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Arthurian Booklist (rec.arts.books)

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Archive-name: books/arthurian
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Last-modified: 27 Dec 2000

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                              Arthurian Booklist
   This is a reading list involving the Arthurian legend. For its
   original inception, I would like to thank the readers of the old
   Camelot mailing list (no longer in circulation). I wrote a good many
   of the original reviews when I was a member, but since then a number
   of people have submitted additional references for inclusion into this
   list. The very latest copy of this file may be found at the above
   listed URL.
   Hey check these out! Nice!
     * [1]
     * [2]
     * [3]
     * [4]
     * [5]
   There are a number of very obscure references in here, especially with
   respect to historic works and research. Check out your library's
   Interlibrary Loan: chances are that you'll be able to get ahold of a
   reference this way even if your local library itself doesn't have it.
   Talk to the librarian! That's what they are there for!
   My criterion for these books is that it be concerned with the Arthur
   legend in some way. I have several categories:
     * Fiction: novelizations of the Camelot legend, or novels that use
       significant elements of the legend.
     * Poetry: poetic renditions of the legend.
     * Non-Fiction and research: includes research into the origin of the
       legends, speculation on who the original characters might have
       been, studies and critiques of medieval sources, literary
       criticism, etc.
     * Medieval and Early Texts: original or modern translations of texts
       written before 16th century or so (an arbitrary divison point I
     * Periodicals: references that appear in magazines and articles.
       These are typically research notes.
     * Arthurian references: novelizations that use the legend in a minor
       way or as secondary characters.
     * Celtic Fiction: reworkings (novelizations) of traditional Celtic
       stories. I suppose I could have a category for research into
       celtic fiction, but the ones I consider relevant are in the
       non-fiction and research section above.
     * Organizations: finally, I provide a list of organizations dealing
       with the Camelot legend. This is not exhaustive; in fact, it's
       rather incomplete and I would love more information.
   In general, related stories are acceptable (such as Tristam and
   Iseult). Stories in other time periods are acceptable as long as they
   still center on the Arthur myth (Kennealy's Hawk's Gray Feather) or
   are talking about his return (Sir Machinery and others). References to
   Arthurian elements are also acceptable, but I do not put all of them
   in (a complete listing would be very large!); only the ones that seem
   interesting. The Celtic works are included, because many of them
   apparently provide an early genesis for the Arthurian stories, and
   others are stories derived from minor characters in the Arthurian
   stories (or perhaps the other way around, characters from well known
   stories got honorable mention in these later stories --- who can
   Disclaimer: I have not vouched for the accuracy of each and every
   entry in this list. If you find mistakes or have additional
   information on a reference, by all means, let me know. I likewise
   appreciate any additions to this list. Send them to the addresses at
   the end of this posting.
   Also please note that for some books their mere inclusion into this
   bibliography constitutes a spoiler of sorts. Don't say you haven't
   been warned!
   Thanks to: Kurt Anderson, Shannon Appel (of the now defunct Camelot
   mailing list), Ed Aubry, Landen Bain, Richard Barber, Ron Bean, Leanne
   Bereznak, Wendy Betts, John Brannick, Mike Castle, Peter Chubb, Ben
   Cohen, Denis Constales, Dan'l Danehy-Oakes, Peter Davis, James Drew,
   Gary D. Duzan, Harry Erwin, A.T. Fear, Scott Federhen, Margaret Martin
   Gardiner, Roger Gardiner, Susan Gere, Todd Goldberg, Mark Edward
   Harris, Steve Hartwell, Cameron Hayne, Sandra Hereld, Peter Janes, Tim
   Johnson, Ray Kaiser, Peter Kumaschow, Jane Lean, Grace Lee, David
   Lester, David Librik, Dave Linton, William D.B. Loos, Linda Malcor,
   Melchar, Kevin McGuire, Alex Martelli, Francis Muir, Rick Myers,
   Patrick Nielsen-Hayden, Terry O'Brien, Lisa Padol, Kimberly
   Passarella, Robert Paulsen, Charles Power, Craig Presson, Stephen
   Reimer, David Salley, Dale Schierbeck, William Smith, Steve Thomas,
   Scott Vandenbe, Peter Van Heusden, Janet Walz, Nick Westgate, Tom
   Wicklund, Darren Williams, Jean Wilson, Mary Winters, Erick "a six
   foot hobbit," and MJ aka "classic bitch" for their help in putting
   this list together.
   This compilation is Copyright 1994-1996 by Cindy Tittle Moore. All
   rights reserved.
Table of Contents

     * [6]Fiction
     * [7]Poetry
     * [8]Non-fiction and research
     * [9]Medieval and early texts
     * [10]Periodicals
     * [11]Arthurian references (fictional)
     * [12]Celtic fiction
     * [13]Organizations

   _, Arthur Sex #7: The Erotic Adventures of King Arthur. Castle of Ill
   Repute: Part one of two. This is a comic book. More issues? It is
   actually fairly faithful to Malory. Unsure whom to credit.
   _, The Romance of King Arthur (Mayflower, 1979. Reprint of 1917
   Edition. ISBN 08317-7460-6.)
   ab Hugh, Dafydd. Arthur War Lord (Avon Books, 1994. ISBN
   0-380-77028-8.) Part one of two. Two present day people find
   themselves catapulted back in time, replaying events at Camelot with
   history at stake.
   Anderson, Poul. Three Hearts and Three Lions. Riverdale: Baen
   Publishing Enterprises, 1993 (First published 1953).
   Ashe, Geoffrey. The Finger and the Moon. St. Albans: Panther Books,
   1975 (First published: Great Britain: William Heinemann, 1973).
   Geoffrey makes himself a character in this one. He organizes a
   ritual/play based on the Grail myth. (There's more to it than that, of
   Ashley, Mike, The Pendragon Chronicles (Peter Bedrick Books, New York,
   1991. ISBN 0-87226-228-6. paperback.) Anthology includes stories by
   Andre Norton, John Steinback and Jane Yolen.
   Ashley, Mike. The Camelot Chronicles. New York: Caroll & Graf
   Publishers, 1992. Another anthology by the author of The Pendragon
   Van Asten, Gail. The Blind Knight. New York: Ace Books, 1988.
   Attanasio, A. A. Kingdom of the Grail. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.
   Attanasio, A. A. The Dragon and the Unicorn Tells the story of Merlin
   and Uther until the birth of Arthur. Arthur. The story of Arthur up to
   where he gets his sword. The stories are rich in detail about Celtic
   mythology, gods, demons, angels, etc.
   Barthelme, Donald. The King. New York, London, Victoria, Toronto,
   Auckland: Penguin Books: 1992 (First published in the USA by Harper &
   Row, 1990).
   Berger, Thomas, Arthur Rex. This retelling of the Arthur legend is
   somewhat reminiscent of the movie "Excalibur" in feel.
   Blaylock, James P. The Paper Grail. New York: Berkley Publishing
   Group, 1992 (First published: 1991).
   Blyton, Enid. Tales of Brave Adventure. Contains Robin Hood and
   Arthurian legends.
   Bond, Nancy. A String in the Harp. New York: Penguin Books, 1987
   (First published by Atheneum in 1976).
   Borowsky, Marvin, The Queen's Knight (Random House, New York, 1955 -
   probably out of print). An interesting Arthur, who begins as a
   middle-aged bumpkin, crowned to be a puppet to a group of regents. All
   in all, this novel is somewhat uneven but quite readable.
   Bradley, Marion Zimmer, The Mists of Avalon (Del Rey. Ballantine
   Books, New York, 1982. ISBN 0-345-35049-9. Hardcover and trade
   paperback.) A female oriented and positive rendition of the Arthurian
   legend. Considerably more sympathetic to pagan religions (although
   depicted as modern neopaganism) than to Christianity.
   Bradley, Marion Zimmer, The Forest House. Prequel to the Mists of
   Avalon. Penguin Books, 1995. ISBN 0-670-84454-3 (hc) 0-451-45424-3
   Bradley, Marion Zimmer, The Lady of Avalon. Prequel to the Mists of
   Bradshaw, Gillian, Hawk of May, Kingdom of Summer, In Winter's Shadow
   (Menthuen Paperbacks, Great Britain also Signet Books, 1980 also
   hardcover by Simon and Schuster.) The first book is the story of
   Gwalchmai, one of Arthur's Knights; the last is told by Guinevere.
   Down the Long Wind is the single book volume version of the three
   Bulfinch, Thomas, Age of Chivalry: or, King Arthur and His Knights
   (John D. Morris, Philadelphia, 1898, many reprints). Published in
   their own right, also found in Bulfinch's. Contains long summaries of
   the Camelot legends and of the French Charlemagne legends.
   Burnham, Jeremy, and Trevor Ray. Raven. London: Corgi Books/Carousel,
   Cabell, James Branch. Jurgen, a Comedy of Justice. 1919.
   Canning, Victor. The Crimson Chalice. Originally published as La
   Leggenda del Calice Cremisi. Translated by Patrizia Rognoni, Codice
   Libro 22 006 CN, Casa Editrice Nord S.r.l., via Rubens 25, 20148
   Milano, Italia; Copyright by Victor Canning 1976, 1977, 1978, and for
   the Italian edition by the publisher in 1990 (first edition, of the
   Italian translation, June 1990). An "Arthur as Celtic Chieftain" book,
   with nice twists. Out of print.
   Carlsen, Chris. Berserker: The Bull Chief. London: Sphere Books, 1977.
   Carmichael, Douglas, Pendragon: an Historical Novel (Blackwater Press,
   New York, dist. by Exposition Press, 1977). Arthurian romances --
   Chant, Joy. The High Kings. Toronto, New York, London, Sydney,
   Auckland: Bantam Books, 1985 (First printing 1983).
   Chapman, Vera, The King's Damosel, The Green Knight, and King Arther's
   Daughter. Out of print.
   Christian, Catherine, The Pendragon (Warner Books, 1978.) A story told
   by Bedivere in his old age recalling the golden days of Camelot.
   Unfortunately this results in a lackluster story. Aside from the
   intrusiveness of the story framed by Bedivere's old age, it's a decent
   retelling. Takes the "Celts reclaiming Romanized Britain" slant.
   Cochran, Molly and Warren Murphy. The Forever King. Tor Books, 1993.
   ISBN 0-812-51716-4. The return of Arthur to present day, woven in with
   the story as it happened long ago. Beautifully told.
   Cornwell, Bernard. The Winter King, Enemy of God, and Excaliber are a
   three-book series entitled "The Warlord Chronicles." These books tell
   the story of Arthur and his attempts to unite Britain.
   David, Peter, Knight Life (Ace Fantasy, 1987.) A comedic book about
   Arthur's return in modern day.
   Davies, Robertson. Lyre of Orpheus. London, New York, Victoria,
   Ontario, Aukland: Penguin Books, 1989. First published: Canada:
   Macmillan of Canada, 1988.
   Davies, Robertson. The Rebel Angels. Middlesex, New York, Victoria,
   Ontario, Auckland, 1983. Copyright Robertson Davies, 1981.
   Davies, Robertson. What's Bred in the Bone. London, New York,
   Victoria, Ontario, Aukland: Penguin Books,1986. First published in the
   United States of America by Viking Penguin, 1985. First published in
   Canada by Macmillan of Canada, 1985.
   Dickinson, Peter. The Changes Trilogy. New York: Dell, 1986. Includes
   The Weathermonger, Heartsease, and The Devil's Children. Merlin is
   used as a McGuffin to explain why the world no longer has modern
   technology. Out of print.
   Edwards, Rex. Arthur of the Britons. ISBN 0 426 10546 0 - probably out
   of print (printed 1975) from the TV series of the same name.
   Endersby, Clive. Read All About It! Toronto, New York, London, Sydney,
   Aukland: Methuen, 1981.
   Erskine, John, Galahad, Enough of His Life to Explain His Reputation
   (Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1926 - certainly out of print)
   Evans, Quinn Taylor. Daughter of Fire, Daughter of the Mist, Daughter
   of the Light. Romantic novels.
   Ford, John M. The Dragon Waiting: A Masque of History. New York: Avon
   Books, 1985 (First published: 1983).
   Finkel, George, The Twilight Province (London: Angus & Robinson,
   1967.) This is an excellent "young adult" tale about a late Roman,
   northern Arthur based on the Bamburgh Castle, Newcastle/Tyne area of
   northeastern Britain.
   Fraser, Antonia, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
   (Illustrated by Rebecca Fraser, Knopf, Random House, New York, 1970).
   First published under title: King Arthur. Retellings of seventeen
   tales about King Arthur, Lancelot, Gawaine, Tristram, and other
   knights of the Round Table. Juvenile.
   French, Allen, Sir Marrok, a tale of the days of King Arthur (The
   Century Co., New York, 1902).
   Frith, Henry, King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table (G.
   Routledge and Sons, London/New York, 1884).
   Frost, William Henry, The Court of King Arthur; Stories from the land
   of the Round Table (Illustrated by Sydney Richmond Burleigh, C.
   Scribners Sons, New York, 1903).
   Garner, Alan. The Moon of Gomrath. New York: Ballentine Books, 1981.
   (First published: London: William Collins, 1963).
   Garner, Alan.. The Weirdstone of Brisingamen: A Tale of Alderley.
   London: William Collins, 1960; rev. ed. Harmondsworth, Middlesex:
   Penguin Books, 1963.
   Gash, Jonathan [John Grant]. The Grail Tree. New York, London,
   Victoria, Ontario, Auckland: Penguin Books, 1988 (First published:
   London: William Collins, 1979).
   Gemmell, David. Ghost King and Last Sword of Power. A fictional
   account of the life and times of Arthur, bearing little resemblance to
   the usual myths.
   Gloag, John, Artorius Rex (New York: St. Martin's, 1977.) This is the
   final volume in a late Roman trilogy with two "pre-Arthurian" novels
   titled The Caesar of the Narrow Seas and The Eagles Depart. Artorius
   Rex is another Romano-Celtic tale which attempts a historical
   Godwin, Parke, The Last Rainbow, Fire Lord, Beloved Exile (Bantam).
   The characters are terrific, the sense of time and place eye opening.
   Arthur in the beginning is a native officer in the Roman legions
   guarding the northern borders. First published as short stories in
   Fantastic Sept. 1977, and in The Fire When it Comes (Garden City,
   Doubleday 1984).
   Godwin, Parke, Invitation to Camelot (Ace, 1988.) An anthology
   including stories by Tanith Lee, Morgan Llywelyn, Elizabeth
   Scarborough and Jane Yolen.
   Griffiths, Paul. The Lay of Sir Tristam. London: Chatto & Windus,
   1991. ISBN 07011 3570 0. A very exciting book which at best can be
   described as meta-fiction. It takes on the whole problematic that the
   Arthurian/Tristam tradition presents.
   Gross, Gwen, Knights of the Round Table (Illustrated by Norman Green,
   Random House, New York, 1985).
   Haar (Hoar?), J. T. King Arthur (New York: Crane Russak, c.1967,
   Haldeman, Linda. The Lastborn of Elvinwood. Garden City, NY:
   Doubleday, 1978.
   Hanratty, Peter, The Book of Mordred and The Last Knight of Albion
   (Ace Fantasy and Bluejay Books. ISBNs 0-441-07018-3 and 0-312-94271-8.
   Paperback and trade paperback.) A retelling of the Arthurian legend in
   a bizarre mix of modern and ancient times.
   Hanson, Charles Henry, Stories of the Days of King Arthur (With
   illustrations by Gustave Dore, T. Nelson, London/Edinbugh/New York,
   Hastings, Selina, Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady (Lothrop, Lee &
   Shepard Books, New York, 1985). ISBN 0-7445-0295-0. This is
   beautifully illustrated. The inside cover says that a version of Sir
   Gawain and the Green Knight is also available by the same author.
   Hawke, Simon [Nicholas Yermakov], The Wizard of 4th Street (1987), The
   Wizard of Whitechapel (1988), The Wizard of Sunset Strip (1989), The
   Wizard of Rue Morge (1990), The Samurai Wizard (1991), The Wizard of
   Santa Fe (1991), The Wizard of Camelot (1993). New York, Warner Books.
   Premise: There was a magical alien species which bred with humans
   long, long ago. The descendants of these unions were humans with
   magical abilities. Merlin was a half-breed, as was Morgan LeFay. Since
   magic and technology cannot co-exist, magic went dormant as technology
   increased. After the fall of technology, magic returned and Merlin
   revived. Unfortunately, the alien species discovered that Necromancy
   produces powerful magic and they are now known as demons. Merlin has
   to recruit and train magical humans to thwart their plans. Appearances
   by Merlin, Morgan Le Fay and Mordred.
   Heller, Julek and Dierdre Headon. King Arthur & His Knights. Fiction
   which draws on a variety of sources including, but not limited to
   Chretien de Troyes' Arthurian Romances & Malory's Morte D'Arthur.
   Dragons' World Ltd. 1990 ISBN 1850281149.
   Hollick, Helen. Kingmaking, Pendragon's Banner, a third book due in
   June 1997 to complete the trilogy.
   Humble, William F. A Tale of Arthur (Anthony Blond, London, 1967).
   Hunter, Jim. Percival and the Presence of God. London and Boston:
   Faber and Faber, 1978.
   Jeter, K. W. Morlock Night. New York: DAW Books, 1979.
   Johnson, Barbara Ferry. Lionors. New York: 1975.
   Jones, Courtway, In the Shadow of the Oak King. It apparently tries to
   tell the story in a historically 'realistic' setting (i.e., without
   grafting the high middle ages onto sixth century Britain).
   Jones, Courtway. The Witch of the North. New York: Simon and Schuster,
   1994. Copyright: 1992. Sequel to In the Shadow of the Oak King.
   Jones, Mary J., Avalon (The Naiad Press, ISBN: 0-941483-96-7, 1991).
   This is set in the closing days of King Arthur's reign and mostly
   concerns the Lady of the Lake at that time (Argante, from Layamon; her
   predecessor is Nimue), with some recounting of her childhood.
   Definitely a feminist reading, and not as well done as Mist of Avalon,
   for example. It is also curiously incomplete. More books may be
   Kane, Gil and John Jakes. Excalibur!. No relation to film of same name
   and approximate year.
   Karr, Phyllis Ann. The Idylls of the Queen. New York: Ace Books, 1982.
   Katz, Welwyn Wilton, The Third Magic (Groundwood Books/Douglas &
   McIntyre, ISBN (bound): 0-88899-068-5 (pbk): 0-88899-126-6, 1988). A
   "young adult" book, this one has one of the more imaginative
   retellings of the Arthurian legend.
   Kennealy, Patricia, The Hawk's Gray Feather, The Oak Above the Kings,
   and The Hedge of Mist. (ROC (division of Penguin Books), ISBN
   0-451-45053-1, 1990). Builds upon the world of The Silver Branch, The
   Copper Crown and The Throne of Scone in which the Sidhe were aliens.
   This book is set much earlier. A good fantasy/SF blend.
   Kuncewicz, Maria. Tristan: A Novel. New York: George Braziller, 1974.
   Landis, Arthur H. Camelot in Orbit. New York: DAW Books, 1978. Also
   Home--To Avalon (1982), The Majick of Camelot (1981), A World Called
   Camelot (1976), all published by DAW Books.
   Lanier, Sidney, ed., King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table,
   (Grosset & Dunlap, 1950. ISBN 0-448-06016-7.) A reasonable children's
   version. The Scribner, New York edition is illustrated by N.C. Wyeth.
   Original copyright in 1924.
   Lang, Andrew, Tales of the Round Table (London, New York : Longmans,
   Green, 1923). Based on the tales in the Book of Romance edited by
   Andrew Lang.
   Latymer, Baron Francis Burdett Thomas Coutts-Nevill, The Romance of
   King Arthur, (London, John Lane; New York, John Lange Co. 1907).
   Laubenthal, Sanders Anne. Excalibur. (Publication data not available,
   it hit paperback about 1974 or 1975). Arthurian magic in a modern
   setting. Incorporates sword and grail symbology with tarot magic. Very
   original, and a real page-turner.
   Laumer, Keith. A Trace of Memory. Turns out to be very much Arthurian
   about halfway through. Difficult to say more without spoilers. First
   published as a serial in Amazing Stories in about 1963 and reprinted
   Lawhead, Stephen, Taliesin, Merlin, Arthur (Avon Books, plus British
   and Australian printings. 1988). Lawhead is an excellent writer and
   these stories make a very good read. Be warned, Arthur gets dragged
   down by a somewhat stridently Christian slant, in a tale that differs
   substantially from the first two books. Pendragon has been just
   released, 1994.
   Lerner, Alan J. and Frederick Lowe. Camelot. 1961.
   Lodge, David. Small World. New York: Warner Communications, 1986.
   First published: 1984. It's Arthurian in the same way as Lyre of
   Orpheus, but deals with Perceval.
   McDermott, Gerald, The Knight of the Lion (New York : Four Winds
   Press, c1979). Juvenile: a retelling of the adventures of Sir Yvain
   and his faithful lion, as the young knight goes through several trials
   to prove himsself worthy of a great triumph.
   McGowen, Tom, Sir Machinery (Folet Publishing Company, Chicago, 1970.
   ISBN 0-695-40167-X hardback, 0-695-80167-8 trade paperback.) An
   amusing children's tale set in modern days. Based upon the notion that
   King Arthur will come back to save Britain again.
   McKay, David. Bulfinch's Age of Chivalry or King Arthur and His
   Knights. Revised by J. Loughran Scott. Philadelphia.
   McKenzie, Nancy. The Child Queen. (Del Rey, 1994. ISBN 0-345-38244-7.)
   The sequel, The High Queen is planned. A well written tale from
   Guinevere's point of view. The setting and feel is similar to Mary
   Stewart's, although some details differ. Lancelot is in this version,
   and very well done.
   Marshall, Edison, The Pagan King (Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1959).
   Matthews, John, ed., An Arthurian Reader: Selections from Arthurian
   Legend, Scholarship, and Story (Aquarian Press, Sterling Publishing
   Company, New York, 1988).
   Meany, Dee Morrison. Iseult. Out of print. Lionors, King Arthur's
   Uncrowned Queen.
   Monaco, Richard, Parsival or a Knight's Tale, The Grail War, The Final
   Quest (1983), Blood and Dreams (1985) (Berkley Books, New York, ISBN
   0-425-05143-9, etc.).
   Munn, H. Warner, Merlin's Godson (1st Ballantine Books ed. New York:
   Ballantine Books, c1976). Originally published as 2 separate works:
   King of the World's Edge and The Ship from Atlantis.
   Munn, H. Warner, Merlin's Ring, (New York, Ballantine Books [1974]).
   Sequel or related to Merlin's Godson.
   Newell, William Wells, King Arthur and the table round : tales chiefly
   after the Old French of Crestien of Troyes : with an account of
   Arthurian romance, and notes (1897).
   Newman, Sharan, Guinevere, Guinevere, The Chessboard Queen, and
   Guinevere Evermore, (Bantam, 1981. ISBN: 0-553-20354-1). A haunting
   fairy-tale rendition of Guinevere's childhood, marriage to Arthur, and
   participation in the events of Camelot. GtCQ was released in hardcover
   and then went out of print. Strangely, it does not appear to have been
   available in paper though the other two are currently available in
   trade paperback.
   Norman, Elizabeth. Silver, Jewels, and Jade. A fictionalized account
   of Elaine's (Igraine) life before Uther.
   Norton, Andre [Alice Mary Norton]. Here Abide Monsters. New York:
   Atheneum, 1973.
   Norton, Andre, Merlin's Mirror (Daw Books, 1975.) Merlin is a half-
   breed: human and space alien, and the war between light and darkness
   is recast into a war between two space going races. The premise is
   bizarre, but Norton makes it work well.
   Norton, Andre. Steel Magic. Cleveland: Collins-World, 1965; New York:
   Archway, 1978.
   Nye, Robert. Merlin, 1975? Humorous and baudy account of the life of
   the mage.
   Percy, Walker. Lancelot. New York: Avon, 1978 (by arrangement with
   Farrar, Straus and Giroux, the first publisher).
   Peters, Elizabeth [Barbara Gross Mertz]. The Camelot Caper. New York:
   Tom Doherty Associates: 1988 (First published: New York: Meredith
   Press, 1969).
   Phelan, Laurel. Guinevere (Pocket Books, Simon & Schuster, ISBN
   0-671-52611-1). Written by Guinevere's "reincarnation", a well told
   Philip, Neil. The tale of Sir Gawain (illustrated by Charles Keeping.
   New York : Philomel Books, 1987).
   Phillifent, John T. Life with Lancelot. New York: Ace Books, 1973.
   Bound with William Barton, Hunting on Kunderer, as an Ace Double.
   Powers, Tim, The Drawing of the Dark. Ambrosius and the Fisher-King.
   Powers, Tim. Last Call. New York: Avon Books, 1993 (Published in
   hardcover by William Morrow and Co., Copyright Tim Powers, 1992).
   Powys, John Cowper. A Glastonbury Romance. New York: Simon and
   Schuster, 1932; London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1933.
   Price, Anthony. Our Man in Camelot. New York: Warner Books, 1988.
   First published: London: Victor Gollancz, 1975. Espionage thriller,
   well researched.
   Price, Robert, The Last Pendragon (Walker and Co. NY 1991) Telling of
   Bedwyr, last of the Knights after the Fall, and Irion, son of Mordred,
   and the Saxon threat to what's left of old Britain. Arthur himself
   appears only in the prolog. "Tactics" oriented.
   Pyle, Howard, The story of King Arthur and his knights (New York : C.
   Scribner's Sons, 1904, c1903). Classic. Also: The Story of the
   Champions of the Round Table (1905), The Story of Sir Lancelot and his
   Companions (1907), The Story of the Grail and the Passing of Arthur
   (1910). All were originally published by Scribners.
   Riordan, James. Tales of King Arthur (Hamlyn, London, 1982). ISBN
   0600-35352-4. An illustrated version of several classic tales.
   Robbins, Ruth. Taliesin and King Arthur. Berkeley: Parnassus Press,
   Robert, Dorothy James. The Enchanted Cup. New York: Apple-
   Century-Crofts, 1953.
   Rubin, Michael. "Days of Legend." Song. 4 Feb. 1987, rev. 3 Apr. 1993.
   St. John, Nicole [Norma Johnston]. Guinever's Gift. New York: Random
   House, 1977. An archaeologist and his assistants recreate the
   Arthurian love triangle.
   Sampson, Fay, Daughter of Tintagel. Headline Book Publishing, London,
   U.K. ISBN 0-7472-3894-4. This is a omnibus volume of 5 separate
   volumes: Wise Woman's Telling, White Nun's Telling, Black Smith's
   Telling, Taliesin's Telling, Herself. Here's what the book jacket
   reads: The bards have sung this tale the length and breadth of
   Britain. The story of the momentous birth of the legendary Arthur -
   the story of the fear, hate and love between him and his half-sister
   Morgan the Fay. But never before have there been five tellings, each
   by a witness to the mythical events: Gwennol Far-Sight, Morgan's
   childhood nurse and a wise woman in the ways of sacred pagan magic.
   Luned, the young white nun, who fears her own soul has been contamined
   by Morgan's passions. Teilo, who was once a proud and powerful Smith
   of the Old Religion, condemned to live as a woman amongst Morgan's
   maids, because of his unwise ambition. The bard Taliesin, bred to sing
   of war and red slaughter and glorious death. And finally Morgan the
   Fay herself speaks, the Goddess, the witch, whose story has
   shape-shifted down the centuries, a force for destruction or a force
   for healing...?
   Seare, Nicholas, Rude Tales and Glorious (Clarkson N. Potter, Inc.,
   New York, 1983. Hardback). [Out of Print] Classic rendition. Title
   says it all. This is a retelling of the Arthurian tales. Merlin is a
   two bit con artist/pimp, Gwen is a whore that enjoys giving out free
   samples, Arthur is Merlin's assistant. It is a riot. Seare is a pen
   name for a well known author as yet unrevealed. Speculation centers on
   Rodney Whitaker (source William Poundstone, Biggest Secrets).
   Service, Pamela F., Winter of Magic's Return, Tomorrow's Magic
   (Atheneum, New York, 1987). Five hundred years after the Devastation
   destroys modern civilization, the young Merlin and two friends succeed
   in bringing back King Arthur to Britain in the grip of a nuclear
   winter and together they struggle to build a new and better society
   despite the evil plotting of Morgan Le Fay. Juvenile fiction.
   Shwartz, Susan, The Grail of Hearts (New York: Tor Books, 1992, ISBN
   0-312-85176-6/hardcover). Arthurian; also concerned with the Parsifal
   legend and the Wandering Jew, whom Shwartz portrays as a woman.
   Sobol, Donald J. Greta the Strong. Chicago, Follet Publishing, 1970.
   Stone, Eugenia, Page boy for King Arthur, (illustrated by Rafaello
   Busoni. Chicago : Follett Publishing Co., c1949).
   Stone, Eugenia, Squire for King Arthur, (illustrated by Rafaello
   Busoni. Chicago : Follett Pub. Co., 1955).
   Stafford, Greg, and others. King Arthur Pendragon. (Chaosium Inc.,
   950-A 56th Street, Oakland, CA 94608. ISBN: 0-933635-59-1.) Other
   books in the same series: The Boy King, by Greg Stafford, ISBN
   0-933635-78-8; The King Arthur Companion, by Phyllis Ann Karr, ISBN
   0-993635-17-6; Knights Adventurous, by Greg Stafford, ISBN
   0-933635-70-2. This is part of an excellent role playing game, but the
   books are worth reading by themselves as well. There are several books
   the game is made of, purchaseable separately. Most of it is a very
   detailed glossary of people in the various versions of the saga (with
   primacy to Mallory's), but almost half of it is spent on similar
   glossaries of notable places, of special "things", and many other
   fascinating tidbits, such as an attempt at a self-consistent
   chronology of Arthur's reign, and so on.
   Steinbeck, John, The Acts of King Arthur and his Noble Knights (Del
   Rey. Paperback.) Rendition of Le Morte D'Arthur into modern day
   English. Not complete.
   Steinbeck, John, Tortilla Flat. Patterned after Malory.
   Stewart, Mary, The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, The Last
   Enchantment, and The Wicked Day (Fawcett Crest.) A modern retelling of
   the legend, almost classic in their own right. The first three are
   narrated by Merlin, and the last in third person.
   Stone, Brian, translater. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. (Penguin
   Books, many reprints. c1959. ISBN 0-14-044092-5.) Beautiful
   Sutcliff, Rosemary, Sword at Sunset (Coward-McCann, Inc, New York,
   1963. Hardcover and paperback available.) A telling of Arthur as he
   might actually have been, a local Celtic warlord.
   Sutcliff, Rosemary, The Light Beyond the Forest (1979) and The Sword
   in the Circle (1981) (London: Bodley Head.) You can see from the dates
   that these are somewhat later than her adult novel Sword at Sunset.
   They are technically "young adult" titles.
   Sutcliff, Rosemary, The road to Camlann (1st ed. New York : Dutton,
   1982). The evil Mordred, plotting against his father King Arthur,
   implicates the Queen and Sir Lancelot in treachery and brings about
   the downfall of Camelot and the Round Table. "Young adult."
   Sutcliff, Rosemary. The Lantern Bearers. New York: Henry Z. Walck,
   1959. Prequel to Sword at Sunset.
   Sutcliff, Rosemary. ristan and Iseult. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1991
   (First published: 1971).
   Sutcliff, Rosemary and Taylor, Anna. Drustan the Wanderer: A Novel
   Based on the Legend of Tristan and Isolde. Harlow, England: Longman,
   1971; New York: Saturday Review Press, 1972.
   Sutcliff, Rosemary and Taylor, Keith. Bard. New York: Ace Books, 1981.
   Portions of this novel appeared in Fanstastic Stories, 1975, published
   under the pseudonym Dennis More.
   Talbott, Hudson, King Arthur : The Sword in the Stone (New York :
   Books of Wonder, 1991).
   Tolstoy, Nikolai, The Coming of the King: A Novel of Merlin (Bantam
   Books, 1989. Trade paperback.) Very closely based on the Welsh
   mabinogion -- poetry rendered into prose. Makes no attempt at
   "realism": the grotesquely fantastic has its day here. Lyrical
   writing, worth reading. Long.
   Treece, Henry, The Great Captains (New York: Random House, 1956.) This
   is another sort of Celtic late Roman novel with characters such as
   Artos the Bear/Artorius, dux bellorum, Bedwyr, Cie, Medrawt, and
   Drostan. An excellent story, but not one for the squeamish.
   Troughton, Joanna, Sir Gawain and the loathly damsel (retold and
   illustrated by Joanna Troughton. 1st ed. New York : Dutton, 1972).
   Adapted from an anonymous fifteenth-century poem, The Weddynge of Sir
   Gawen and Dame Ragnell: in order to obtain the answer to a riddle that
   will save King Arthur's life, Sir Gawain must marry the ugliest maiden
   in the world. Juvenile.
   Turner, Roy. King of the Lordless Country. London: Dennis Dobson,
   Turton, Godfrey, The Emperor Arthur, (Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday,
   1967). This is another late Roman historical reconstruction. Highly
   Twain, Mark, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (many
   Vansittart, Peter. Lancelot: A Novel. London: Peter Owen, 1978. Also
   Perceval; London: Peter Owen, 1988.
   Viney, Jane. The Bright-Helmed One. London: Robert Hale, 1975.
   Voigt, Cynthia. The Wings of a Falcon (1993). This is the third book
   in a series. In the first book, Jackaroo, Voigt looks at the Robin
   Hood legend and writes a story about the truth behind it, that is,
   what might actually have happened to inspire the oral tradition. The
   Wings Of A Falcon works in much the same way. A major theme in this
   series is just how much stories change in the telling, over time, and
   some readers may be upset by just how much Voigt alters aspects of the
   Arthurian legend that they've come to view as essential. Also, the
   series so far is told in chronological order, with one or more main
   characters in each book descended from some main characters in the
   previous book, so in Voigt's series Robin Hood actually precedes
   Arthur by four generations. Thoroughly enjoyable read, particularly if
   you enjoy metafiction.
   [14]White, Terence Hanbury, The Once and Future King and The Book of
   Merlin (Berkley Books, ISBNs: 0-425-06310-0 & 0-425-07282-7,
   respectively. Original copyrights in 1939 and 1940). A retelling of
   the legend from the earliest stories. More comedic than some of the
   other versions. Be warned, The Book of Merlin was published in 1977,
   13 years after T.H. White's death and it contradicts and rehashes many
   themes and stories from TOFK.
   White, T.H. The Sword in the Stone (orig. published in 1938). The
   first book in TOFK. This is followed by The Witch in the Wood, The
   Ill-Made Knight, and last The Candle in the Wind. All these together
   comprise TOFK; the last was never published separately.
   Whyte, Jack. Sky Stone, The Singing Sword, The Saxon Shore, and The
   Eagle's Brood. Toronto: Penguin Books, 1992 and onwards. ISBN
   0-14-017050-2 (first book). Very well written. One interesting theme
   is the exploration of the reasons why Merlin is so reclusive.
   Williams, Charles. War in Heaven. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans,
   1970 (First published in 1930).
   Wolf, Joan, The Road to Avalon (Onyx Novels, a subdivision of Penguin
   Books.) A romantic retelling, casting familiar characters into
   startlingly different relationships.
   Woolley, Persia, Child of the Northern Spring, Queen of the Summer
   Stars, Guinevere: The Legend in Autumn (Poseidon Press, New York,
   London, Toronto, etc.) The story of the life of Guinivere, from her
   point of view.
   Yolen, Jane, The Dragon's Boy (Harper and Row, New York, 1990).
   Children's fiction. Young Arthur meets a dragon and comes to accept
   him as a friend and mentor.
   Yolen, Jane, Merlin's Booke: Thirteen Stories and Poems about the
   Arch-Mage (Berkley Publishing Group, Ace Fantasy, New York, 1986).
   Zelazny, Roger. The Courts of Chaos. 1978.
   Zelazny, Roger. The Guns of Avalon. 1972.
   Zelazny, Roger "The Last Defender of Camelot." In The Last Defender of
   Camelot. New York: Pocket Books, 1980, pp. 271-94.

   Lancelot of the Laik. A Scottish metrical romance, about 1490-1500
   A.D. Re-edited from a manuscript in the Cambridge University Library,
   with an introd., notes, and glossarial index, by W. W. Skeat. London,
   New York, Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford
   University Press [1965].
   Orkneyinga Saga, c1200 (unknown Icelandic Author). The Isles of Orkney
   are of course the famed home of Lot, Morgause, Gawain, Mordred, etc.
   Arnold, Mathew. Tristram and Iseult.
   Beroul. The Romance of Tristan. c1150.
   Carley, James P., introduction. Mathew Arnold and William Morris
   (Arthurian Poets series, Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester, NY:
   Boydell Press 1990, ISBN: 0-85115-544-8). Arnold's "Tristram and
   Iseult" is the first modern English retelling of the Tristram legend,
   a melancholy interpretation of the theme; Morris' different approach
   apparent in the rich sensuality of his "The Defence of Guenevere."
   Carley, James P., ed., introduction. A.C. Swinburne (Arthurian Poets
   series, ISBN: 0-85115-546-4). Some of Swinburne's most important
   poetry recreates the Arthurian legends from a modern perspective.
   Includes Tristram of Lyonesse.
   Carley, James P., ed., introduction. E.A. Robinson (Arthurian Poets
   series, ISBN: 0-85115-545-6). Robinson's Arthurian poems, published
   between 1917 and 1927 won him a Pulitzer Prize.
   Dodds, David, ed., introduction. Charles William (Arthurian Poets
   series, ISBN: 0-88115-291-0). Contains Taliessin through Logres and
   The Region of the Summer Stars, as well as twenty-four of William's
   earlier poems on Arthurian themes from his collection The Advent of
   Galahad (many never published before), and fragments designed to form
   a sequel to Region which also appear for the first time.
   Eliot, T. S. The Waste Land. 1922.
   Geoffrey of Monmouth Vita Merlini [Life of Merlin]. Verse.
   Heath-Stubbs. Artorius. A Heroic Poem in Four Books and Eight
   Episodes. (London: Enitharmon Press, 1973. ISBN 901111-39-2). Hard to
   Hole, Richard, Arthur; or, The northern enchantment (GGJ and J
   Robinson, London, 1798). A poetical romance, in seven books.
   Lewis. Arthurian Torso. Oxford, 1948. Reprinted.
   Lupack, Alan, ed., Arthur, the Greatest King: an Anthology of Modern
   Arthurian Poems (forword by Raymond H. Thompson, Garland, New York,
   Lytton, Baron Edward Bulwer, King Arthur (London, Henry Colburn,
   Maynadier, Howard, The Arthur of the English Poets (Boston, New York,
   Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1907).
   Morris, William. The Defence of Guenevere.
   Robinson, Edwin Arlington, "Merlin"(1917), "Lancelot"(1920) and
   "Tristram"(1927). Verse retelling of the Arthur legend. The last one
   won the 1928 Pulitzer Prize for poetry.
   Swinburne, A.C. Tristram of Lyonesse. And others.
   Tennyson, Lord Alfred, Idylls of the King (Signet, 1961.)
   Williams, Charles. Taliessin Through Logres, The Region of the Summer
   Stars (Eerdmans, 1974). Original printings through Oxford University
   Press, 1938.
   About the Arthurian Poets series: A volume on John Masefield is in
   preparation. All the volumes contain the complete Arthurian poetry of
   each author; for example, the Charles Williams volume has much
   previously unpublished poetry.
Non-fiction and research

   "Bulletin of Bibliography" (July-Sept. 1981, 38(3):128-138,149).
   Contains an Arthurian bibliography.
   Modern language association of America, A bibliography of critical
   Arthurian literature (New York City).
   Modern Language Association of America. Arthurian Group. A
   bibliography of Arthurian critical literature (v.1-2; 1922/29-1930/35,
   New York).
   The Fall of Camelot (by the editors of Time-Life Books, Time-Life
   Books, Alexandria, VA [USA], 1986).
   Alcock, Leslie, Arthur's Britain (Penguin Press, 1971). Documentary
   evidence of King Arthur's historical existence. Alcock has also
   published much work concerning archaelogical excavations of
   Glastonbury (speculated site of Camelot).
   Allen, Philip Schuyler. King Arthur & His Knights A Noble and Joyous
   History. A collection of stories based on Malory. Rand Mcnally & Co.
   1995 ISBN 1-56619-791-0.
   Andronik, Catherine M., Quest for a King: Searching for the Real King
   Arthur (Atheneum, New York, 1989). Surveys the legends surrounding
   King Arthur and examines the historical evidence behind them.
   Ashe, Geoffrey, King Arthur's Avalon: The Story of Glastonbury
   (Dutton, New York, 1958, reprinted). Glastonbury is the legendary
   Avalon, site of Arthur's grave and source of much fanciful speculation
   and scholarly interest. The author reveals Glastonbury's distinctive
   character in the dark ages as the meeting place of Saxon and Celt; the
   glory of its Abbey as the center of English and medieval civilization;
   and the significance of its legends in the mystical theory of the Holy
   Grail -- a primary factor in the development of European religious
   Ashe, Geoffrey, From Caesar to Arthur (London: Collins, 1960).
   Ashe, Geoffrey, et al, Quest for Arthur's Britain (Granada, London;
   Praeger, New York, 1968; reprinted with new introduction in 1987).
   Ashe, Geoffrey, King Arthur in Fact and Fiction (NY: Nelson, c.1969,
   Ashe, Geoffrey, Camelot and the Vision of Albion (London: Heinemann;
   NY: St. Martin's, 1971.)
   Ashe, Geoffrey, King Arthur in Fact and Legend (first US edition,
   Camden, New Jersey/T. Nelson, 1971).
   Ashe, Geoffrey, "A certain very ancient book" Speculum April, 1981,
   Ashe, Geoffrey, Kings and Queens of Early Britain (London: Methuen,
   Ashe, Geoffrey, Avalonian Quest (London: Methuen, 1982; London:
   Collins/Fontana, 1984.)
   Ashe, Geoffrey, Guidebook to Arthurian Britain (London: Longman's,
   1980; London: Aquarian Press, 1983.)
   Ashe, Geoffrey, The Discovery of King Arthur (Guild, London, 1985.
   ISBN N/A.) Provides convincing accounts of the historical roots of the
   legends and of who the original Arthur actually was.
   Ashe, Geoffrey, The Landscape of King Arthur (Webb & Bower, Exeter; M.
   Joseph, London, 1987).
   Ashe, Geoffrey. The Glastonbury Tor Maze. (Gothic Image, 7 High
   Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, 1988) Elsewhere Ashe refers back to
   this originally 1977 short work as a source for the Grail ritual. 15
   pages with maps.
   Ashe, Geoffrey, King Arthur: The Dream of a Golden Age (Thames and
   Hudson, London, 1990).
   Ashton, Graham, The Realm of King Arthur (Dixon, Newport, Isle of
   Wight, 1974).
   Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. Holy Blood, Holy
   Grail. (Corgi, 1993, ISBN 0-552-12138-X, many reprints.) What it did
   was propose a revolutionary theory about what the "San Greal" was (a
   deliberate distortion for "Sang Real", the bloodline of Jesus - not
   just through lots of hints, such as the obvious reference through
   "Fisher King" with the Greek connection of the fish for Jesus, as well
   as the "I shall make you fishers of men" phrase in the Gospel, etc -
   but also through meticulously detailed research). Not directly about
   Arthur, but Arthur's connections with the Holy Grail myths are too
   strong to ignore.
   Barber, Richard. The Arthurian Legends: An Illustrated Anthology. Here
   for the first time is a single volume featuring the power and range of
   Arthurian literature from the beginnings to the present day.
   Barber, Richard, Arthur of Albion: an introduction to the Arthurian
   Literature and Legends of England (London: Boydell Press, 1961.)
   Barber, Richard, The Figure of Arthur (London: Longman's, 1972.) This
   title surveys the Arthurian controversy, works over the early sources,
   and ends up with Arthur as a modern British national hero.
   Barber, Richard, King Arthur; In Legend and History (Boydell Press,
   Ipswich, 1973).
   Barber, Richard, King Arthur: Hero and Legend (Woodbridge, Suffolk,
   and Rochester, NY: Boydell Press 1988, ISBN 0-85115-254-6). Current
   version of Arthur of Albion.
   Barber, Richard, ed., Arthurian Literature, vols. I-X. Diverse papers
   and studies.
   Bradley, Michael. Holy Grail Across the Atlantic. 1988. Bradley
   carries on where Baigent, et al, leave off. As well as utilizing their
   book, he directly cites further details about an apparent conspiracy
   to introduce 'clue-books' in famous libraries in France and around
   Europe, over many decades. Bradley traces the Holy Grail from 'Before
   the Flood' - to Arthur - and from there across the Atlantic, - to Nova
   Scotia - (before Columbus), its possible residence in Montreal for
   many years, and then supposed return to Europe.
   Braswell, Mary Flowers and John Bugge, eds. The Arthurian Tradition.
   Essays in Convergence (Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press,
   1988. ISBN 0-8173-0347-2).
   Brengle, Richard L., ed., Arthur, King of Britain: History, Romance,
   Chronicle & Criticism, (Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1964). With
   texts in modern English, from Gildas to Malory.
   Bromwich, Rachel, ed., The Arthur of the Welsh: the Arthurian Legend
   in Medieval Welsh Literature (University of Wales Press, 1991).
   Bromwich, Rachel. Trioedd Ynys Predein (University of Wales Press,
   1991.) A compilation of several Welsh sources for Medieval and earlier
   story information, some dealing with Arthur. In English with the
   sources also in Middle Welsh.
   Cavendish, Richard. King Arthur & the Grail: The Arthurian Legends and
   their Meaning. New York: Taplinger Publishing, 1985.
   Chambers, Edmund Kerchever, Arthur of Britain (Barnes and Nobel, New
   York, 1964, original copyright 1927).
   Clancy, Joseph P., Pendragon: Arthur and his Britain (NY: Praeger,
   1971). Examines historical evidence for the existence of King Arthur
   and traces the growth of the Arthurian legend from the tenth century
   to modern times.
   Coghlan, Ronan, The Encyclopaedia of Arthurian Legends (Rockport, MA:
   Element, 1991. ISBN 1-85230-199-6.)
   Cummins, W.A. King Arthur's Place In Prehistory. Alan Sutton
   Publishing, 1992. ISBN 0-7509-0186-1 (hb) 0-7509-0664-2 (pb).
   Darrah, John, The Real Camelot: Paganism and the Arthurian Romances
   (Thames and Hudson, New York, 1981).
   Davies, John Glyn, The Apotheosis of Arthur (Llanfairfechan, N. Wales,
   1962). Reprint of a lecture delivered at the University of Uppsala in
   Dickinson, William Howship, King Arthur in Cornwall (Longmans, Green &
   Co., London/New York, 1900).
   Downing, David C. Planets in Peril: A Critical Study of C. S. Lewis's
   Ransom Trilogy. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1992.
   Dumezil, Georges, Mythes et dieux des Germains. Connects Arthurian
   material with a Scythian heavy cavalry brigade based at Chester from
   about 250 to 500. There are some relationships between Scythian and
   Arthurian legends.
   Dunning, R. W. Arthur the King in the West (NY: St. Martins's, 1988).
   This is an argument for a "Cornish" King Arthur.
   Entwistle, William James, The Arthurian Legend in the Literatures of
   the Spanish Peninsula (JM Den & Sons, New York/London/Toronto, 1925).
   Evola, Julius, "The Mystery of the Grail and the Gibelin imperial
   concept". Original in Italian; Yvonne Tortat's French translation "Le
   Mystere du Graal et l'idee imperiale Gibeline" published by and
   available from Editions Traditionnelles (11 Quai St.-Michel, Paris).
   This is Evola's integral traditionalist interpretation of the Grail
   Fife, Graeme, Arthur the King: the Themes behind the Legends (NY:
   Sterling Publishing, 1991. ISBN 0-8069-8344-2.) The development of
   Arthurian literature including the themes of chivalry, courtly love,
   hunting, magic and the Holy Grail. Color, b/w illustrations.
   Gardner, Edmund Garratt, The Arthurian Legend in Italian Literature
   (JM Dent & Sons, London; EP Dutton & Co, New York, 1930).
   Gilbert, Adrian. The Holy Kingdom.
   Godwin, Malcolm. The Holy Grail. Viking Penguin books, 1994. ISBN
   Goetink, Glenys. Peredur: A Study of Welsh Traditions in the Grail
   Legends. Cardiff: U of Wales P, 1975.
   Goldberg, Todd. C. Horak, R. Norwood, D. Markestein. The Prince
   Valiant Companion. Mountain Home TN: Manuscript Press, 1992. Prince
   Valiant is a Sunday newspaper comic strip (not a comic book) which
   chronicles the life of a knight of King Arthur's roundtable. The
   original full name of the comic strip was "Prince Valiant in the Days
   of King Arthur" although the long title is seldom used anymore except
   for books reprinting the original stories. The comic was by Harold
   Foster and started in 1937, it is considered a masterpiece of comics
   by experts and was fairly faithful to Arthurian legend and spirit. It
   still runs today in many Sunday papers, syndicated by King Features,
   under Foster's successor John Cullen Murphy. The strips have been
   reprinted in numerous books and the story has been turned into
   animated and live action movies. The book is a history of the strip
   and its Arthurian stories.
   Goodrich, Norma L., King Arthur (Harper&Row, 1986. ISBN
   0-06-097182-7.) Also wrote Merlin (1987), Guinevere (1989), and The
   Holy Grail (1990). Goodrich does a number of historical
   "reconstructions", trying to piece together the possible events of the
   Gordon-Wise, Barbara Ann. The Reclamation of a Queen: Guinevere in
   Modern Fantasy. New York, Westport, London: Greenwood P, 1991.
   Guenon, Rene, in "Symbols of the sacred Science", Chapters III and IV
   on the Grail, XXIV on Arthur and druidism, XLIV on "Lapsit Exillis",
   and other occasional references. French original "Symboles de la
   Science sacree" published by Gallimard, Paris ISBN 2-07-029752-7.
   Guyer, Foster Erwin. Chretien de Troyes: Inventor of the Modern Novel.
   New York: Record Press, 1957, 17 - 40.
   Hibbert, Christopher, The Search for King Arthur (London, 1972?)
   Another one of the survey studies of the legend of Arthur.
   Holmes, Urban Tigner. Chretien de Troyes. New York: Twayne Publishers,
   1970, 59 - 71.
   Hopkins Andrea. Chronicles of King Arthur. Viking Penguin Books 1994.
   ISBN 0-670-85232-5.
   Jaffray, Robert, King Arthur and the Holy Grail an examination of the
   early literature pertaining to the legends of King Arthur and of the
   Holy Grail, together with a brief review of the theories relating to
   the latter-intended... (New York, G.P. Putnam, 1928).
   Jenkins, Elizabeth The Mystery of King Arthur (NY: Coward, McCann &
   Geoghegan, Inc., 1975; London: George Rainbird, 1975.) This is a
   pictorial coffee book in the best sense of the word. It's the standard
   survey through the material with contemporary illustrations ranging
   from a photograph of the white horse at Uffington and the late Roman
   cataphract from Dura-Europos proceeding through mediaeval
   illustrations, many in colour and ending up with the Victorian
   paintings of William Morris and Edward Burn Jones.
   Jones, Bedwyr Lewis, Arthur Y Cymry, The Welsh Arthur (University of
   Wales Press, Cardiff, 1975). It discusses in great detail exactly what
   information we have about Arthur, and -- more importantly -- considers
   what kind of conclusions can be drawn about the real origins of these
   Jones, William Lewis, King Arthur in History and Legend (Cambridge,
   Eng. University Press, 1911, 1914, 1933).
   Jung, Emma and Marie-Louise von Franz, The Grail Legend (Sigo Press,
   1986. ISBN 0-938434-08-X.)
   Karr, Phyllis Ann. The King Arthur Companion. Albany: Chaosium, 1983.
   Kittregge, George Lyman, Arthur and Gorlagon (Boston: Ginn and Co.,
   Lacy, Norris J., ed, The Arthurian Encyclopedia (ISBN: 0-85115-253-8).
   The first reference book to offer a comprehensive and critical
   treatement of Arthurian topics. This work involves over 50 scholars
   and contains a wide range of entries in the arts and media; Arthurian
   characters; history, legend and archaelogy; themes and motifs; and a
   wealth of literature. Illustrated.
   Lacy, Norris J. et. al. The New Arthurian Encyclopedia. Hamden, CT:
   Garland, 1991. For some reason, this is harder to find than the
   earlier version.
   Lagorio, Valerie M. and Mildred Leake Day, eds., King Arthur through
   the Ages (New York:Garland Pub, 1990). Two volumes: one is almost
   exclusively about medieval versions of the legend, the other is
   focused on 19th and 20th century versions.
   Lampo, Hubert and Pieter Paul Koster, Arthur and the Grail (London:
   Sidgwick & Jackson, 1988). Originally published in Dutch under Arthur.
   Introduction by Colin Wilson.
   Lewis, Charles Bertram. Classical mythology and Arthurian romance; a
   study of the sources of Chrestien de Toryes' "Yvain" and other
   Arthurian romances, by Charles Bertram Lewis. London, New York [etc.]
   Pub. for St. Andrews university by H. Milford, Oxford university
   press, 1932.
   Lindsay, Jack, Arthur and his times : Britain in the Dark Ages (London
   : Frederick Muller, c1958).
   Littleton, C. Scott and Linda A. Malcor, From Scythia to Camelot: A
   Radical Reassessment of the Legends of King Arthur, the Knights of the
   Round Table, and the Holy Grail (Garland Publishing, Inc., New York &
   London, 1994). From Dr. Malcor "In this book my co-author and I argue
   that the core of the Arthurian and Holy Grail traditions do not derive
   from Celtic folklore and mythology, but rather from the folklore and
   mythology of the Alans and the Sarmatians, Northeast-Iranian speaking
   steppe nomads who invaded Europe in the final days of the Roman
   Empire. Although this book contains a complete scholarly apparatus, we
   have written it primarily to be enjoyed by the intelligent lay reader
   who wants to spend a few evenings taking a new look at the origins of
   Arthurian tradition."
   Loomis, Richard. The Development of Arthurian Romance. New York:
   Norton, 1970.
   Loomis, Roger Sherman, Arthurian Tradition and Chretien de Troyes,
   (New York, Columbia University Press [1949]).
   Loomis, Roger Sherman, Arthurian legends in medieval art (London,
   Oxford University Press; New York, Modern Language Association of
   America, 1938).
   Loomis, Roger Sherman, Arthurian literature in the Middle Ages: a
   collaborative history (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1959).
   Loomis, Roger Sherman, Celtic myth and Arthurian romance (New York,
   Columbia University Press, 1927, reprints).
   Loomis, Roger Sherman, Wales and the Arthurian legend (Cardiff,
   University of Wales Press, 1956).
   Loomis, Roger Sherman, The Grail: from Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol
   (Princeton: Princeton U. Press, 1991. ISBN 0-691-02075-2.)
   McCarthy, Terrence, An Introduction to Malory (ISBN: 0-85991-325-2).
   Malory's approach to his material is discussed, as are his sources,
   and his individual contribution; finally, Malory and his book are
   placed in their historical context.
   Mancoff, Debra, ed. The Arthurian Revival. Essays on Form, Tradition,
   and Transformation (New York: Garland Publishing, 1992. ISBN.
   Markale, Jean, King Arthur, King Of Kings (translated by Christine
   Hauch. London ; New York : Gordon & Cremonesi, 1977). Originally
   published as Le roi Arthur et la societe celtique.
   Markale, Jean, The Celts. (First English Translation, 1993. Inner
   Traditions.) Also by Markale: Mithra-Varuna (1940), Les Mythes Romains
   (1942-47), Loki (1948), Les Dieux des Indo-Europe'ens (1952)
   Les Dieux des Germains (1959).
   Markale, Jean. King of the Celts (Roi Arthur et la socie'te' celtique.
   American paperback edition.) (Inner Traditions International, Ltd.,
   One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont 05767, 1994.) A cheaper American
   edition. Easy reading, with a socialist slant.
   Matthews, Caitlin and Marian Green. The Grail Seeker's Companion: to
   the Grail Quest in the Aquarian Age. Northamptonshire: Thorsons
   Publishing Group, 1986.
   Matthews, Caitlin, Arthur and the Sovereignty of Britain : King and
   Goddess in the Mabinogion (illustrated by Chesca Potter. London,
   England ; New York, N.Y., USA : Arkana, 1989).
   Matthews, Caitlin and John. The Arthurian Tarot. Illustrated by
   Miranda Grey. Northamptonshire: Thorsons Publishing Group, 1990.
   Matthews, Caitlin, The Arthurian Tarot: A Hallowquest Handbook.
   Northamptonshire: Thorsons Publishing Group, 1990.
   Matthews, Caitlin, Hallowquest: Tarot Magic and the Arthurian
   Mysteries. London: HarperCollins, 1990.
   Matthews, Caitlin, Taliesin: Shamanism and the Bardic Mysteries in
   Britain and Ireland. London: HarperCollins, 1991.
   Matthews, Caitlin. The Arthurian Tarot Course: A Quest for All
   Seasons. London: HarperCollins, 1993.
   Matthews, John, An Arthurian Legend (London: Aquarian Press, 1991.
   ISBN 0-85030-909-3.)
   Matthews, Caitlin and John, The Arthurian Book of Days (New York :
   Macmillan, c1990). Contains Arthurian events related to a particular
   point in the year. Illustrated with copies of rare paintings and
   Matthews, John, The Elements of the Arthurian Tradition. Who was King
   Arthur? What is the Holy Grail? Who were the Fay Women of Arthur's
   Court? What is the Fellowship of the Round Table? Who are the Dwellers
   in Avalon? Answers these and other questions about the legend of
   Matthews, John, The Elements of the Grail Tradition. Here, in vivid
   historical detail, Matthews reveals the many facets of the Holy Grail
   and its tradition. Includes explanations of the myth of the Fisher
   King, the Four Hallows, the "Holiest Earth" of Glastonbury and the
   Matthews, John and Bob Stewart. Warriors of Arthur. Blandford Press.
   First published in UK 1987. Paperback edition first published 1989.
   detailed picture of culture, weapons and places associated with King
   Arthur. ISBN 0-7137-2146-4.
   Merriman, James Douglas. The Flower of Kings: A Study of the Arthurian
   Legend in England between 1485 and 1835. Lawrence, Manhattan, Wichita:
   UP of Kansas, 1973.
   Meskys, Edmund R. Ed. The Once and Future Arthur. Center Harbor:
   Niekas Publications, 1989.
   Millar, Ronald William, Will the real King Arthur please stand up?
   (London : Cassell, 1978).
   Monell, Charles M., Five hundred years of King Arthur ([Fullerton,
   Calif.] : The Patrons of the Library, California State University,
   Fullerton, c1987). The text is a lecture by Dr. Monell delivered at
   the opening of the King Arthur exhibit at the California State
   Library, Sacramento, on July 28, 1985 ... "--p. [3]. The article first
   appeared in the July 1985 Bulletin of the California State Library
   Morris, John, The age of Arthur; a history of the British Isles from
   350 to 650 (New York, Scribner [1973]).
   Nitze, William Albert, Arthurian romance and modern poetry and music
   (Chicago, Ill., The University of Chicago Press [c1940]).
   Phillips, Graham and Martin Keatman, King Arthur: The True Story
   (Trafalgar Square, North Pomfret, Vermont 05043 c1994). Recounting the
   accounts left by Bede, Gildas, Nennius, and Geoffry of Monmouth.
   Tidbits on origins of characters such as Galahad, Lancelot, Percival
   and Guinevere. Descriptions of the author's conclusions about the
   original Camelot, Arthur's burial place, etc. Good reading.
   Phillips, Graham. The Search for the Grail. First published by Century
   in the UK 1995. ISBN 071-26-7533-7.
   Pickford, Cedric Edward, Rex Last and Christine R. Barker, eds., The
   Arthurian Bibliography (Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : D.S. Brewer ;
   Totowa, N.J. : Biblio, -1983).
   Ratcliffe, Eric, The Great Arthurian Timeslip (Stevenage and Bungay
   [Eng.] : ORE, 1978).
   Ravenscroft, Trevor. The Cup of Destiny. An interpretation of
   Eschenbach's Parsifal and interesting reading.
   Reid, Margaret Jane Cornfute, The Arthurian Legend (Edinburgh [etc.]
   Oliver and Boyd [1938]).
   Ritson, Joseph, The life of King Arthur: from ancient historians and
   authentic documents (London, Payne and Foss [etc.] 1825).
   Robinson, Joseph Armitage, Two Glastonbury legends: King Arthur and
   St. Joseph of Arimathea (Cambridge [Eng.] The University Press, 1926).
   Saklatvala, Beram, Arthur, Roman Britain's Last Champion (Newton
   Abbot: David & Charles, 1971.) An unconventional study of King Arthur.
   Scherer, Margaret Roseman, About the Round Table, (New York, 1945).
   Simpson, Roger, Camelot Revisited: The Athurian Revival and Tennyson,
   1800-1849 ISBN: 0-85991-300-7. A study of the interest in Arthurian
   literature in the early part of the nineteenth century. There is a
   complete bibliography of early 19th-century Arthurian poetry, drama,
   and prose fiction together with catalogues of paintings and
   illustrated books.
   Skene, William Forbes, author; Derek Bryce, ed., Arthur and the
   Britons in Wales and Scotland (Lampeter [Wales] : Llanerch
   Enterprises, c1988).
   Slocum, Sally K. ed. Popular Arthurian Traditions. Bowling Green:
   Bowling Green State U, 1992.
   Spivak, Charlotte. Merlin's Daughters: Contemporary Women Writers of
   Fantasy. Westport: Greenwood P, 1987.
   Squire, Charles. Mythology of the Celtic People. (Bracken Books).
   Starr, Nathan Comfort, King Arthur today; the Arthurian legend in
   English and American Literature, 1901-1953, (Gainesville, University
   of Florida Press 1954).
   Stewart, R.J., ed. The Book of Merlyn- Insights from the Merlin
   conference. Based on proceedings of London conference held June, 1986.
   Blandford Press, London. Originally published in hardback in the UK,
   1987. Merlin as the central theme, conference ranged over history,
   legend, drama, psychology, story-telling, music, folklore, etc. ISBN
   Surtees, Scott Frederick, Merlin and Arthur, ([Hertford, S. Austin and
   sons, printers], 1871).
   Taylor, Beverly and Elisabeth Brewer, The Return of King Arthur (DS
   Brewer, Cambridge, 1983.) Contains an extensive bibliography in the
   Thompson, Raymond, The Return From Avalon (Greenwood, Westport, 1985).
   This is an excellent recent study of modern Arthurian literature.
   Tolstoy, Nikolai, The Quest for Merlin (Little, Brown, 1985. ISBN
   Treharne, R. F. (Reginald Francis), The Glastonbury legends: Joseph of
   Arimathea, the Holy Grail and King Arthur, (London, Cresset P., 1967).
   Trevelyan, Marie, The Land of Arthur, its Heroes and Heroines,
   (London, J. Hogg [pref. 1895]).
   Vinaver, Eugene, King Arthur's sword; or, The making of a medieval
   romance, (Manchester, Eng., John Rylands Library and the Manchester
   University Press, 1958).
   Vinaver, Eugene, Malory ([1st ed.], reprinted with a new preface.
   London, Clarendon P., 1970).
   Warner, Sylvia Townsend. T. H. White. New York: Viking Press, 1968.
   Whitaker, Muriel. The Legends of King Arthur in Art. ISBN
   0-85991-306-6. This is a study of works of art inspired by legends of
   King Arthur and his knights and produced over a period of nine
   centuries in Europe and North America. It covers illuminated
   manuscripts, printed books, sculpture, pavements, all paintings, easel
   paintings, etc.
   Whitehead, John, Guardian of the Grail, a new light on the Arthurian
   legend, ([London] Jarrolds [1959]).
   Wildman, S. G. The Black Horses, English Inns and King Arthur (London:
   John Baker, 1971).
   Williams, Charles and C.S. Lewis, Arthurian Torso. Two long essays.
   The first, by Williams, is a lengthy history of the development of the
   Arthurian legend, discussing the entry of the various great themes
   (i.e., courtly love, the Grail, etc.) and how it affected the legend
   that had existed to that point. The second, by Lewis, is an
   indispensible guide to Williams' own Arthurian poems (cited in the
   Poetry section). These essays, along with William's poems, can be
   found in trade paperback from Eerdmans' Press, Grand Rapids.
   Williams, Gwyn A. Excalibur - The Search for Arthur. Barnes & Noble by
   arrangement with BBC Books, 1994 ISBN 1-56619-694-9.
   Wood, Michael. In Search of the Dark Ages. (Facts On File
   Publications, 1987) The guy who brought you In Search of the Trojan
   War does a comfortable job on Arthur with some insights over thirty
   Zaddy, Z. P. Chretien Studies. Glasgow: U of Glasgow P, 1973, 1 - 71.
Medieval and early texts

   _, Gawain and the Grene Knight. Many translations, including one by
   JRR Tolkien (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Clarendon Press, Oxford,
   _, Lancelot of the Lake. Available in pb from Oxford's "The World's
   Classics" series. Anonymous, Arthurian cycle: Lancelot of the Lake,
   The Quest of the Holy Grail, and The Death of Arthur. Available in pb
   from Penguin. Most later Arthurian texts (especially Mallory) are
   based on these, the same way most texts after Chretien derived from
   Chretien. The first listed, the "short" or "non-cyclic prose
   Lancelot," is a very interesting point in the development of the
   legend: Lancelot is not yet involved in the Grail quest (indeed, it is
   implied that it has already occurred by the time he comes to King
   Arthur's court). The "cycle" is the first (existing) text, or set of
   texts, to unite all the fundamental themes of the mythos. Also
   available from Penguin is a single volume edition with two long poetic
   "morts d'Artu," under the title The Death Of King Arthur. One is in
   rhymed verse, the other in alliterative.
   _, The Death of King Arthur. Trans. with an Intro. by James Cable.
   London, New York, Victoria, Ontario, Aukland: Penguin Books, 1988.
   (Translation of La Mort le Roi Artu).
   _, King Arthur's Death: The Middle English Stanzaic Morte Arthur and
   Alliterative Morte Arthure. Ed. Larry D. Benson. Exeter: U of Exeter,
   1986. (There are translations of these)
   _, The Mabinogion (many translations.) The Mabinogion is the
   collection of Welsh stories and legends, where elements of the
   Arthurian legend can be found. These probably form the basis for the
   legend as we have it today, though scholars seem to revise their
   opinions every now and then.
   Blackmore, Sir Richard, An Heroick Poem (London, printed for Awnsham
   and John Churchil, 1695). In ten books. Probably out of print.
   Chretien de Troyes, Arthurian Romances (Everyman's Library #698).
   Various translations. He was a 12th century writer/poet and the single
   most improtant influence on the development of the Arthurian mythos:
   it was he who linked Lancelot to Guinevere and who introduced the
   moral question of their affair (in Lancelot, Or the Knight of the
   Cart) and it was quite possibly he who brought the story of the Grail
   Quest to Arthur's court (in Perceval).
   Chretien de Troyes, Ywain, the Knight of the Lion (Translated by
   Robert W. Ackermand and Frederick W. Lock, Unger, New York, 1957, plus
   other translations).
   Chretien de Troyes, Perceval, The Story of the Grail. (English
   translation by Nigel Bryant, ISBN: 0-85991-224-8). The story of the
   making of a knight in both worldly and spiritual terms, and the source
   of some of the most dramatic and mysterious adventures of romance.
   Dass, Nirmal, translator. Avowing of King Arthur. Lanham, MD: UP of
   America, 1987. This is pretty strange at the end.
   Day, Mildred Leake, translator. De ortu Waluuanii nepotis Arturi. In
   The Rise of Gawain, Nephew of Arthur. New York: Garland Publishing,
   Geoffrey of Monmouth (1100-1154), History of the Kings of Britain
   (Penguin, 1966. ISBN 0-14-044170-0.) Twelfth century historian.
   Monmouth, Geoffrey. Vita Merlini. The life of Merlin. Hunter's library
   has a dual language version.
   Jones, Prudence, translator. Les Enfances Gauvain. In Appendix 1 of
   Gawain: Knight of the Goddess by John Matthews. Wellingborough:
   Aquarian Pr, 1990.
   Lacy, Norris, et al. Arthurian Vulgate (alias Prose Lancelot, alias
   Pseudo-Map Cycle) and Post-Vulgate. (All from Garland Publishing, in
   the Garland Reference Library of the Humanities. V1, 1993, ISBN:
   0824077334 V2, 1993, ISBN: 0815307462 V3, 1992, ISBN: 0815307470 V4,
   1995, ISBN: 0815307489 V5, 1996, ISBN: 0815307578 Combined: ISBN:
   082400700X) These are expensive books, with a wide range of pricing.
   Comparison shop! This is the first-ever English translation of most of
   these texts. The Vulgate text essentially nailed down the story of
   Arthur and the Grail as it is known to us through Mallory, and it is
   hard to believe both that the bulk of it has never before been
   available in English and that this edition has been so little noticed.
   The translation is highly readable, but intended for the use of both
   scholars and casual readers.
   Le Clerc, Guillaume. Fergus of Galloway: Knight of Arthur. (Trans.
   with an Intro, and notes by D.D.R. Owen. Rutlan: Charles E. Tuttle,
   Malory, Sir Thomas, Le Morte D'Arthur (many editions). The classic
   15th century rendition of Arthurian legend according the French
   tradition. About where Lancelot in his romantic, very French, form was
   added, and where the search for the Grail was put in Christian terms.
   Notes: Caxton (1422-1491) edited Morte D'Arthur and changed it quite a
   bit in so doing. The original (non-edited-by-Caxton) version is
   available from Oxford University Press under the title Malory: Works
   (1973). In this edition, there are a number of loosely connected
   stories: Caxton conflated some, elided others, and bound the whole
   thing together under one theme: Arthur's tragedy. Furthermore, there
   are various non-Malory versions of the Morte Arthure and Le Morte
   Arthur c.1400 and c.1350 respectively. These were a part of the
   impetus behind Malory's later version.
   Matarosso, translator, The Quest of the Holy Grail (Penguin, 1969.
   ISBN 0-14-044220-0.)
   Middleton, Christopher, The famous historie of Chinon of England (to
   which is added The assertion of King Arthure, translated by Richard
   Robinson from Leland's Assertio inclytissimi Arturii, together with...
   London, Pub. for the Early English Text Society by H. Milford, Oxford
   University Press, 1925).
   Nennius. Historia Brittonum [The History of Britons] c858 orig.
   published in Latin. The mention of Ambrosius has a lot of correlation
   to what is later attributed by Geoffrey of Monmouth etc. to Merlin's
   conception and it is central to Mary Stewart's version.
   Sebastian Evans, trans. The High History of the Holy Grail. A
   translation of Perlesvaus. Everyman's Library, Lond: JM Dent & Sons,
   NY, EP Dutton & Co. 1936. There is likely a more recent translation
   done in the 70s.
   Stone, Brian, translator. The Alliterative Morte Arthure. In King
   Arthur's Death. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1989. Paraphrased by John
   Gardner in The Alliterative Morte Arthure. Carbondale: Southern
   Illinois UP, 1971.
   von dem Turlin, Heinrich. The Crown. Trans. J. W. Thomas. U of
   Nebraska P, 1989. Version of the Grail quest, finally translated into
   von Strassburg, Gottfried, Tristan (Penguin, 1960. ISBN
   Wace and Layamon, Arthurian Chronicles, (with an introd. by Lucy Allen
   Paton. London ; New York : Dent, Dutton, [1921?]).
   Weston, Jessie L. translator. The Awntyrs off Arthure. In Romance,
   Vision, and Satire. Boston: 1912.
   Wirnt von Grafenberg. Wigalois: The Knight of Fortune's Wheel. Trans.
   J. W. Thomas. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1977. Wigalois is Gawain's
   Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parsival (Penguin, 1980. ISBN 0-14-044361-4.)
   Allows great insight into the mind of Chivalry for those with the
   patience. Modern translation of a medieval text.

   John, Christopher. Rev. of Excalibur. Ares July, 1981, 21.
   John, Christoper, Rev. of Knightriders. Ares July, 1981,
   Lambides, Freya Reeves, pub., Avalon to Camelot (Debra N. Mancoff,
   ed.) A quarterly journal started in Fall 1983, lasted for four regular
   issues to Summer 1984 before the publisher folded. Two more issues
   came out, but are not generally available. It had some excellent
   articles, and was well illustrated for a non-color production.
   Surviving copies may be collector's items.
Arthurian references (fictional)

   Barr, Mike and Brian Bolland. Camelot 3000, 1981, DC Comics. 12 issue
   limited series later bound into a trade paperback. Rides the fine
   lines between clever and stupid, inspired and tacky. Futuristic story
   about a reincarnated (and ethnically mixed) Round Table, aliens, etc.
   Cherryh, C.J., Port Eternity (DAW Books, New York, c1982). Science
   fiction novel with arthurian elements and references.
   Coney, Michael Greatrex, Fang, the Gnome. (Signet/New American
   Library, ISBN 0-451-15847-4). The main characters are Fang, Nyneve,
   Avalona (the non-human who teaches Nyneve) and Merlin (Avalona's son).
   Arthurian characters who appear: Tristam and Iseult, Arthur, and
   Galahad - with the other characters appearing only in "the Game"
   played by Nyneve, Avalona and Merlin. The Game is used to enter an
   alternate reality and influence the characters there. Eventually the
   other reality merges with that of Earth and the Arthurian story
   becomes a reality.
   Coney, Michael Greatrex. King of the Scepter'd Isle. New York, London,
   Victoria, Ontario, Auckland: Penguin Books, 1990 (Previously published
   in hardcover by NAL Books, no date given). The sequel to Fang the
   Cooper, Susan, Over Sea, Under Stone, The Dark Is Rising, The Green
   Witch, The Grey King, Silver on the Tree. Celtic derived fantasy, some
   references to Arthur. While these are "juveniles" they present good
   reading for adults as well.
   Crow, Donna Fletcher. Glastonbury: The Novel of Christian England.
   Wheaton: Good News, 1992. Has only 100 pages or so on Arthur's time.
   Seems to be like Sarum - spanning the ages.
   Davies, Robertson, The Lyre of Orpheus.
   Drake, David, The Dragon Lord, (Berkeley Pub. Group, 1979. ISBN
   0-399-12380-6). This is about an Irish soldier fighting in Arthur's
   army. All the usual characters are there, fairly prominently, but they
   are not the protagonists.
   Kay, Guy Gavriel, The Summer Tree, The Wandering Fire and The Darkest
   Road. Also known collectively as "The Fionavar Tapestry." Arthur,
   Lancelot and Guinevere are, in various forms, called back to assist in
   defeating The Unraveller in the one True World, Fionavar. In addition,
   the tale is steeped in Celtic mythology and part of the fun is
   matching characters back to specific myths and legends.
   Knowles, Sir James, The Legends of King Arthur and his Knights,
   (London, New York: Warne and Co., 1895).
   Laubenthal, Sanders Anne. Excalibur (Ballantine Books, 1973 ISBN
   0-345- 25635-23-195). Present day fiction concerning the current
   Pendragon, a Welsh archaelogist, searching for Excalibur in Mobile,
   Alabama (where legend says Prince Madoc of Wales hid it after Arthur's
   final defeat) while another takes a Grail quest at the same time.
   Morgan and Morgause oppose them. There is a strong Celtic flavor to
   the conflict. Out of print.
   Lewis, C.S., That Hideous Strength (part of a three book set). While
   it does have much non-Arthurian material, it does deal a good bit with
   the line of the Pendragons and one of the characters is the awakened
   Merlinus Ambrosius.
   Monroe, Douglas. The 21 Lessons of Merlyn.Llewellyn Publications, St.
   Paul, MN, 1993 A study in druid magic and lore. It combines a
   fictional tale with instructions on various druidic magic techniques.
   ISBN 0-87542-496-1.
   Saberhagen, Fred. Dominion. Dracula and Merlin have a longstanding
   feud that threatens to undermine their resistance to the real source
   of trouble -- Nimue. Set in modern day, this book is readable if a bit
   Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Queene. An excellent work and is Arthurian
   at least in some of its sections, and should be comprehensible to
   anyone who can read Malory.
   Vance, Jack, Suldrun's Garden, The Green Pearl, Madouc (New York :
   Berkeley Publishing Group, c1983/c1985/c1989). Collectively known as
   the Lyonesse, and the first book is sometimes titled Lyonesse. These
   books are written so as to involve themselves in the origin of the
   round table and one or two of the knights found in Arthurian legend.
   Walton, Evangeline, Prince of Annwn, The Children of Llyr, The Song of
   Rhiannon and The Island of the Mighty (Del Rey, 1970). Modern
   reworkings of The Mabinogion. Excellently written. May be hard to
   find. Recently reissued in large tradeback.
   Wagner, Matt. Mage: The Hero Discovered, 1984. Comico Comics. 15 issue
   mini-series reprinted into 5 MageBooks. Return of Arthur to present
   day. Good story, good artwork. Part one of a projected Trilogy. Wagner
   has delayed finishing the other two, tentatively titled The Hero
   Defined and The Hero Denied, but rumors talk of a 1995 release.
   Wein, Elizabeth. The Winter Prince (Atheneum, 1992). A young adult
   novel, told from the point of view of Mordraut (Mordred) about his
   love-hate relationship with his father Artos and his half-brother and
   Zelazny, Roger. The Last Defender of Camelot. Anthology. Avon, 1988.
   ISBN 0-380-70316-5. Only the title story involves Lancelot and the
   Holy Grail; the rest of the book is science fiction.
Celtic fiction

   _, Irish Fairy and Folk Tales (Dorset, 1986. ISBN 0-88029-073-0.)
   Alexander, Lloyd, The Book of Three, The Black Cauldron, Castle of
   Llyr, Taran Wanderer, The High King. Based on Celtic mythology, these
   are excellent "children's" books.
   Bedier, Joseph, Romance of Tristan & Iseult (Doubleday Anchor, 1945.)
   As retold by Joseph Bedier. Trans. Hilaire Belloc. Completed by Paul
   Rosenfeld. New York, Random House, 1965.
   Flint, Kenneth C. Riders of the Sidhe, Champions of the Sidhe, ??
   which collectively are a retelling of the Irish myth of Lugh Lamfada.
   Isle of Destiny (Cuchulain), and Cromm (horror with Celtic mythology).
   Flynn, Casey, The Gods of Ireland (Bantam/Spectra). This is a series
   of books which retell the mythic cycle of Irish legends. The
   individual books are short and do stand alone, at least the first two
   Gantz, Jeffrey, Early Irish Myths and Sagas (Penguin, 1981. ISBN
   Garner, Alan. The Owl Service. New York: Ballentine Books, 1981 (First
   published: London and Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Company, 1967).
   Based on the Welsh tales of Llew Llaw Gyffes.
   Greeley, Andrew M. The Magic Cup: An Irish Legend. New York: Warner
   Books, 1979 (First published: New York: McGraw- Hill, 1979).
   Humphreys, Emyr, The Taliesin Tradition, (Black Raven, 1983. ISBN
   0-85159-002-0.) Boring.
   Jackson, Kenneth, A Celtic Miscellany (Penguin, 1951. ISBN
   Jacobs, Joseph, Celtic Fairy Tales (Dover, 1968. ISBN 0-486-21826-0.)
   Llywelyn, Morgan, Red Branch (Ivy Books, Ballantine Books, 1989. ISBN:
   0-8041-0591-X. Retells the story of the Irish warrior-hero: Cuchulain,
   the Hound of Ulster. Has also written Grania, The Horse Goddess, Lion
   of Ireland and Bard.
   Paxson, Diana L., The White Raven (Avon Books, 1988). Retelling of the
   Tristan/Iseult legend, from the point of view of Iseult's slave/maid.
   A pretty, romantic sort of tale. Set in Britain after the collapse of
   King Arthur's peace.
   Peacock, Thomas Love. The Misfortunes of Elphin (c1829; many
   reprints). An irreverent take on the Mabinogion.
   Rolleston, T.W., Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race (Constable,
   1911. recent reprint, no date. ISBN 0-09-467720-4)
   Weston, Jesse L. From Ritual to Romance (Anchor, 1957.) A work on the
   Yeats, Wm. Butler, The Celtic Twilight (Signet, 1962.)
   Yeats, Wm. Butler and Lady Gregory, A Treasury of Irish Myth, Legend,
   and Folklore (Avenel Books, 1986. ISBN: 0-517-48904-X. Irish tales,
   plus the legend of Cuchulain.

   I'm sure there are more than listed here. Please feel free to let me
   know about more.
   For another electronic mailing list, try
   I am not sure of the subscription process, perhaps email to
   The International Arthurian Society
   Hans R. Runte
   Department of French
   Dalhousie University
   [15]The Camelot Project at Robbins Library, sponsored by the
   University of Rochester, is an electronic database of Arthurian texts,
   images, bibliographies and basic information. Check it out!
    Arthurian Booklist FAQ
    Copyright 1994, 1995 by [16]Cindy Tittle Moore, [17]
    PO Box 4188, Irvine CA 92716
   (Message update:108) To: From: John W Kennedy Repl: Subj: Re: Arthurian Booklist (rec.arts.books) Date:
   Wed, 24 Mar 1999 10:02:38 EST Content-Type: text/plain;
   charset=us-ascii ---------- I notice your FAQ does not seem to include
   the new 5-volume English translation of the (Message inbox1299:110)
   To: From: "John E. M." Repl: Subj:
   Re: Arthurian Booklist (rec.arts.books) Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999
   15:04:44 EST Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 ---------- I
   didn't see KING ARTHUR'S CRYSTAL CAVE by D.L. Cyr. Did I miss it? --
   John E. Myers, Tesser * "All things come round to 3D
   Graphics/Animation * him who will but wait." *
   LONGFELLOW alt.immortal * I have time. * ---------- MessageName:
   (Message inbox1299:110) (Message inbox1299:111) To: Cindy Tittle Moore
   From: "John E. M." Repl: Subj: Re: Arthurian
   Booklist (rec.arts.books) Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 16:13:47 EST
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 ---------- > > >I didn't
   see KING ARTHUR'S CRYSTAL CAVE by D.L. Cyr. Did I miss it? > > Doesn't
   look like you missed it! Can you give me more of a cite on this? > >
   Thanks! KING ARTHUR'S CRYSTAL CAVE by Donald L. Cyr Speculation on the
   crystal cave where Arthur is supposed to lie in state. Illustrated
   paperback, 160 pages. available from
   under the heading of Mystic Traveller -- John E.
   Myers, Tesser * "All things come round to 3D Graphics/Animation * him
   who will but wait." * LONGFELLOW alt.immortal * I
   have time. * ---------- MessageName: (Message inbox1299:111)


   6. file://localhost/home/t/tittle/public-web/books/arthurian.html#fic
   7. file://localhost/home/t/tittle/public-web/books/arthurian.html#poe
   8. file://localhost/home/t/tittle/public-web/books/arthurian.html#non
   9. file://localhost/home/t/tittle/public-web/books/arthurian.html#med
  10. file://localhost/home/t/tittle/public-web/books/arthurian.html#per
  11. file://localhost/home/t/tittle/public-web/books/arthurian.html#ref
  12. file://localhost/home/t/tittle/public-web/books/arthurian.html#cel
  13. file://localhost/home/t/tittle/public-web/books/arthurian.html#org
  16. file://localhost/home/t/tittle/public-web/tittle.html

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