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comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Section - 5.1.7 What are the major differences between trusted and non-trusted systems?

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: 5.1.6 How can I protect my systems against SATAN?
Next Document: 5.1.8 How can I configure things like minimum password length, password history, and maximum simultaneous logins?
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Added: 05/15/01

1. A trusted system allows system auditing to be turned on.
   System auditing enables the ability to trace every system call
   issued by each user on the system.  Non-trusted systems run
   with system auditing disabled.

2. Trusted systems have improved password management.

   Below is a list of password management features:

     a. Specification of a grace period and expiration period for

     b. The ability to specify system-wide password aging.

     c. The ability to specify an absolute account life.

     d. The ability to disable accounts after repeated login

     e. Passwords lengths of up to forty (40) characters.

     f. The ability to access a random password generator.

3. Trusted systems have additional login restrictions, while
   non-trusted systems do not.  Below are the features of
   trusted system login restrictions:

     a. In addition to account disabling, the account may also be

     b. Setting accounts to be accessed only at certain times of
        the day.

     c. The ability to specify account location access.  In other
        words, account access at specific devices, workstations,
        and so on.

     d. The ability to specify a single-user boot password.

   Note: These login restrictions are NOT available on
         NON-TRUSTED systems.

4. A trusted system has shadowed passwords, while a non-trusted
   system does not have shadowed passwords.  Shadowed passwords
   are kept in locations other than /etc/passwd.  This prevents
   users from viewing the /etc/passwd file and determining which
   accounts do not have passwords.  This also prevents hackers from
   running "password cracker programs" against passwords in the
   /etc/passwd file.

For more information, please refer to the following document:

  "Administering Your HP-UX Trusted System"

The document is located at the following web site:

  o <>

Locate the "Description of the HP-UX Trusted System" section in
the left menu.  The following two pages contain more information:

  o What is a Trusted System?

  o What is C2-Level Trusted Mode?

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