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comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Section - How can I change the title in my hpterm titlebar?

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
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From the command-line
LEN=`echo "$1\c" | wc -c`
echo "\033&f0k${LEN}D${1}\c"   # set title bar name
echo "\033&f-1k${LEN}D${1}\c"  # set icon name

You can stick the following lines in your .profile or .kshrc to display
the system name and current directory in your hpterm title bar & icon:

if [ "$TERM" = hpterm ]; then
   alias cd=Hcd
   Hcd ()
      if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
         'cd' "$@"
      NAME="$(uname -n):${PWD}"
      LEN=`echo "$NAME\c" | wc -c`
      # reset name of hpterm title bar & icon to $NAME
      echo "\033&f0k${LEN}D${NAME}\c"   # set title bar name
      echo "\033&f-1k${LEN}D${NAME}\c"  # set icon name
   Hcd .

Here's a two-line C program that'll do the trick:

/* Quick and dirty program to put argv[1] in the title bar of an hpterm
   Tom Arons, March 1992
#include <string.h>
int argc; char **argv;
   printf("\033&f0k%dD%s", strlen(argv[1]), argv[1]);
   printf("\033&f-1k%dD%s", strlen(argv[1]), argv[1]);

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: How do I get a scroll bar on hpterms?
Next Document: Why do my terminal windows keep going away by themselves?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM