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Irish FAQ: Tourism and the Web [2/10]

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Archive-name: cultures/irish-faq/part02
Last-modified: 17 Jul 99
Posting-Frequency: monthly

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Part two of ten.

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Tourism and the Web

1) How can I contact the Irish Tourist Board?
2) How can I contact the Northern Ireland Tourist Board?
3) How can I contact hostels in Ireland?
4) What festivals are worth visiting?
5) Can I visit Ireland on the web?

	[ Telephone numbers are given with the international dialling
	 code preceded by a '+' and area codes enclosed in brackets '('
	 and ')'.  Put a zero in front of Irish area codes if you are
	 dialling from Ireland.  Please let me know if any of these
	 numbers are out of date or just wrong. ]

Subject: 1) How can I contact the Irish Tourist Board? BORD FÁILTE (The Irish Tourist Board), Head Office, Baggot Street Bridge, Dublin 2, Ireland. +353 (1) 676 5871 or +353 (1) 661 6500 In the States 1-800 223 6470 also +1 (212) 418 0800 +1 (416) 929 2777 [ I've deleted the numbers for other countries because I've no way of checking them without straining my telephone bill. If anyone comes across a brochure or the like with the numbers, please let me know...]
Subject: 2) How can I contact the Northern Ireland Tourist Board? In Northern Ireland: 59 North Street, Belfast BT1 1NB Tel: (011232) 246609 - Minicom (011232) 233228 Fax: (011232) 240960 US Office: 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 701 New York, NY 10176 Tel: (212) 922-0101 or (800) 326-0036 Fax: (212) 922-0099 Canadian Office: 111 Avenue Road, Suite 450 Toronto, Ontario M5R 3J8 Tel: (416) 925-6368 Fax: (416) 961-2175
Subject: 3) How can I contact hostels in Ireland? IRISH YOUTH HOSTEL ASSOCIATION, An Oige, Head Office, 61 Mountjoy Street, Dublin 7, Ireland. Membership required. 43 Hostels in Republic. Tel +353 (1) 830 4555. Fax +353 (1) 830 5808. Telex 32988 IYHA EI YOUTH HOSTEL ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN IRELAND. YHIANI, 56 Bradbury Place, Belfast BT7 1RU, Northern Ireland Tel +44 (232) 324 733. Fax +44 (232) 439 699 Membership required. 6 hostels in Northern Ireland Be aware that the hostels affiliated to these two official organisations usually have a curfew around 11pm! IRISH BUDGET HOSTELS LTD. Kinlay House, 2-12 Lord Edward Street, Dublin 2. Ireland. Tel +353 (1) 269 7696. Fax +353 (1) 269 7704 No membership required. 26 hostels in Republic. INDEPENDENT HOLIDAY HOSTELS OF IRELAND 57 Lower Gardiner Street, Dublin, 1. Ireland. Tel +353 (1) 836 4700 No membership required. INDEPENDENT HOSTEL OWNERS INFORMATION OFFICE Dooley Hostel, Glencolumcille, Co. Donegal Tel +353 (73) 30130 No membership required. Gulliver is a reservations database for Ireland run by the Tourist Board. It covers hotels, guest houses, car hire etc. All Bord Failte international offices are connected to Gulliver. Call on 1-800-600-800 in Ireland or +353 (1) 284 1765 outside Ireland to make a reservation using a credit card number to guarantee arrival.
Subject: 4) What festivals are worth visiting? [ This needs to be updated and expanded! ] Music festivals are covered by Ceolas ( Bord Fáilte publish a booklet called "Calendar of Events" with hundreds of festivals around the country. You should be able to get a copy from your nearest Irish Tourist Board office.
Subject: 5) Can I visit Ireland on the web? Yes. Here are a few starting points. This is just a small sampling of what is available. The ever popular yahoo... Telecom Internet's Doras [Irish for "door"] Links under various categories The World Wide Web Virtual Library's Irish section More links Good starting points for Northern Ireland web links CELT - "text material of Irish interest" (successor to Thesaurus Linguarum Hiberniae project) Tourism Information [ gruesome, but official! ] The soc.culture.celtic FAQ (large chunks of this FAQ are taken from it!) should remind you that Ireland is only one country with Celtic roots. The current version is at (The old version is still available at Book shops with a Web presence A list of Irish Newspapers and other news media with a presence on the web is available at Some Irish writers are lucky enough (through fame and timely death) to have their work on the web. There's a search engine at Carnegie-Mellon that can help find them. A good source for Irish poetry (from the living and the dead) can be found at Sports Football Asosociation of Ireland The Unofficial GAA site More sports web links at An excellent jump list for politics in Ireland is provided by the UCD Politics Department at General business info The government in Dublin The Constitution (Bunreacht na hÉireann) ------------------------------ End of Irish FAQ part 2 ***********************

User Contributions:

Ivan Brookes
I'm looking for information regarding navigable waterways for a 44' fly bridge cruiser for corporate entertainment such as the big horse racing events. I've searched the internet and book stores here in Walws without success.

Ivan Brookes

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