Changing the Archive-name:


Guy Macon (
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 12:00:51 -0800

Let's say I have a two part FAQ with these headers:

Newsgroups: rec.pets.velociraptor,rec.answers,news.answers
Followup-To: alt.pets.velociraptor
Subject: alt.pets.velociraptor FAQ (1/2)
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
Archive-name: rec-pets/velociraptor/care-and-feeding
Last-modified: 12/31/99
Posting-Frequency: tri-fortnightly

...and part two is the same except for:

Subject: alt.pets.velociraptor FAQ (2/2)
Archive-name: rec-pets/velociraptor/avoiding-being-eaten

Now let's assume that those cute little 'raptors require little
care and feed themselves, but it takes a lot of effort to avoid
becoming a meal. Now I have a tiny part 1/2 and a huge part 2/2.

Let's say that I decide to change the archive names to:

Archive-name: rec-pets/velociraptor/part-1
Archive-name: rec-pets/velociraptor/part-2

This will allow me to split the FAQ near the middle.

How do I do this? I don't want to mess up the archives or
leave an obsolete FAQ with the old archive name hanging around.