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comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Section - 5.7.14 What version of sendmail comes with HP-UX?

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HP-UX 11.20 comes with sendmail version 8.11.1.
HP-UX 11.11 comes with sendmail version
HP-UX 11.00 and 10.20 come with sendmail version
HP-UX 10.00/01/10 come with sendmail version 5.65.

Use what(1) to determine what version of sendmail is installed:

$ what /usr/sbin/sendmail | grep version
        version.c (Berkeley) 10/01/2000

There are several patches available for sendmail:

  o 11.11: PHNE_25184 - provides a couple bug fixes
  o 11.00: PHNE_24419 - upgrades sendmail to v8.9.3.1 and provides a
                        bunch of bug fixes
  o 10.20: PHNE_25183 - upgrades sendmail to v8.9.3.1 and provides a
                        bunch of bug fixes

One can download a free copy of sendmail 8.11.1 for 11.x or sendmail
v8.8.6 for HP-UX 9.x or 10.0x/10 from <>
("enhancement releases" section). Note there are substantial differences
between sendmail 5.x and sendmail 8.x.

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: 5.7.13 What version of BIND (named) comes with HP-UX?
Next Document: 5.7.15 What version of NFS comes with HPUX?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM