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alt.satanism Newsgroup FAQs

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  • religions/satanism/cos
    Subject: Church of Satan commonly asked questions
    Maintainer: herbert666@chello.at
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.churchofsatan.com/
    Last Posted: 20 Apr 2006 04:35:03 GMT
    Last-modified: 2004/03/23
    Posting-Frequency: monthly and whenever I see the need
    Version: 2.3

  • religions/satanism/faqcos
    Subject: alt.satanism Frequently Asked Questions file
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    FAQ Home Page: http://members.chello.at/herbert.paulis/CoS-FAQ.html
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:09:40 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired
    Version: 1.7

  • religions/satanism/faqcrt
    Subject: the alt.satanism Frequently Asked Questions file
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:10:45 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired

  • religions/satanism/faqeol
    Subject: file of alt.satanism Frequently Asked Questions
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    FAQ Home Page: http://deitus.tripod.com
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:14:12 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired

  • religions/satanism/faqfcs
    Subject: alt.satanism FAQ file
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    FAQ Home Page: http://churchofsatan.org/faq.html
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:11:41 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired

  • religions/satanism/faqmgp
    Subject: the alt.satanism Frequently Asked Questions
    Maintainer: nagasiva@luckymojo.com (alt.satanism ADMIN)
    Last Posted: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 10:25:52 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired

  • religions/satanism/faqml
    Subject: alt.satanism FAQs file
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.lorry.com/Docs/sfaq.html
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:12:03 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired
    Version: 1.0

  • religions/satanism/faqngp
    Subject: the alt.satanism FAQ
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.arcane-archive.org/faqs/faq.astnngp.0418.php
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:12:26 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired

  • religions/satanism/faqsb
    Subject: alt.satanism file of Frequently Asked Questions
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.satanisme.nl/
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:10:17 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired
    Version: 1.0

  • religions/satanism/faqsr
    Subject: alt.satanism Frequently Asked Question file
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/satanicreds/faq.html
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:11:11 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired
    Version: 4.0

  • religions/satanism/faqstn
    Subject: the alt.satanism FAQ file
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:13:51 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired

  • religions/satanism/faqt-l
    Subject: alt.satanism file of FAQs
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    FAQ Home Page: http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/thulean-l
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:07:58 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired
    Version: 2.0

  • religions/satanism/faqtks
    Subject: alt.satanism FAQ
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.satanservice.org/satanismfaq.html
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:12:57 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired

  • religions/satanism/faqtos
    Subject: alt.satanism Frequently Asked Questions
    Maintainer: satanservice.org@boboroshi (tyaginator)
    Last Posted: 22 Sep 2009 02:13:32 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly or when desired

  • religions/temple-of-set
    Subject: Balanone's Temple of Set FAQ
    Maintainer: Balanone
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.bigfoot.com/~balanone/baltsfaq.html
    Last Posted: 17 Apr 2004 11:27:52 GMT
    Last-modified: 2001/12/29
    Posting-Frequency: monthly, quarterly to soc.religion.paganism
    Version: 1.2.6

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM