Re: no MIME! plus *.answers update

From: Paul Hilling (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 16:09:20 CST

>From: David Alex Lamb <>

>>I've just taken over another FAQ from the previous maintainer (he no
>>longer has the time to maintain it). If I submit it now, what's the
>>queue time like?

>For submissions via the faq checker, the turnaround at the moment is: the
>next time I log in, currently once a week in a bad week or 3-4 times per
>week in a good week (this is a good week).

OK, how do I submit it to the FAQ checker? I've only posted or sent FAQ's
to the FAQ server direct.

>I did spot your stuff in our queue, so I suppose I could just pull it out
>and handle it as with the [submitted] ones,

Interesting, I shouldn't have anything in the queue. I've got one FAQ
that's autoposted by the penguin server, one I post myself (cos I don't post
it to *.answers), and the one I'm about to submit... So I'm wondering what
this one I have in the queue is? Is it really mine? <g>

>but - I'd rather avoid a flood of similar requests

I can understand that. <g>

> - the FAQ checker makes my job easier; if you pass the FAQ checker I
>just need to check the subject line and make sure the archive name makes
>sense (we're trying to stop adding top-level categories).

Actually I think the previous version (of the FAQ,
which is the one I've just taken over), is on Does pick
non *.answers posted FAQ's, or only ones that get approval?

Paul Hilling

New to ATX? Read the FAQ @ [Paul's Gabby Grotto]

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