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Gnus (Emacs Newsreader) FAQ
Section - Q2.18 What replaces gnus-author-copy?

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   The BCC: or Fcc: field still works:
(setq message-default-headers "Fcc: ~/spool/sent.spool\n")
(setq message-default-mail-headers "Fcc: ~/spool/sent-mail.spool\n")
(setq message-default-news-headers "Fcc: ~/spool/sent-news.spool\n")

   Replace Fcc: with Bcc: if you wish.
   Another possibility is to use the Gcc: header:
(setq gnus-message-archive-method
    (nnfolder-directory ,(nnheader-concat message-directory "archive"))
     ,(nnheader-concat message-directory "archive/active"))
    (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil)
    (nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)))

(setq gnus-message-archive-group
  '((if (message-news-p) "misc-news" "misc-mail")))

   Kai Grossjohann <Kai.Grossjohann@CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE> adds:
   I use the following code to automatically add a Gcc header to every
   message. I also define a function which can be bound to a key in
   message-mode which toggles the Gcc header.
;; select group for Gcc
(defun kai-gnus-outgoing-message-group ()
  (cond ((and gnus-newsgroup-name
              (stringp gnus-newsgroup-name)
              (string-match "^nnml" gnus-newsgroup-name))
        (t "nnml:mail.misc")))
;; automatically add Gcc header
(setq gnus-outgoing-message-group 'kai-gnus-outgoing-message-group)
;; toggle Gcc header (bind this to a key in message-mode)
(defun message-toggle-gcc ()
      (let ((pmin (progn (beginning-of-buffer) (point)))
            (pmax (progn
                    (re-search-forward (concat "^" mail-header-separator
        (narrow-to-region pmin pmax)
        (if (re-search-forward "^gcc: .*" nil t)
              (kill-line 1))
          (goto-char pmax)
          (insert (concat "Gcc: "

   Francisco Solsona <> adds an alternate method of
   toggling the Gcc: as follows:
(defun toggle-gcc-header ()
  (when (y-or-n-p "gcc-it?: ")

(setq gnus-outgoing-message-group 'toggle-gcc-header)

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Top Document: Gnus (Emacs Newsreader) FAQ
Previous Document: Q2.17 Gnus says my .signature is too long and it isn't
Next Document: Q2.19 How do I launch Netscape when clicking on an URL?

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Justin Sheehy <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM