FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: [faq-maintainers] "MIME Digest" Considered Harmful (was Digest in Usenet Articles)


From: Andrew Gierth (andrew@erlenstar.demon.co.uk)
Date: Tue Jan 30 2001 - 19:52:45 CST

>>>>> "Kade" == Kade Hansson <kade_fh@postoffice.utas.edu.au> writes:

>> This is a valid MIME digest:
 Kade> [snip]

 Kade> Yuk!

I didn't say it was the simplest possible MIME digest. It was an
example that strictly conforms to the MIME spec while still remaining
as close as possible to minimal digest format.

 Kade> I agree with Tom. For newsreaders which ignore MIME, this is an
 Kade> unacceptable mess to force upon users. An FAQ is not a digest,
 Kade> was never intended to be a digest, and therefore I see no
 Kade> reason why it should now be turned into a digest.

Some FAQs are and have for many years been formatted in "minimal digest"
form or something similar. You might consult a few (the "Introduction
to *.answers" for example) to see what they look like.

No-one's forcing anyone to use a digest form if they don't want to. For
example, my own FAQ is not formatted as a digest.

 Kade> Thirty hyphens is a waste of bandwidth (for an FAQ with 100
 Kade> questions, this adds almost 3K), when possibly five is all one
 Kade> can really justify, and it also looks ugly and adds nothing to
 Kade> readability. The requirement of Subject tags to be prepended to
 Kade> questions is also a hodge-podge retrofit.

you're objecting to stuff which has been in widespread use for a very
long time....


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