Re: FAQ Server Error Help


D. Kirkpatrick (
Thu, 2 Apr 98 10:13:06 -0500

>I might have made an error or been unclear in the recent revisions to
>the FAQ server's help file. Could you let me know which parts led you
>astray, so I can fix them?

It may have been my interpretation.

I was trying to ADD, password, interval, and then specify an archive
name. It seemed to me that if you are sending a file to a directory
someplace you need to specify a filename. You might possibly state in
the text that for the parent post, specifying the archive name is not
required and is obtained from the data in the primary header one places
in the text area.

Also, while it does state so in the directions, you may also restate that
the "Expires:" line can be removed from the header because the server
will take care of that line based on the interval.

Given the very specific nature of the primary headers and "getting it
just right" I was hesitant to change anything because it was already
approved. I feared having to go through the approvals process again.