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  • open-look/01-general
    Subject: OPEN LOOK GUI FAQ 01/04: General
    Maintainer: lee@sq.com (Liam Quin)
    Last Posted: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 22:06:08 GMT
    Last-modified: Apr 3 23:55

  • open-look/02-deskset
    Subject: OPEN LOOK GUI FAQ 02/04: Sun OpenWindows DeskSet Questions
    Maintainer: lee@sq.com (Liam Quin)
    Last Posted: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 22:06:10 GMT
    Last-modified: Feb 1 1996

  • open-look/03-xview
    Subject: OPEN LOOK GUI FAQ 03/04: the XView Toolkit
    Maintainer: lee@sq.com (Liam Quin)
    Last Posted: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 22:06:17 GMT
    Last-modified: Jun 7 1996

  • open-look/04-program-list
    Subject: OPEN LOOK GUI FAQ 04/04: List of programs with an OPEN LOOK UI
    Maintainer: lee@sq.com (Liam Quin)
    Last Posted: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 22:06:23 GMT
    Last-modified: May 25 14:13

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM