Fewer MIME problems now (but not none)


Pamela Greene (pgreene@optics.rochester.edu)
Tue, 7 Apr 1998 11:46:17 -0400 (EDT)

The mail software on rtfm was recently changed. The faq-server and
faq-checker still don't understand MIME, but now the mailer on rtfm
won't MIME-encode an incoming message, so if nobody between you and
rtfm encoded it the scripts shouldn't have any problems.

If you don't understand that last paragraph, don't worry about it. :)
If you do, feel free to update any files the faq-server is posting for
you that really need to have, for example, 8-bit characters, as long
as you can ensure that nobody else will encode them on the way.

- Pam