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Section - 4-6. How do I make it?

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Top Document: FAQ [3/3] (revised 16-MAY-1997)
Previous Document: 4-5. Can I make my own it legal?
Next Document: 4-7. WIMLIACLDAB? BTABFCTW! What was that?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
     Making your own can range from quite easy to very complicated
     depending on how much of the science you want to absorb. At its most
     basic, you can make beer following these steps:

     1.  Mix together malted barley extract, hops, and water and boil to
         produce what is called the wort.

     2.  The wort is cooled, placed in a fermenter and yeast is added.
         Fermentation will take place converting the sugars in the wort to
         carbon dioxide (which is vented out) and alcohol.

     3.  When fermentation is complete, the new beer is mixed with a small
         amount of primer (made from malt extract or corn sugar) and
         placed in sealed bottles or kegs. The primer will provide just
         enough additional fermentation to carbonate the beer.

     4.  Wait until the beer has properly aged and drink! The aging time
         depends on beer style and can range anywhere from 2 weeks to 1

     For further details, subscribe to rec.crafts.brewing and lurk for a

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Top Document: FAQ [3/3] (revised 16-MAY-1997)
Previous Document: 4-5. Can I make my own it legal?
Next Document: 4-7. WIMLIACLDAB? BTABFCTW! What was that?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Single Page

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John Lock <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM