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  • geography/infosystems-faq
    Subject: Geographic Information Systems FAQ
    Maintainer: lnyman@info.census.gov (Lisa Nyman)
    Last Posted: 15 Apr 1997 16:44:19 -0400
    Last-modified: 1997/03/13
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • geology-faq/geosci-resources/part1
    Subject: Using the Web for Geoscience Resources (FAQ) part1/2
    Maintainer: pingram@laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au (Phil Ingram)
    Last Posted: 5 Mar 1997 13:51:52 +1100
    Last-modified: 1997/3/4
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • geology-faq/geosci-resources/part2
    Subject: Using the Web for Geoscience Resources (FAQ) part2/2
    Maintainer: pingram@laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au (Phil Ingram)
    Last Posted: 5 Mar 1997 13:56:39 +1100
    Last-modified: 1997/3/4
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • sci/Satellite-Imagery-FAQ/Pointer
    Subject: Satellite Imagery FAQ - Pointer
    Maintainer: satfaq@pobox.com (Nick Kew)
    Last Posted: 17 Mar 1997 11:24:30 GMT

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM