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Artificial Intelligence FAQ: Newsgroups and Mailing Lists 2/6 [Monthly posting]

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Archive-name: ai-faq/general/part2
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Version: 2.1
Maintainer: Ric Crabbe <> and Amit Dubey <>
Size: 69914 bytes, 1790 lines

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;;; Answers to Questions about Artificial Intelligence *************
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;;; Written by Amit Dubey, Ric Crabbe and Mark Kantrowitz
;;; ai_2.faq 

Part 2 (AI-related Newsgroups and Mailing Lists):
  List of all known AI-related newsgroups, mailing lists, and
  electronic bulletin board systems.

   [2-1]  AI-related Newsgroups and News Sources
   [2-1a] AI-related Newsgroup Archives
   [2-1b] AI-related Newsgroup FAQ postings
   [2-2]  AI Research in a particular country
   [2-3]  Agents
   [2-4]  Artificial Life
   [2-5]  AI for Development 
   [2-6]  AI in Education 
   [2-7]  AI and Law 
   [2-8]  AI in Medicine 
   [2-9]  AI and Statistics
   [2-10] Blackboard Architectures
   [2-11] Business, Economics, Finance (IE-Digest, AT-Finance)
   [2-12] Cellular Automata 
   [2-13] Classification and Clustering 
   [2-14] Cognitive Science and Psychology
   [2-15] Connectionism and Neural Networks 
   [2-16] Constraint Satisfaction
   [2-17] Cybernetics and Systems 
   [2-18] Diagrams
   [2-19] Distributed AI 
   [2-20] Expert Systems in Agriculture 
   [2-21] Use of Computers in the Fine Arts 
   [2-22] Fuzzy Logic
   [2-23] Game Playing
   [2-24] Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming 
   [2-25] HCI: AI Applications to Human-Computer Interface Design
   [2-26] Knowledge Acquisition 
   [2-27] Knowledge-based Scheduling
   [2-28] Knowledge Representation
   [2-29] Logic Programming, Prolog 
   [2-30] Machine Discovery
   [2-31] Machine Learning 
   [2-33] Natural Language Processing 
   [2-34] Qualitative Physics
   [2-35] Robotics
   [2-36] Simulated Annealing 
   [2-37] Simulation 
   [2-38] Symbolic Math 
   [2-39] Theorem Provers
   [2-40] Case-Based Reasoning
   [2-41] Uncertainty
   [2-45] Vision Research 
   [2-50] Commercial Systems: Kappa PC, ...
   [2-60] Miscellaneous: Artificial Morality, Intelligent Control,
             Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Frogs,
             Meteorology, Natural World Problems, OOP Frameworks

Search for [#] to get to question number # quickly.

Subject: [2-1] AI-related Newsgroups and News Sources Newsgroups: Subscribe to these using your newsreader. Artificial Intelligence (moderated) Artificial Life Fuzzy Logic. Gatewayed to NAFIPS-L and Fuzzy-Mail. AI in Games and Game Playing Genetic Algorithms Natural Language Processing (unmoderated) Neural Networks Philosophical Foundations of AI Expert System Shells comp.robotics Robotics comp.speech Speech related research, including speech recognition and synthesis. Vision Research. Also available through the Vision List Digest (see [45] below). Online papers of the Journal of AI Research. (M) Announcements & abstracts of JAIR papers. (M) Information Retrieval comp.cog-eng Cognitive Engineering sci.cognitive Cognitive Science sci.psychology.research Psychology. Bi-directionally gatewayed to the psy-research mailing list; send mail to to subscribe. comp.simulation Simulation sci.lang Linguistics sci.math.symbolic Symbolic Math sci.virtual-worlds Virtual Reality. Also available through the bi-directional gateway, VIRTU-L on LISTSERV@UIUCVMD.BITNET or LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU comp.theory.cell-automata Cellular Automata comp.theory.self-org-sys Self-organizing systems AI Programming Languages comp.constraints Constraint Processing comp.lang.clos Common Lisp Object System comp.lang.dylan Dylan comp.lang.functional Functional Programming Languages comp.lang.lisp Common Lisp comp.lang.lisp.franz Franz Lisp comp.lang.lisp.mcl Macintosh Common Lisp comp.lang.lisp.x XLisp Standard ML. Gatewayed to comp.lang.prolog Prolog and Logic Programming comp.lang.scheme Scheme comp.lang.scheme.c MIT C Scheme comp.lang.smalltalk Smalltalk comp.lang.pop POPLOG integrated programming language & environment for Lisp, Prolog, ML and Pop11 comp.object Object Oriented Programming comp.object.logic Integrating Object-Orientend and Logic Paradigms Association of Lisp Users comp.std.lisp Lisp Standards German AI newsgroup: (thanks to Michael Schillo for the update) News Sources: Computists International maintain a set of newsletters concerning AI. They come with membership ($22.50 students $47.50 professionals), or if you can wait 2 weeks, you can get them for free. Go to: <>
Subject: [2-1a] AI-related Newsgroup Archives Newsgroup archives of are no longer maintained because google ( does such a fine job.
Subject: [2-1b] AI-related Newsgroup FAQ postings Of the newsgroups listed in [2-1], the following have FAQ postings:,,,, comp.robotics, comp.speech,, comp.lang.lisp, comp.lang.scheme, comp.lang.clos, comp.lang.prolog, comp.object, comp.theory.cell-automata, comp.constraints,, comp.lang.smalltalk Many of the FAQ postings are available from In general FAQs should be downloaded from
Subject: [2-2] AI Research in a particular country British AI alvey Japanese AI Mexican AI IAMEX-L on Florida AI FLAIRS on The IAMEX-L list is administrated by the AI Invetigation Center in Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) in Monterrey, N.L. To be added to that list, please contact: pl500368@tecmtyvm.bitnet (Juana Maria Gomez Puertos) pl157961@tecmtyvm.bitnet (Fernando Careaga Sanchez) The newsgroup is the German equivalent of The newsgroup is for announcements about AI. The newsgroup is the (unmoderated) Australian equivalent of BCINFO-IT is a mailing list for information about information technology in Britain. To subscribe, send mail to with ADD BCINFO-IT <your email address here> in the Subject line of the message. For more information, contact Mrs Yu-Toh Yin Yin, Information Officer, The British Council, 30 Napier Road, Singapore 1025, call 473-1111 x145, fax 479-7481, or send email to
Subject: [2-3] Agents The Software Agents Mailing List is devoted to the issues of software agents, personal digital assistants, software robots, knowbots, intelligent interface agents, etc. The term agent is ill-defined and because of this the scope of this mailing list will also be somewhat ill-defined. However, it should be restricted to software agents as opposed to hardware (robots) and human agents (your travel agent). (Although the interface from software agents to other agents is fair game.) The list was begun in 1994 by Ray Johnson, then at the Lockheed Palo Alto AI Center and now at Sun. In the Fall of 1996 it moved to UMBC.
Subject: [2-4] Artificial Life The alife mailing list is for communications regarding artificial life, a formative interdisciplinary field involving computer science, the natural sciences, mathematics, medicine and others. Send mail to to be added to the list. See also the UCLA Artificial Life Depository in question [5-1].
Subject: [2-5] AI for Development An occasional newsletter for folk interested in AI applications in and for developing countries. The newsletter is sent to the mailing list and to the newsgroup comp.society.development. Send requests to be added to the mailing list to Kathleen King <>.
Subject: [2-6] AI in Education AI-ED: (was Includes ICAI (intelligent computer aided instruction) and ITS (intelligent tutoring systems). All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to [As of 12/12/94, this list seems to have moved. Anybody know where?] HUMANIST: [Mail from utorepas bounces. 8/18/93 mk] HUMANIST is an international mailing list for discussion of applications of computers to scholarship in the humanities. AI or NLP topics sometimes come up. Interested individuals should send a note together with a brief biography to the Coordinator in the following format: *Family-name, Given-names <e-mail address> Title, mailing address(es), telephone number(s). Body of biography. This should not be a c.v. and need not be very detailed but should cover the full range of your professional activities and interests, both present and past. Mention other things at your discretion. Biographies vary considerably in length, though few are less than 100 words or more than 500. Coordinator: Willard McCarty <> NEWEDU-L: NEWEDU-L is dedicated to exploring new paradigms in education and how they can be implemented, including, among other things, the role of artificial intelligence in education. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@uscvm.bitnet or listserv@vm.usc.eduwith the following line in the message body: SUBSCRIBE NEWEDU-L Your_full_name To remove yourself from the mailing list, send a message with the line SIGNOFF NEWEDU-L For further information, contact the moderators, Greg Swan and Paul Privateer, at
Subject: [2-7] Artificial Intelligence and Law To subscribe to AIL-L you should send a message to the internet address The body of the message should consist of: subscribe AIL-L <your full name>
Subject: [2-8] AI in Medicine AI in Medicine: Focus is on computer-based medical decision support. Currently over 1,000 subscribers in more than 35 countries. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to The list is coordinated by Wanda Pratt and Serdar Uckun. Archives of the mailing list are available by anonymous ftp from []. CBR-MED: Case-Based Reasoning in Medicine. To subscribe to the list, send a message to with subscribe CBR-MED <your first name> <your last name> in the message body. To get the FAQ, include get cbr-med faq If you need to speak with a human being, send mail to Jeff Berger <>. Other medicine lists with some AI content include: SMDM-L on (medical decision making) MedInf-L on listserv@dearn.bitnet (medical data processing and informatics)
Subject: [2-9] AI and Statistics AI and Statistics: All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to
Subject: [2-10] Blackboard Architectures GBB-Users: The list covers both the commercial GBB framework and the UMass research prototype (mostly the former these days). To be added to the list, send mail to See also
Subject: [2-11] Business, Economics, Finance (IE-Digest, AT-Finance) Intelligent Systems for Business and Economics (IE-Digest): The IE-digest aims to act as a forum to exchange ideas on using `intelligent' techniques to model economic and financial systems. Calls for papers, paper announcements and queries are welcome. Techniques which were originally developed to model psychological and biological processes are now receiving considerable attention as tools for modelling and understanding economic and financial processes. These techniques, which include neural networks, genetic algorithms and expert systems are now being used in a wide variety of applications including the modelling of economic cycles, modelling of artificial economies, portfolio optimisation and credit evaluation. To be added to the list, send mail to An archive of back issues of the digest, as well as papers, bibliographies and software, may be obtained by anonymous ftp from []. List moderated by Suran Goonatilake, Dept. of Computer Science, University College London, Gower St., London WC1E 6BT, UK, <>. Advanced Technology for Finance: The Advanced Technology for Finance Special Interest Group of the INNS maintains the AT-Finance mailing list for discussions of financial or economic applications of advanced technology. Discussion sometimes involves Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic, Statistics, Complexity theory, Artificial Life, and Nonlinear and Chaos Theory. To subscribe, send mail to For further information, send mail to the AT-Finance administrator at <>. [This list seems to be defunct. --mk]
Subject: [2-12] Cellular Automata (aka Gatewayed to the newsgroup comp.theory.cell-automata. Archived messages may be found at in the files ca.archive*. All other requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to
Subject: [2-13] Classification and Clustering Mailing list and file server for researchers in classification, clustering, phylogenetic estimation, and related areas of data analysis. To subscribe to CLASS-L you should send a message to the internet address The body of the message should consist of: subscribe CLASS-L <your full name> To have your name removed from the CLASS-L subscriber list, send: signoff CLASS-L
Subject: [2-14] Cognitive Science and Psychology PSYCGRAD (The Psychology Graduate Student Journal) is an online journal of technical papers by psychology graduate students and is edited by a team of 18 graduate student editors. To submit a paper or article, send email to To subscribe, send a message "sub psygrd-j <firstname> <lastname>" to or read the newsgroup bit.listserv.psycgrad. PSYCHE is a refereed electronic journal concerning the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the brain. To subscribe, send a message with "SUBSCRIBE PSYCHE-L Firstname Lastname" in the body to <>. There is also a web version of the journal at: <>. Submissions may be sent to the Executive Editor, Patrick Wilken, Computer Science Dept., Monash University, Clayton, 3167, AUSTRALIA, <>. A discussion group PSYCHE-D has also been created for discussion of the contents of the journal and related topics. To subscribe, send a message with "SUBSCRIBE PSYCHE-D Firstname Lastname" in the body to <>. The moderator of PSYCHE-D is Patrick Wilken <>. COGNEURO (Cognitive Neuroscience) is a low volume mailing list for discussing matters at the interface of cognitive science and neuroscience. For more information about the list, send mail to with Subject line "cogneuro: send info". To subscribe, use the Subject line "cogneuro: subscribe", and to unsubscribe, "cogneuro: unsubscribe". Only members of the list may post to the list. The mailing list archives are available by anonymous ftp from [] and are maintained by Phil A. Hetherington <>. The list is moderated by Kimball Collins <>. COGPSY is a moderated mailing list concerned with connectionist research in cognitive psychology. To be added to the list, send mail to Submissions should be sent to the same address.
Subject: [2-15] Connectionism and Neural Networks Connectionists: This is a restricted mailing list for discussion of technical issues relating to neural computation, and for dissemination of information directly relevant to researchers in the field. Membership is restricted to students and faculty who are actively involved in connectionist research. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Neural Networks (moderated): Neuron-Digest is a moderated list (in digest form) dealing with all aspects of neural networks (and any type of network or neuromorphic system). Topics include both connectionist models (artificial neural networks) and biological systems ("wetware"). The digest is posted to All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Send submissions to Neuron Digest archives are kept in the OSU Neuroprose collection and in [] Back issues of Neuron Digest are now also available from an email archive server. Send a message with "help" in the subject line to for more information. Hypertext versions of the Neuron Digest are available via the URL Neuron-UK: Neural networks in Europe. To subscribe, send mail to with subscribe neuron-uk yourname in the message body. Users of the Rochester Connectionist Simulator: All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to The simulator is available in Users of the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator: To be added to the mailing list, send a message to with subscribe snns <Your Full Name> in the message body. The simulator is available in [] RNA: RNA on LISTSERV@UTFSM.BITNET RNA is a Neural Net list in Spanish. RNA es una lista dedicada a todas aquellas personas interesadas en el desarrollo e investigacion en el campo de las Redes de Neuronas Artificiales. El proposito de esta lista es intercambiar informacion, favorecer el encuentro de personas con intereses afines, promover la formacion de grupos de trabajos y servir de apoyo a quienes se integran al area. Para subscribirse enviar una nota a LISTSERV@UTFSM.BITNET con el siguiente mensaje en el cuerpo de la nota: SUB RNA nombre apellido Cells: A mailing list about cellular neural networks. According to the list announcement, Cellular Neural Networks are continuous-time dynamical systems consisting of a grid of processing elements connected only to neighbours within a given (small) distance. They are silicon-efficient locally recurrent networks such as artificial retinas. To subscribe, send mail to Marco Balsi <>.
Subject: [2-16] Constraint Satisfaction See also comp.constraints. The FAQ is available via WWW as and by anonymous ftp as [] The comp.constraints newsgroup is archived in Questions about the FAQ should be directed to Michael Jampel <>; questions about the archive should be directed to Andy Whitcroft <>. A moderated mailing list for topics related to Constraint Satisfaction Problems, including algorithms, properties, extensions, benchmarks, applications, calls for papers, and so on. To subscribe, send a message to with sub csp-list <Your Full Name> in the message body. If you prefer to receive a digest once a week, send the listserv a command like set csp-list mail digest after successfully subscribing to the list. Archives and various informative files can be found by sending the "index csp-list" and "get" commands to See the explanations in "help" for full details. For further questions, please get in contact with Thomas Schiex, CERT-ONERA (GIA), 2 Avenue Edouard Belin, BP 4025, 31055 Toulouse CEDEX, FRANCE, call +33 61-55-70-65, fax +33 61-55-71-94, or send email to
Subject: [2-17] Cybernetics and Systems Cybernetics and Systems: The Cybernetics and Systems mailing list is an open list serving those working in or just interested in the interdisciplinary fields of Systems Science, Cybernetics, and related fields (e.g. General Systems Theory, Complex Systems Theory, Dynamic Systems Theory, Computer Modeling and Simulation, Network Theory, Self-Organizing Systems Theory, Information Theory, Fuzzy Set Theory). The list is coordinated by members of the Systems Science department of the Watson School at SUNY-Binghamton, and is affiliated with the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) and the American Society for Cybernetics (ASC). To subscribe to cybsys-l you should send a message to the internet address The body of the message should consist of: SUB CYBSYS-L <your full name> To unsubscribe send the following command: UNSUB CYBSYS-L Autopoiesis: Mailing list concerning autopoietic (self-producing) systems, as described in H. Maturana and F. Varela in "Autopoiesis and Cognition" (D. Reidel, 1980) and "The Embodied Mind." To subscribe, send a message to with sub autopoiesis <your name> <your netaddress> in the message body. Complex Systems: The Complex Systems List is concerned with all aspects of Complex Systems, including cellular automata, artificial life, genetic algorithms, and fractals. To subscribe, send mail to with subscribe complex "your name" in the message body.
Subject: [2-18] Diagrams A mailing list for discussions on (and announcements about activities concerning) computational and cognitive issues related to diagrams and imagery. Issues covered include problem solving with diagrammatic representations, visual reasoning, computational imagery, etc. To subscribe, send a request to Maintained by Dr. David Barker-Plummer, Computer Science, Swarthmore College.
Subject: [2-19] Distributed AI DAI-List: Send subscription requests to Back issues archived on []. Distributed-AI Discussion List: To subscribe or get help send COMMAND (e.g. HELP) to Send contributions to For other questions, contact the list owner,
Subject: [2-20] Expert Systems in Agriculture To subscribe to ag-exp-l you should send a message to the internet address The body of the message should consist of: subscribe AG-EXP-L <your full name>
Subject: [2-21] Use of Computers in the Fine Arts The FINEART Forum is dedicated to International collaboration between artists and scientists. It is subsidized by the International Society for the Arts, Science, and Technology (ISAST), 2020 Milvia, Berkeley, CA 94704. The purpose of this bulletin board is to disseminate information regarding the use of computers in the Fine Arts. One of the general areas of interest is Art & AI.
Subject: [2-22] Fuzzy Logic Both the NAFIPS-L and Fuzzy-Mail mailing lists are now gatewayed to NAFIPS Fuzzy Logic Mailing List at Georgia State University: To subscribe send the following command to LISTSERV@GSUVM1.BITNET: SUB NAFIPS-L your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your real name, not your login Id. Non-BitNet users can join by sending the above command as the only line in the text/body of a message to LISTSERV@GSUVM1.GSU.EDU. (NAFIPS = "North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society") Postings to this mailing list are automatically archived. Technical University of Vienna Fuzzy Logic Mailing List: To subscribe send the following command to SUB FUZZY-MAIL your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your real name, not your login Id. This mailing list is two-way gatewayed to the NAFIPS-L list and to the newsgroup. The listserver also gives access to some files, including the "Who is Who in Fuzzy Logic" database that is currently under construction by Robert Fuller <>.
Subject: [2-23] Game Playing Go: List for discussion of programs that play the game of GO. The list was set up by Fletch <>. To subscribe, send mail to
Subject: [2-24] Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming Genetic Algorithms Digest: GA-List@AIC.NRL.NAVY.MIL (moderated; digest format) Send subscription requests to the -request form of the list or to Past copies of the digest are archived on Some software is also archived there. Discussion of genetic algorithms also appears from time to time in and comp.theory.self-org-sys. Genetic Programming: A mailing list for discussion of Genetic Programming. See Koza's book for details. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to The genetic-programming mailing list is archived on along with some code and papers. Evolutionary Programming Email Digest: [This adress appears to have gone away- I am looking into it.] The digest is intended to promote discussions on a wide range of technical issues in evolutionary optimization, as well as provide information on upcoming conferences, events, journals, special issues, and other items of interest to the EP community. Discussions on all areas of evolutionary computation are welcomed, including artificial life, evolution strategies, and genetic algorithms. The digest is meant to encourage interdisciplinary communications. To subscribe to the digest, send mail to and include the line "subscribe ep-list" in the body of the text. Further instructions will follow your subscription. The digest will be moderated by N. Saravanan of Florida Atlantic University, <>. Evolutionary Computing: This is a UK discussion group for genetic programming, artificial life, and other topics in evolutionary computing. To subscribe, send mail to with join evolutionary-computing <Your Full Name> in the message body. GEnetic Algorithms Research Students (GEARS): A mailing list for students conducting research in the field of genetic algorithms. Example topics may include "How do I get started in GA research?", "Has x ever been tried before?" "Does anyone else get these results?" "Where can I obtain this paper?" "My supervisor's annoying me!" To subscribe, send mail to The list is maintained by Martyn Amos <>. GANN: GANN is a mailing list concerned with the use of evolutionary algorithms (genetic algorithms, genetic programming and their variants) in the exploration of the design space of (artificial) neural network architectures and algorithms. The list will be semi-moderated to keep the signal to noise ratio as high as possible. To subscribe to the list, send mail to with subscribe in the Subject line. Moderated by Dr. Vasant Honavar <>, Dr. Mike Rudnick <> and Mr. Karthik Balakrishnan <>.
Subject: [2-25] HCI: AI Applications to Human-Computer Interface Design STUDENTS.CHI: The STUDENTS.CHI mailing list has been established by the SIGCHI Extended Executive Committee (EEC) and Xerox (the corporate sponsor of the CHI email distribution lists). The objective of STUDENTS.CHI is to distribute information and share perspectives of particular concern to students involved in any aspect of the human factors and computing field. The Human-Computer Interaction field (HCI) focuses on the research, design, development and evaluation of human-computer communication and interaction. Other distribution lists include: announcements.chi Broadcasts messages of general interest educators.chi Discussion of education in HCI issues ii.chi Messages related to intelligent interfaces intercultural.chi Cross-cultural issues and SIGCHI socialaction.chi Discussion of CHI-related Social Issues techprogram.chi Long range planning of CHI conf. program vision.chi Discussions related to the future of SIGCHI To be added to a mailing list, send a list of the CHI lists that you want to receive to Nick Briggs at "". AI-CHI: wiley! All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to wiley!ai-chi-request@LLL-LCC.LLNL.GOV. [This machine seems to be defunct. Anybody knowing the new location of the mailing list should send mail to]
Subject: [2-26] Knowledge Acquisition KAW is a list server provided by the University of Amsterdam for the knowledge acquisition community. It will carry news and discussion relating to KA activities. To join the KAW list, send a message with subscribe KAW <your name> in the body to For more information about the list server, send help in the body instead.
Subject: [2-27] Knowledge-based Scheduling Covers topics related to advanced scheduling techniques and applications, especially knowledge-based scheduling of manufacturing processes. To subscribe, send mail to, with the following line in the message body: SUB SCHED-L <name> where <name> should be replaced by your real name. If you prefer getting a digest once a week, send additionally a SET SCHED-L MAIL DIGEST after subscribing as described above. If you need to talk to a human being, talk to Sandford Bessler <> or Wolfgang Slany <>. Mail sent to will reach both of them.
Subject: [2-28] Knowledge Representation Conceptual Graphs: Conceptual Graphs are a general semantic network representation of knowledge invented by John Sowa. They have the expressive power of logic, but with an easy mapping to natural language. See, for example, John F. Sowa, "Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Man and Machine", Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass, 1984. John Florian Sowa, "Knowledge Representation", forthcoming. To join, contact KQML: Discussion of the conceptual design and use of KQML (Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language), a protocol for exchanging information and knowledge. To subscribe, send mail to with subscribe kqml in the message body. The mailing list archives are accessible by WWW to The KQML WWW page is and is also accessible by anonymous ftp to Knowledge Sharing: For the shared-ontologies part of the Knowledge Sharing Effort of ARPA. To join send a message to with subscribe srkb in the message body. Interlingua: For the KIF language (Knowledge Interchange Format) of the ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort. KIF resembles predicate logic with many added parentheses, plus some set theory.
Subject: [2-29] Logic Programming, Prolog Prolog and Logic Programming: (general) (nitty gritty) All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to [The host no longer exists, as of 11/24/92. Does anybody know the new location of the mailing lists?] Concurrent Logic Programming: [Mail to jlevy bounces. 8/18/93 mk] ?? All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to or to Jacob Levy <>. Constraint Logic Programming: LOGIC-L: Mailing list for the teaching and study of elementary logic. To subscribe, send a message to with sub logic-l <your name> in the message body. LPNMR: Mailing list for logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning. Send mail to to subscribe.
Subject: [2-30] Machine Discovery Knowledge Discovery in Databases: KDD Nuggets is a moderated mailing list for the dissemination of information relevant to Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), such as announcements of conferences/workshops, tool reviews, application examples, information requests, interesting ideas, outrageous opinions, and so on. Moderator: Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro <> To subscribe, send mail to The KDD Nuggets archive is accessible by anonymous ftp from or by WWW from It includes the KDD FAQ, a catalog of commercial and public domain tools, a list of AI resources compiled by Chris Matheus <>, and workshop reports.
Subject: [2-31] Machine Learning Machine Learning List (moderated): The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be relevant to the scientific study of machine learning. Mail requests to be added or deleted to URL for back-issues is Machine learning List (unmoderated): The Machine Learning mailing list is an unmoderated mailing list intended for people in Computer Sciences, Statistics, Mathematics, and other areas or disciplines with interests in Machine Learning. Researchers, practitioners, and users of Machine Learning in academia, industry, and government are encouraged to join the list and participate. You're invited to discuss and exchange ideas regarding any aspect of Machine Learning, e.g., various learning algorithms, data pre-processing, variable selection mechanism, instance selection, and applications to real-world problems. Software, conferences, courses, jobs, and others related announcements are also welcome. Reinforcement Learning: This is an informal unmoderated mailing list devoted to reinforcement learning. To join, send mail to Inductive: INDUCTIVE is a moderated mailing list dedicated to the discussion of inductive (learning) processes. To subscribe, send a message to with subscribe inductive YOUR NAME in the message body. Support Vector Machines:
Subject: [2-33] Natural Language Processing Information Retrieval: irlist <> To subscribe send the following command to LISTSERV@UCCVMA.BITNET: SUB IR-L your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your real name, not your login Id. Non-BitNet users can join by sending the above command as the only line in the text/body of a message to LISTSERV%UCCVMA.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU. Moderator: IRLUR%UCCMVSA.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU Natural Language and Knowledge Representation (moderated): (formerly, Gatewayed to the newsgroup To subscribe, send LISTSERV commands to Back issues are available from in the subdirectories Vxx/ as the files Nyy.Z. For example, issue number 1 of volume 1 will be found as /nl-kr/V01/N01.Z. Mail requests for backissues will not be promptly satisfied. The gopher server is gopher:// and the URL is The NL-KR Digest will be slowly evolving into a citeable electronic journal. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Natural Language Generation: Mailing list for the ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Generation. Open to anybody interested in NLG. The FTP repository, [] contains archives of SIGGEN messages, the Dale and Kantrowitz NLG bibliographies, and some software. Moderated by Michael Elhadad. The siggen mailing list includes roughly 170 people. Parsing: Speech Interfaces: Electronic Communal Temporal Lobe (or ECTL) is a moderated mailing list for speech interface enthusiats. To subscribe, send a message with your name, institution, department, daytime phone and an email address to If you have trouble with this mail address, call David Leip at (519) 824-4120 x3709 (office) x4297 (lab). ECTL has an anonymous ftp archive which is located at [] Included in the archive are: all issues of ECTL, as well as a list of subscribers, lists of speech related products (s/w & h/w), and a list of speech related technical report abstracts. If you would like to contribute to the archive, please send mail to If you need information about how to ftp, or such things, please send mail to Statistics, Natural Language, and Computing: Corpus-based studies of natural language, statistical natural language processing, methods that enable systems to deal with and scale up to real-world usage, as well as how the various techniques can be useful in such areas as information retrieval and human-computer interaction. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Dependency Grammar Syntactic theory, analysis, and parsing using dependency grammar (i.e., using links between individual words rather than a constituency tree). All requests for subscriptions or other assistance should be addressed to Prosody: To subscribe, send a one-line message to listserv@purccvm.bitnet in the following format: subscribe prosody <Your Full Name> Translation and Interpretation of Natural Language: To add or remove yourself from the list, send a message to The sender of the message you send must be the name (E-mail address) you want to add or remove from the list. The text body of the message should be: SUBSCRIBE LANTRA-L your_full_name or: SIGNOFF LANTRA-L where your_full_name is your normal name, not your E-mail address. Text Analysis and Natural Language Applications: SCHOLAR is an online information service covering all aspects of natural language processing in such fields as literary studies, linguistics, history and lexicography. It consists of information like book reviews, project reports database listings, a conference calendar, and news of hardware and software relevant to the field. SCHOLAR is distributed occasionally as the quantity of information received allows. Contributions should be sent to Joseph Raben <>. To add or remove yourself from the list, send a message to The sender of the message you send must be the name (E-mail address) you want to add or remove from the list. The text body of the message should be: SUBSCRIBE SCHOLAR your_full_name or: SIGNOFF SCHOLAR where your_full_name is your normal name, not your E-mail address. For technical assistance, send mail to <>. SCHOLAR files are available by anonymous ftp from []. Use username scholar and type your login userid as a password. The index of SCHOLAR files is SCHOLAR.INDEX. The WWW for SCHOLAR is gopher:// and includes a WAIS search engine. The files are also available by listserv. For an explanation of the coding system for items in SCHOLAR, send mail to <> with the following as the body of the message: Get SCHOLAR COD To retrieve the entire release send mail to <> with the folowing as the body of the message: Get AZ Package Text Corpora: Text corpora compilation, availability, and use. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Files relating to the mailing list are available by anonymous ftp from [] by mailserver from (send a message with "help" and "index" in the body to get help), or by gopher from gopher:// The list is hosted at the Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities in Bergen, Norway. Questions about these services can be directed to: Knut Hofland <>. Speech production and perception: foNETiks <> foNETiks is a monthly newsletter distributed by e-mail. The focus is on speech production, speech perception, speech disorders, automatic speech recognition and speech synthesis. It carries job advertisements, notices of conferences, and other news of general interest to phoneticians and speech scientists. To be added to the list, send a message to with join fonetiks first_name last_name in the message body, replacing "first_name" and "last_name" with your first and last names respectively. To get an index of files associated with the list (e.g., archives of previous issues), put index FONETIKS in the message body. To get off the list, put leave fonetiks in the message body. The current editors are Linda Shockey and Gerry Docherty. They can be reached at Contributions should be sent to LN: ln@frmop11.bitnet LN is an international electronic distribution list for computational linguistics, with a French emphasis. Although the list is primarily French-speaking, there are some posts in English. Topics of interest include computational lexicography, study and use of corpora, statistical models, as well as the usual calls for papers, conference announcements, requests and discussions. The list is jointly sponsored by the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) and the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH). To join LN, send a message to LISTSERV@FRMOP11.BITNET, containing only the following line: SUBSCRIBE LN your name Send messages to be transmitted on the list to LN@FRMOP11.BITNET. The list is moderated by Jean Veronis <veronis@vassar.bitnet> (GRTC-CNRS, France) and Pierre Zweigenbaum <zweig@frsim51.bitnet> (DIAM-INSERM, France). Linguist: The LINGUIST list is a moderated international list containing discussion primarily of linguistics, although discussion of related fields is welcome. To subscribe to the list, send a message to containing as its first and only line: sub linguist <Your Full Name> The URL for the linguist list archive is: gopher:// BILDIL: BILDIL is a Turkish NLP Discussion Group. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@trmetu.bitnet with sub bildil <your name> <your last name> in the message body. ELSNET: ELSNET is the European Network in Language and Speech mailing list. This mailing list is used to announce activities, post job openings, or discuss issues which are relevant to persons in the European natural language and speech communities. To join, send mail to GESTURE-L: The GESTURE-L mailing list discusses the study of gestures, sign language, and related topics. To subscribe to the list, send mail to with subscribe gesture-l <your email address> in the message body. Archives are available as gopher:// Paramind: The Paramind mailing list is for discussion of concepts of computer-generated writing, especially those related to the theory of the "telical exhaustion of the interaction of words". Telical means, "towards an useful end". To be added to the list, send a message to The list's FAQ can be obtained by anonymous ftp from The list is coordinated by LFG: This mailing list concerns Lexical-Functional Grammar. To subscribe, send mail to with subscribe lfg in the message body. ConLang: For discussion of any constructed or planned languages (from Esperanto to Loglan/Lojban to Klingon, including AI-based languages). To subscribe, write or
Subject: [2-34] Qualitative Physics To join, send mail to
Subject: [2-35] Robotics Robot Controller Boards: The purpose of the Robot Board mailing list is to discuss robot controller boards, and robot control in general. In particular, this list will be used to support the Miniboard 2.0 and 6.270 board design by Fred Martin and Randy Sargent of MIT. However, any and all traffic related to robot controllers is welcome. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to You can also use ListServ to be added to or removed (send a message with "help" in the body to for more information). IS Robotics Robots: Users' mailing list for those using or interested in the IS Robotics Robots. This list is read by members of the company, but is primarily intended for users wishing to contact each other. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Hero Robots: Hero-owners is a mailing list for owners of HERO robots. To subscribe to the list, send mail to with Subscribe Hero-owners in the message body. Questions or problems should be directed to Dave Goodwin <>. SPIE INFO-ROBO: INFO-ROBO is a mailing list from the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Membership in SPIE is not required to join the list. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to with the line subscribe info-robo in the message body. For an up-to-date list of SPIE listserver groups at any time, send the word LISTS to the same address. Autonomous Vehicle - Mine Counter Measure: The AV-MCM list is for discussion of the use of autonomous vehicles and associated work packages and control concepts in the tasks of mine (or hazardous materials) clearance on land, in the sea, or from the air and space. To subscribe to the list send a message to without a subject line and subscribe av-mcm your-email-address in the message body. For information on mail archives, type help instead. To talk to a human being send mail to Gary R. Porter <>.
Subject: [2-36] Simulated Annealing (formerly (Daniel R. Greening)) This mailing list is for discussion of simulated annealing techniques, analysis, and related issues such as stochastic optimization, Boltzmann machines, and metricity of NP-complete move spaces. Membership in this list is restricted to those doing active research in simulated annealing or related areas. The list itself is unmoderated. To subscribe to anneal, send the following in an email message to "": subscribe anneal This will subscribe the account from which you send the message to the anneal list. If you wish to subscribe another address instead (such as a local redistribution list), you can use a command of the form: subscribe anneal other-address@your_site.your_net To find out more about the automated server, send the following command to "": help If you feel you need to reach a human, send email to
Subject: [2-37] Simulation Gatewayed to the newsgroup comp.simulation. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to
Subject: [2-38] Symbolic Math Symbolic Math <leff%smu.uucp@UUNET.UU.NET> Gatewayed to the newsgroup sci.math.symbolic. Mailing list covering symbolic math algorithms, applications and problems relating to the various symbolic math languages. Mail to be forwarded to the list should be sent to (ARPANET/MilNet) or sci.math.symbolic (USENET). Requests to be included on the list should be sent to
Subject: [2-39] Theorem Provers This (unmoderated) list is intended for announcements of interest to people interested in automated theorem proving. To subscribe, send your email address to
Subject: [2-40] Case-Based Reasoning AI-CBR: AI-CBR is an e-mail forum for CBR researchers. Many of the companies developing, selling and supporting CBR tools such as ReMind, KATE, ReCall, CBR Express, and Esteem are members of the mailing list. The mailing list also carries other information of interest to CBR researchers. To join AI-CBR send a message to Ian Watson <>.
Subject: [2-41] Uncertainty John Mark Agosta's uncertainty mailing list is defunct, but the archives of the list can be found on A new list has replaced it. To subscribe, send mail to with subscribe uai in the message body.
Subject: [2-45] Vision Research The Vision List is a bidirectional gateway to the newsgroup. It provides copies of articles posted to the newsgroup in the form of weekly digests. Send submissions to All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Phil Kahn, the list's moderator, at <>. Archived in Color and vision research.
Subject: [2-50] Commercial Systems: Kappa PC, ... Kappa PC: Discussion list for users of Intellicorp's Kappa PC (a KBS/OOP/Windows application development package). The list is intended for discussion of any issues relevant to Kappa PC users, from OOP and KBS theory and practice to specific bugs or niggles with the product. A library of code and extensions to the product will be attached to the list. To join the list, send a message to containing the line: join ai-kappa-pc <firstname> <lastname> For further information, contact Andy Vann <>, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, UK, Tel (+44) 272 303030 x3312, Fax (+44) 272 303889.
Subject: [2-60] Miscellaneous: Artificial Morality, Kappa PC, OOP Frameworks Artificial Morality: This is a mailing list for discussion of Peter Danielson's book, "Artificial Morality: Virtuous Robots for Virtual Games" (Routledge, New York, 1992) and related issues. It explores theories of rational morality with Prolog. To join the list, send an email message to Frog Net: Frog Net is a mailing list for researchers interested in the behavior and underlying neural mechanisms of amphibians. To subscribe, send mail to Jim Liaw <>. Rough Sets: EBRSC is the Electronic Bulletin of the Rough Set Community. Its goal is to encourage the rapid dissemination of research related to the study of Rough Set Theory, as first introduced by Z. Pawlak (Z.Pawlak, "Rough Sets" Int. J. Inform. & Comput. Sci. 11:344-356, 1982.). If you would like to subscribe, please send a short note with your name and email address to Submissions should be sent to the same address. The archives of the bulletin are located at [] and include back issues of the Bulletin as well as data and software contributions and a bibliography. They are also available by gopher at The EBRSC is edited by Mike Hadjimichael <> and Robert Golan <>. HOTT: HOTT is a free monthly newsletter summarizing the latest developments in computer, communications, and electronics technologies, as reported in the popular press, trade magazines, research journals, mailing lists, and newsgroups. Topics will include VR, neural networks, PDAs, GUIs, intelligent agents, ubiquitous computing, genetic and evolutionary programming, nanotechnology, and massively parallel programming, among others. To subscribe, send mail to with SUBSCRIBE HOTT-LIST in the message body. If you need to speak to a human being, send mail to HOTT is edited by David Scott Lewis <>. Intelligent Control (INTCON): The INTCON (Intelligent Control) Special Interest Group is intended to provide a forum for communication and exchange of ideas among researchers in neuro-control, fuzzy logic control, reinforcement learning and other related subjects grouped under the topic of Intelligent Control. The emphasis is on application in control; by "intelligence" we mean using ideas, techniques and procedures inspired partly from biology, psychology, and so on. To subscribe to INTCON, send mail to INTCON is moderated by Mohammad Bahrami, School of Electrical Engineering, University of New South Wales, P. O. Box 1, Kensington, 2033, NSW Australia. CSGnet: The Control Systems Group Network (CSGnet) is a mailing list for folks interested in Perceptual Control Theory (PCT). PCT claims that a fundamental aspect of organisms is their ability to control their environment. To subscribe, send a message to with subscribe csg-l <name, affiliation, city, state> help get csg/Index in the message body. Several MS-DOS demonstration programs are available from the LISTSERV. If you need to speak to a human being about subscription problems, send mail to Gary Cziko <>, the network manager. Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS): The IDSS Mailing list aims to act as a forum to exchange ideas on the design, implementation and maintenance of Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS). IDSSs have proven to be successful at supporting complex decision making problems at all levels of an organisation. To subscribe to the IDSS mailing list, send e-mail to with the following line as the first and only line in the body of the message: subscribe IDSS <your-full-name> Do not include the brackets when specifying your full name. If you have any problems with using the IDSS mailing list please send e-mail to idss-request@socs.uts.EDU.AU The list is a free service provided by the IDSSs laboratory in the School of Computing Sciences at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). It is maintained by Andrew Blair <>. UNIPEN: SCRIB-L is a mailing list for on-line handwriting recognition. The main focus of the mailing list is to exchange data and benchmarks. The list is organized by Isabelle Guyon and Lambert Schomaker. Send mail to to be added to the mailing list. MET-AI: MET-AI is a mailing list concerned with applications of artificial intelligence to meteorology. Topics include applications of machine learning to weather forecasting, artificial neural networks in meteorology, automatic interpretation and analysis of satellite imagery, automatic synthesis of weather forecast texts, case-based reasoning and meteorology, expert systems and decision aids for weather forecasting, high-level interfaces to archives of meteorological data, and statistical pattern recognition. To subscribe, send an email message to with subscribe in the message body. MET-AI is an unmoderated mailing list. Problems and suggestions to Eric Jones <>. AI-NAT: Application of AI techniques to domains involving the natural world, including natural resource management, mining, water resources, defence, development planning and so on. To subscribe, send a message to containing the line subscribe ai-nat <your email address> OOP Frameworks: FWList@AOL.COM FWList is a moderated mailing list for discussion of Object Oriented Frameworks, including Taligent's framework-based system, Microsoft's MFC, and Apple's OpenDoc Parts Framework. To subscribe to the list send a message to FWList@AOL.COM, with the word subscribe in the subject line and your name and preferred e-mail address in the message body. Wisdom List: For CYC-like ontologies for story understanding, human activities in the real world, and especially interactive fiction and adventures. To join write to --- [ is moderated. To submit, just post and be patient, or if ] [ that fails mail your article to <>, and ] [ ask your news administrator to fix the problems with your system. ]

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