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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jewish Thought (6/12)

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   This portion of the FAQ contains answers to the following questions:

                                Section 12:
                               Jewish Thought
    1. [5]What is the Jewish concept of G-d? Do Jews think of G-d as an
       angry old man with a long white beard?
    2. [6]Can one doubt G-d's existence and still be a good Jew?
    3. [7]Does modern science (e.g., "big bang" theory, evolution, the
       age of the world) contradict traditional readings of the Torah?
    4. [8]Does modern science contradict liberal readings of the Torah?
    5. [9]Can one be Orthodox and a scientist too?
    6. [10]I've heard that Jews consider themselves "chosen." What does
       that mean?
    7. [11]What is the Jewish concept of the Messiah?
    8. [12]What do Jews say happens when a person dies? Do Jews believe
       in reincarnation? In hell or heaven? Purgatory?
    9. [13]What was the job of a prophet?
   10. [14]It seems that prophecy was once central to Judaism; why don't
       we have prophets today?
   11. [15]Who were the prophets? How many?
   12. [16]What is the Jewish view on the question of "free will."?
   13. [17]What about angels, demons, miracles, and the supernatural?
   14. [18]What do Jews hope/expect of the future?
   15. [19]How can Jews reject (insert true belief here)?
   16. [20]Why do Jews need organized religion or Jewish laws? Isn't it
       good enough to be a good person? How about gentiles?
   17. [21]How does Judaism differ from Xianity, Marxism, Communism,
       Humanism and other -isms?
   18. [22]Where can a Gentile learn about Judaism?
   19. [23]What does Judaism say about non-Jews and their role? What does
       G-d demands of gentiles to get to Olam Ha'aba ["The
       World-to-come"]? What are the Noachide laws?
   20. [24]What do Jews believe about Good and Evil?
   21. [25]What is the Jewish position on Capital Punishment?
   22. [26]What is the Jewish position on communicating with the dead?
   23. [27]What is the significance and importance of suffering and
       punishment in Judaism?
   24. [28]Why are there different names for G-d?
   25. [29]What is the "Book of Life"?
   26. [30]How does one atone for sins?
   27. [31]What does Judaism say about the punishments in the Torah?
   28. [32]What does the Torah mean by Abomination?
   29. [33]Why does the Torah talk about Other Gods?
   30. [34]What is the purpose of life? Why did G-d create man?
   31. [35]How does tithing work in Judaism?
   32. [36]Does Judaism permit organ donation?
   33. [37]Is numerology part of Jewish Mysticism?
   34. [38]What is Jewish thought on Gog and Magog?
   35. [39]What does Judaism believe about Satan?
   36. [40]In Judaism, what are some of the laws related to gleaning and
       tithing for the poor?
   37. [41]What is the Jewish view of Salvation, i.e., how a person from
       a given religion is ''saved''?
   38. [42]Can a Jew donate blood?
   39. [43]How does halacha, the messiah, and the prophets affect the
       daily life of a Jew?
   40. [44]What must one do to lead "a good life" in Judaism?
   41. [45]I've heard about 36 taddiks?
   42. [46]What is the theological understanding regarding the affect of
       the expulsion from Eden?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jewish Thought (6/12)
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: Question 12.1: What is the Jewish concept of G-d? Do Jews think of G-d as an angry old man with a long white beard?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM