FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: My Procmail solution, was Re: [faq-maintainers] FAQ-based spam...


From: Coyt D. Watters (watters.10@osu.edu)
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 11:58:06 CST

On 19 Nov 2001, at 19:05, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

<cool procmail stuff deleted>

If your stuck using Win32, I heartily recommend Pegasus Email (www.pmail.com),
a very good mailer for Win32 which has a very flexible rules system for doing
exactly the same type filtering Nick is doing. I have it parse my email and
send messages to different folders (i.e. faq-maintainers and moderators-l are
sorted into appropriate folders), some spam is automatically dropped to the
wastebasket silently. If the message actually is TO: me specifically, it's
highlighted in one color, but if my name is in the text of the message, it's
highlighted a different color.

For the newsgroup I moderate, I installed a line at the beginning of the rules
which looks specifically at the headers for the string I AM NOT SPAM and
directs those messages to the moderation mailbox without any further sorting.
Regular users of that newsgroup know that including that line in their headers
(the keywords one works well) will get the message to me without undue delay.

The other feature I use extensively is selective email download, where Pegasus
will go to the server and retrieve only the headerlines of the messages. I can

then pick which are retrieved and which are deleted at the server without
reading. I've been using a particular account for all of my online
registrations, and check it selectively. Average day is 30+ spams and one-two
real messages from companies I legitimately opted-in on.

-Coyt Watters
"The internet, billions of electrons with nothing better to do."

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