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comp.sys.palmtops HP100LX Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 8. Built-in Software

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Top Document: comp.sys.palmtops HP100LX Frequently Asked Questions
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Q: What software is built into the 100/200LX ROM?
A: MS-DOS 5.0, Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.4, an appointment manager
(capable of waking the 100/200LX up and sounding an alarm or running
a program even when the machine is turned off), a calculator (similar
to HP19B, capable of algebraic or RPN), a text editor, a phone book,
a stopwatch/alarm clock, a world time database, a terminal emulator
(but the 100LX version is too slow to use above 1200 baud, you'll
want a different communications program for a fast modem), a general
purpose database, a note taker, a file manager, a keyboard macro
editor, and cc:Mail. Note that, although MS-DOS 5.0 is built into
ROM, not all of the external commands (e.g QBASIC.EXE, EDIT.COM,
ANSI.SYS) are included. These may be copied from a PC running MS-DOS
5.0  (Caution: copying parts of DOS is probably illegal and/or a
violation of your license agreement unless you buy a DOS license for
your 100/200LX).

The 200LX contains Pocket Quicken and LapLink Remote, in addition to
the above.

Q: Does anybody actually use cc:Mail on the 100/200LX?
A: Very few have posted to comp.sys.palmtops claiming to use it.
cc:Mail on the 100/200LX requires that you have access to a full
cc:Mail Post Office set up for dial-up access, and those don't seem
to be very common, at least among usenet denizens.

There is a program to allow you to use the cc:Mail software to
read/write Unix mail using uqwk(1) on the unix host.  Look for on (last seen in the /pub/hp95lx/inbound
directory, but probably soon to be moved).  Free registration for
personal use.

Q: What is the system manager?
A: It's the core software under which all of the PIM applications
run. It allows multitasking (suspending one application to run
another), keyboard macros, data transfer via a clipboard, and other
nifty stuff. The alarm clock and appointment manager will only wake
up if the system manager is active.  Certain 3rd party applications
(*.EXM files) are "System Manager Compliant".  Applications which are
not system manager compliant can still be run, either by exiting the
system manager entirely, or by opening up a DOS shell under the
system manager.

Q: How can I transfer data to/from the database manager?
A: Read the manual on the smart clip feature, or use the gdbio
software (C source code included) available on eddie to import/export
in comma delimited format.

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Top Document: comp.sys.palmtops HP100LX Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 7. DOS compatibility
Next Document: 9. Add-on software

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM