FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: [faq-maintainers] FAQ-based spam...


From: Edward Reid (edward@paleo.org)
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 09:55:51 CST

At 3:43 PM +0100 11/20/01, Felix Rauch wrote:
>This is getting a bit off-topic, but just to clarify this: As far as I
>know SpamCop uses unique IDs as From-addresses when complaining about a
>spam. All replies to that unique address are then forwarded to the
>original complainer.

Only half right. Yes, SpamCop assignes a unique address (@spamcop.net)
for each report. But all replies to that address are HELD and are NOT
forwarded to the original complainer. Rather, SpamCop sends a response
to the replier saying they must take additional action to release the
email to the recipient -- which can be as simple as clicking on the

This system was put in place several months ago to screen out the
numerous auto-acks which result from reporting. Perhaps you are
familiar with the previous system, which indeed operated as you

Edward Reid

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