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  • books/arthurian
    Subject: Arthurian Booklist (rec.arts.books)
    Maintainer: tittle@io.com (Cindy Tittle Moore)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.io.com/~tittle/books/arthurian.html
    Last Posted: 27 Apr 2004 11:11:41 GMT
    Last-modified: 27 Dec 2000
    Posting-Frequency: 25 days

  • books/robin-hood
    Subject: Robin Hood Booklist (rec.arts.books)
    Maintainer: tittle@io.com (Cindy Tittle Moore)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.io.com/~tittle/robin-hood.html
    Last Posted: 27 Apr 2004 11:11:42 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: 25 days

  • magick/kreeeping-ooze/part04
    Subject: alt.magicK KfaQ#04: Hermes' Wand? (kreEePing oOze faQ)
    Maintainer: tyagi@houseofkaos.abyss.com (tyaginator)
    Last Posted: 21 Mar 1995 14:56:51 -0800
    Posting-Frequency: to alt.magick -- by inquiry and desire;

  • mythology/assyrbabyl-faq
    Subject: alt.mythology Assyro-Babylonian Mythology FAQ, ver. 1.7
    Maintainer: cbsiren@hopper.unh.edu (Christopher B. Siren)
    FAQ Home Page: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~cbsiren/assyrbabyl-faq.html
    Last Posted: 5 Nov 1997 19:10:00 GMT
    Last-modified: 1995/10/06
    Posting-Frequency: monthly (3rd of the month)
    Version: 1.7

  • mythology/canaanite-faq
    Subject: alt.mythology Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology FAQ, ver. 1.1
    Maintainer: cbsiren@hopper.unh.edu (Christopher B. Siren)
    FAQ Home Page: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~cbsiren/canaanite-faq.html
    Last Posted: 5 Nov 1997 19:10:55 GMT
    Last-modified: 1996/5/27
    Posting-Frequency: bimonthly.
    Version: 1.1

  • mythology/hittite-ref
    Subject: alt.mythology Hittite/Hurrian Mythology REF, ver. 1.2
    Maintainer: cbsiren@hopper.unh.edu (Christopher B. Siren)
    FAQ Home Page: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~cbsiren/hittite-ref.html
    Last Posted: 5 Nov 1997 19:11:39 GMT
    Last-modified: 1997/8/6
    Version: 1.2

  • mythology/sumer-faq
    Subject: alt.mythology Sumerian Mythology FAQ, ver. 2.0
    Maintainer: cbsiren@cisunix.unh.edu (Christopher B. Siren)
    FAQ Home Page: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~cbsiren/sumer-faq.html
    Last Posted: 10 Sep 2000 03:53:52 GMT
    Last-modified: 2000/7/27
    Posting-Frequency: annually
    Version: 2.0

  • shamanism/overview
    Subject: Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Maintainer: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards)
    Last Posted: 1 Oct 2000 06:25:00 GMT
    Last-modified: 18 Nov 1996
    Version: 1.7.4

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM