Intermarried couples have exactly the same
            rights as non-intermarried couples in Reform Congregations 
         6. [39]Fallacy: Reform Judaism has Rabbis and congregations that
            don't believe in G-d 
         7. [40]Fallacy: There are no 3rd or 4th generation Reform Jews. 
         8. [41]Fallacy: An atheist could be considered a "good" Reform
         9. [42]Fallacy: Reform Jews don't have Bar Mitzvahs 
        10. [43]Fallacy: Reform totally ignores "Jewish" divorce (i.e.,
        11. [44]Fallacy: All Reform Congregations Are Rich 
        12. [45]Fallacy: Reform Rabbis do not study Halacha 
        13. [46]Fallacy: Reform Jews don't care about Jewish ideals and
        14. [47]Fallacy: Reform Jews don't need to attend synagogue. 
        15. [48]Fallacy: Reform Jews don't believe in Zionism and don't
            support Israel. 
        16. [49]Fallacy: Reform Jews have no concept of the Messiah. 
        17. [50]Fallacy: Reform Jews do not observe Shabbat 
        18. [51]Fallacy: Reform Jews ignore the laws of Kashrut 
        19. [52]Fallacy: Reform rejects most of Maimonides 13 Principles
            of Faith 
    5. Differences from Traditional Judaism 
         1. [53]Why does Reform liturgy say "m'chayey hakol" [who gives
            life to all] instead of m'chayey meytim" [who gives life to
            the dead] ? 
         2. [54]What other changes to liturgy reflect Reform ideals? 
         3. [55]Why does Reform generally celebrate Rosh Hashanah for one
         4. [56]How does a Reform conversion differ from an Orthodox
    6. The Rabbinate 
         1. [57]How does one become a Reform Rabbi? 
         2. [58]What is the course of study for the Rabbinate? 
         3. [59]How does one become a Reform Cantor? 
         4. [60]What is the course of study for cantors? 
         5. [61]What other courses of study are available? 
         6. [62]Can Reform Rabbis be sanctioned for their beliefs 
    7. For Further Information 
         1. [63]How do I contact the main organizations in Reform
         2. [64]How do I find a Reform congregation? 
         3. [65]Are there any Reform Rabbis on the network who will
            answer questions? 
         4. [66]How do I start the conversion process? 
         5. [67]I'd like to do some further reading. Where do I start? 
     * [68]Special Credits for the Reform/Progressive FAQ 

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Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: Question 18.1.1: What is Reform Judaism?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM