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Hedgehog FAQ [7/7] - Wild Hedgehogs
Section - <11.2> What hedgehog books are there?

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Hedgehog popularity throughout much of Europe has exploded, and continues to
grow.  Even so, the number of good books is still relatively limited, and the
extent of research is also much less than one might expect.  The good news is
that there are excellent books out there, and that more do keep appearing.

One of the best books I've found, for a true scientific view of all types of
hedgehogs is:

       	by Nigel Reeve
       	ISBN 0-85661-081-X
       	T & A D Poyser Ltd.
       	24-28 Oval Road
       	London NW1 7DX

In published form, this book is probably the best source of true, scientific
information on all types of hedgehogs.  Beyond this you probably need to read
scientific papers (30 pages of references to which are at the back of this
book, which gives you some idea as to Dr. Reeve's efforts at research).
While this book does focus primarily on hedgehogs in the wild, it does
provide some very useful insights into what makes our little friends tick.  I
find myself turning more and more to this book, all the time -- especially
when someone asks me a detailed question.  Unlike many scientific books, this
one shows the author had a real interest and excitement in his chosen topic
of research, rather than limiting himself to dry phrasing, an entertaining
sense of humour and wit shows through.

The book can be hard to come by in North America (the publisher does not
import it to N.A.), but it is available through the Exclusively Hedgehogs
catalog [2.8], and the Spike and Friends Catalog [2.8].  In Europe, your
local bookseller can likely order it for you from the information, above.

For those looking for an excellent all round book on caring for hedgehogs,
and one with an absolute wealth of medical information, including homeopathic
treatments, most of which can apply to both European and African Pigmy
hedgehogs, the following book is available:

       	The Natural Hedgehog
       	by Lenni Sykes with Jane Durrant
       	ISBN 1-85675-042-6
       	Gaia Books Ltd.
	66 Charlotte St.
	London W1P 1LR

Produced by the folks at the Welsh Hedgehog Hospital (WHH) [11.4], this book
is now available in a softcover form, directly from them for a reasonable fee
(see [11.4] for contact information), and provides an excellent source for
anyone wanting to give hedgehogs a helping hand.

Katherine Long has passed along word of another book that is full of
interesting hedgehog information, although it can be somewhat hard to get in
North America.  Here is the bibliographic info:

       	Stocker, Les.  The Complete Hedgehog.  (Illus.)  128 p. 09/1994.  
       	Paper.  $19.95.  ISBN 0-7011-3272-8, Chatto & Windus UK). 
       	Trafalgar Square.  

[The price, above, was valid as of 1997 -- Ed.]

This book concentrates on European hedgehogs, but certainly contains 
relevant information on hedgehogs in general.

As a point of interest, Les Stocker is the founder of St. Tiggywinkle's
Hospital [11.4].

Another book, this time suggested by Bill Corner, is:

       	Hedgehogs, by Pat Morris.
       	Published by: Whittet Books.  1983.
       	ISBN: 0-905483-28-6

    [This] is a book by a researcher who has spent his post-doctorate 
    research studying Hedgehog behavior.  Not as comprehensive as [the
    above one -- Les Stocker's], but a good read.  
    -- Bill Corner

One more for good measure.  This one is a manual, likely intended for use
primarily by veterinarians, and likely refers primarily to European
hedgehogs, and is therefore almost certainly very technical in nature.

    In looking for chinchilla information, I ran across a book that has
    hedgehog health information.  Manual of Exotic Pets, written by the
    British Small Animal Veterinary Association, Kingsley House, Church 
    Lane, Shurdington, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 5TQ.
    -- Chingur

Peter Captijn, has sent along the following (seemingly endless) list of books
on hedgehogs:  [Note: prices were valid as of approx. 1996 -- Ed.]

    all EUROPEAN (Erinaceaous europaeus), never pet-owners books:

    - The hedgehog and friends, more tales from St. Tiggywinkles
    by Les Stocker, Chatto & Windus, London, 1990, ISBN 0 7011
    3655 3, 8.99 UK pounds.

    I name this because it is NOT a hedgehog book. It's a book
    relating the work Les Stocker does in his animal care
    center. Although it has a few pages about hedgehogs, nice
    photos and nice pencil drawings, I think you should leave
    it unless you have money to burn.     

    In the literature list of Shire Natural History's book on
    hedgehogs (see below) the following books are mentioned:

    - The hedgehog by M. Burton  Andre Deutsch 1969. Reprinted
    as a Corgi `Survival' paperback. Now out of print but often
    available through local libraries.    

    - Hedgehogs by K. Herter, Phoenix House 1969. Now out of
    print but often available through local libraries.

    Various leaflets, books, hedgehog toys and other items are
    available from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society,
    Knowbury, Shropshire. [11.4]

    Further information on hedgehogs and other mammals is
    available from the Mammal Society Conservation Officer,
    Zoology Dept., Woodland Road, Avon BS8 1UG.

    Shire Natural History has published a condensed (24 pages)
    booklet based on P.A. Morris' and Les Stocker's work. It's very       
    colorful, with lots of (very nice) photos and surprisingly
    good information, and it is CHEAP. It's probably the best
    gift for people who want to be introduced to hedgehogs:
    - The hedgehog, P.A. Morris, Shire Natural History, 
    ISBN 0 85263 958 9, 1.95 UK pounds, reprinted last in 1992.
    (Would be about $2.50 without shipment.)

    - Hedgehogs by Maxwell Knight, a Sunday times book
    publication, Animals of Britain No. 3 edited by L. Harrison
    Matthews, 24 pages, 1962. Almost no information at all,
    advises to give bread and milk (for crying out loud) but has       
    one nice sentence: `I do not favor keeping hedgehogs in any
    kind of cage - they are not suited to these conditions and
    seldom thrive.' He advises `semi-captivity' meaning trying
    to lure and keep them in your garden by providing suitable
    housing and conditions.

    I have more books about hedgehogs, but these are original
    GERMAN books, translated to DUTCH, and probably not
    available in English. I will list them because the FAQ is
    read all over the world.

    - Igel in Pension by Claudia Bestajovsky, Franckh'sche
    Verlagshandlung, W. Keller & Co., Stuttgart, 1975
    published in Holland as: Egel te gast, Thieme-Zutphen, 
    ISBN 90 03 94990 5, 1975.  This book is about caring for 
    late autumn hedgehogs who are too small to survive the winter,
    it's based on her own experience in helping 50+ hedgehogs.  

    - Geliebtes Stacheltier by Christl Poduschka, Landbuch-
    Verlag GmbH, Hannover, Germany, 1972.  Published in Holland
    as: Onze eigen egel, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Den Haag, 1974, 
    ISBN 90 236 3334 2.  Tales about their garden-hedgehogs and 
    quite some information about feeding and caring of them.

    - Igel als Wintergaste by Helga Fritzsche, Grafe und Unzer
    GmbH, Munchen.  Published in Holland as: Egels, Elsevier, 1981,
    ISBN 90 10 03734 7.  Very good book about the medical care 
    hedgehogs need, very thorough on diseases, actually very good in
    everything. Has read Poduschka and improves on her.   

Finally, while the following doesn't deal directly with live hedgehogs, it
may well be of interest to us hedgehog addicts (thanks again Katherine for

    There is a book by the British Hedgehog Society Staff called 
       	Prickly Poems.  (Illus.)  64p. Juv (gr 3-5) 03/1993. 
       	$18.95 (ISBN 0-09-176379-7, Hutchinson UK). Trafalgar Square.

[The price, above, was valid as of 1997 -- Ed.]

User Contributions:

Hi, my hedgehog started running around her cage squealing so I took her out to see what was wrong. Her genital area was inflamed and she had open sores all around that area. I gave her a bath, but I'm really worried about her. Do you have any idea what this could be?
Thank you!

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Previous Document: <11.1> Intro to wild hedgehogs
Next Document: <11.3> Is there information available on-line?

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