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Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v5.10 (part 1)
Section - 1.2: Newsgroup Stuff

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Top Document: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v5.10 (part 1)
Previous Document: 1.1: Beginner Questions
Next Document: 1.3: Further Reading
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
1.2.01: Posting:

   When posting a question to the newsgroup, there are some simple
   guidelines to ensure that your question is well-understood and receives
   a prompt reply:

   - Make the subject line of your post indicate the cards or rules that
   you're having issues with.
   - In the body of your article, state those cards or rules again,
   and explain the play situation that you're asking about.  The more
   relevant information, the more accurate a reply you'll get.
   - If the question concerns older or less commonly used cards, it may
   be helpful to include text from Oracle with the post, to remind people
   of the exact wording of the cards.  Append them to the end of the post
   unless they're small enough to flow with the rest of the text.
   - Is your question relevant to constructed tournaments?  Draft?  Sealed?
   Is it just about casual games between yourself and your best friend?
   Is it about multiplayer games at your local shop?  The more context,
   the better the answer might be.
   - Did you look elsewhere to try to answer the question yourself?
   If so, let us know - if nothing else, it can help to make this FAQ a
   better resource.
   - The netrep for the group tries to answer all posts, and will also
   answer emailed questions.  We do not encourage direct email questions,
   as the question and the answers may be useful to all of the readers
   of the group.  However, if you do decide to email a question directly,
   please don't also post the same question to the newsgroup.
   - Don't worry if your post doesn't appear straight away, or if no
   answers show up immediately.  It takes time for things to propagate
   between computers with usenet, so be patient - every single question
   gets an answer (usually several answers) and usually within an hour.
   - Don't worry if there are many similar answers.  We encourage posters
   to have a go at answering questions to practice their rules knowledge,
   provide alternative viewpoints and provide coverage in case posts from
   some servers don't make it all the way across usenet.

1.2.02: Terminology:

   If you're a new player, you'll almost certainly come across unfamiliar
   terms and acronyms while reading this FAQ, or the magic.rules
   newsgroup... so here are some of the most common ones.

   - Cardset Names:

   In the midst of newsgroup discussion, there is a tendency to abbreviate
   commonly-occurring names.  The different cardsets are often given two-
   letter abbreviations; since around Champions of Kamigawa everyone has
   standardised on three-letter abbreviations.

   For the most part, these abbreviations will be obvious, e.g. '5E'
   for Fifth Edition or 'MN' for Mirrodin.  However, there are some
   abbreviations that could be confusing:

     - Unlimited Edition: UL or UN
     - Urza's Legacy: UL or UY
     - Unglued: UN

     - Legends: LG or LE
     - Legions: LG or LE

     - Revised Edition (Third Edition): RV or 3E
     - Ravnica: City of Guilds: RV

   For these sets in particular, it can be helpful to write the name out
   in full rather than abbreviating.

   - Card Names:

   Cards are often abbreviated in discussion, using just initial letters.
   For example, a Circle of Protection: Red is referred to as CoP:Red,
   or Mother of Runes as MoR (or often, just 'mom').  Individual groups
   will also have their own slang names for cards, some of which may
   simply defy explanation - it's usually clear what's meant.

   -  Miscellaneous terms and acronyms:

     "~": Commonly used to stand for the cardname, when quoting card text
     MtG: Magic The Gathering
    WotC: Wizards Of The Coast, publishers of Magic
     DCI: The authority that oversees organised play
    Modo: Magic Online Digital Objects, the name of the system that runs
          the online version of the Magic: the Gathering game

User Contributions:

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Top Document: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v5.10 (part 1)
Previous Document: 1.1: Beginner Questions
Next Document: 1.3: Further Reading

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM