Top Document: Graphics File Formats FAQ (Part 3 of 4): Where to Get File Format Specifications Previous Document: DWG - Autodesk drawing Next Document: EMF - Microsoft Enhanced Metafile See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Type: Vector and 3D Extension: DXF Version: Compression: None Color Depth: Maintainer: Autodesk Specification: The AutoCAD DXF (Drawing eXchange Format) and AutoCAD DXB (Drawing eXhange Binary) formats are the native vector file formats of Autodesk's AutoCAD CAD application. DXF is probably one of the most widely supported vector formats in the world today. DXF is rich in features, including: support for 3D objects, curves, text, associative dimensioning, and is an easy format to parse. The DXB format is a binary representation of a DXF file and they are usually smaller and faster to load than the equivalent DXF file. The latest "official" DXF revision is Release 12. However, there is an even newer version of DXF containing several changes and additions to the format. Apparently the specification of the latest version of the DXF format is not yet (if it will ever be) freely available. Users are required to pay $4000US for a license to AutoCAD in to obtain the specs for this newest release of DXF file format. The official specification for DXF R12 may be found in the AutoCAD Manual Release 12: AutoCAD Customization Manual, Release 12, Autodesk Inc., 1992, pp. 241-81. The specification for DXF R12 has also been released in electonic form and is available in several of the Internet file format archives, such as: The spec for the most current version, DXF R13, is available at: And an excerpt of the DXF R10 specification may be found at: Many books detail the DXF format, including: The AutoCAD Database Book, F.H. Jones and L. Martin, Ventana Press, ISBN 0-940087-04-9. Order: 919.490.0062 voice. AutoCAD, The Complete Reference, 2nd Ed., Johnson, N., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1991. Additonal information may be obtained directly from Autodesk: Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Developer Marketing 2320 Marinship Way Sausalito, CA 94965 Voice: 415.491.8719 FTP: WWW: User Contributions:Top Document: Graphics File Formats FAQ (Part 3 of 4): Where to Get File Format Specifications Previous Document: DWG - Autodesk drawing Next Document: EMF - Microsoft Enhanced Metafile Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (James D. Murray)
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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