Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ Previous Document: 8.5 How can I limit core files? Next Document: 8.7 Why does my Korn shell login hang? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge To disable the "placement challenged" Caps Lock key on the ITF keyboard, use an xmodmap script: Add the below lines to your ~/.dt/sessions/sessionetc: /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap - <<'EoF' clear lock keycode 55 = Control_L keycode 86 = Caps_Lock keycode 39 = grave asciitilde guillemotleft guillemotright keycode 71 = Escape add Lock = Caps_Lock add Control = Control_L EoF This works until logout/login, when Caps Lock toggles the control feature, even though 'xmodmap -pm' shows that Lock has no assignments. You have to restart the X server to reset completely, which can be automated by uncommenting the line: Dtlogin*terminateServer: True in the file {/usr,/etc}/dt/config/Xconfig. User Contributions:Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ Previous Document: 8.5 How can I limit core files? Next Document: 8.7 Why does my Korn shell login hang? Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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