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comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Section - 5.3.3 What happened to DUX and context dependent files (CDFs)?

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As of HP-UX 10.01, DUX (HP Diskless Clusters) has been fully replaced by

These DUX-specific commands do not exist on HP-UX 10.01 and later:

   cnodes(1)   cps(1)   getcontext(1)   makecdf(1M)   showcdf(1)

These DUX-specific options to commands do not exist on HP-UX 10.01 and

   chmod -H           find -hidden -type H         ls -H
   find -nodevcid     find -devcid cname           last -c
   pwd -H             users -c                     who -c
   bdf -L             df -L                        sync -l
   ftio -H            pax -H -m -o -p -t device    tar -H

These DUX-specific library routines (including context dependent files)
are obsolete as of HP-UX 10.01:

   endccent          getcccid          getcdf            nftwh
   fgetccent         getccent          gethcwd           setccent
   ftwh              getccnam          hidecdf
   cnodeid           cnodes            getcontext

These additional DUX features were obsoleted in HP-UX 10.01:

  o Distributed named pipes across a cluster in diskless environments.
  o The DUX concept of global PIDs across a cluster.  Temporary
    name-space collision should be avoided by each diskless client
    having private /tmp areas.
  o Using /tmp as a shared depository between diskless clients, such
    as an application using a lib routine to create unique tmp_file

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: 5.3.2 Is it possible to create a RAM disk?
Next Document: 5.3.4 Why can't I use all of my swap space?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM