FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: [faq-maintainers] Is there anyone out there?


From: Nick Boalch (n.g.boalch@wanadoo.es)
Date: Mon Nov 26 2001 - 11:40:13 CST

James Andrewartha wrote:

> I've tried to get my FAQ approved by the *.answers moderators (it doesn't
> get thorugh the automatic FAQ checker because I'm crossposting to a
> moderated .announce newsgroup) two times, but in each case I have
> received no response from the several emails I've sent to
> news-answers-request@mit.edu. I was just sitting on this and hoping I'd
> get a response sooner or later, but a few days ago I got a bounce message
> saying one of my emails had not been collected after 30 days (funky
> demon.co.uk mailsystem). So, my question is, is anyone receiving mail at
> news-answers-request@mit.edu, or is it all effectively ending up in
> /dev/null?

It's being received but right at the minute we're back in a situation
where not much of it is being processed.

The state of play is this: of the currently active moderators, David is
not well, Duane is snowed under with work and I have just moved from
England to Spain (with all the stress that moving involves, augmented
by several factors of magnitude by doing it internationally).

I should be in a situation fairly soon where I can start moderating
again, and hopefully things will get back quickly to the stage we
were at a couple of months ago, where new requests were being
processed quickly while we worked gradually to clear the backlog
from the unfortunate no-active-moderators situation last year.


It doesn't pay to make predictions, sleeping on an unmade bed,
Finding out wherever there is comfort there is pain.
(Crowded House, "Four Seasons In One Day")

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