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Graphics File Formats FAQ (Part 3 of 4): Where to Get File Format Specifications
Section - PCX - ZSoft Paint

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Top Document: Graphics File Formats FAQ (Part 3 of 4): Where to Get File Format Specifications
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         Type: Raster
    Extension: PCX, PCC
  Compression: RLE
  Color Depth: 1 to 24 bits

PCX is one of the oldest bitmapped formats popularized by MS-DOS paint
programs that first appeared in the early 1980's. PCX files may store mapped
and unmapped image data from 1- to 24-bits in pixel depth, always contain
RLE-compressed image data, and are recognized by almost all still-image
graphics programs ever written.

But because of the kludged evolution of the PCX format (caused partly by the
efforts of Zsoft to continue to support the ever-changing world of graphics
display adapters) it is generally advised that the MS Windows BMP format be
used in place of PCX whenever possible.

Once upon a time ZSoft was bought by Wordstar, who was then bought by
SoftKey. It is not currently known if anyone distributes the original,
poorly written, specification for PCX. No matter, as most book on graphics
file format completely describe the PCX format.

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Top Document: Graphics File Formats FAQ (Part 3 of 4): Where to Get File Format Specifications
Previous Document: PBM - Portable Bitmap
Next Document: PDF - Portable Document Format

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM